Originally posted on 06/16/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
The wall is just one example of his stupidity. He also told California farmers he will make water. I didn't know he had Native American blood.
You want me to criticize Hillary's absolute incompetence as a leader....how many days have you got. Hillary's not even a leader...she's just a lying criminal...she doesn't want to lead anything that's why her main and only focus is on the imaginary "war on women"...bc she has no real policies or plan bc she doesn't give a penetrate...it's payday for her many many many corporations and governments that have all lined up to generously pay 500k to here a feminist oyster speak for 5 minutes despite hating Democrats and feminist oysters.

He never said he'd make water...quit your lying...you've been listening to Hillary too much....TELL DA TOOTH (that really should have won an Oscar...blacks are right Hollywood IS racist).