Originally posted on 10/06/2015:

the thing that's bothersome is there are 30 chapters of lawyer jargon and only some of the politicians can read it and i doubt anyone has perused all 30 chapters. in addition, for those have skimmed through it, it's illegal for them to discuss about the bill.

wikileaks have released couple pages i presume and they are all bad for the general public.

this is a treasonous act done right in front of our faces.

and why is this not plastered on msm? aahhhh that's right these multinational corporations own the media. i say 90% of the public do not know what tpp is and it's deliberately made that way. instead of tpp, we're fed some bullshit gun control to fight among ourselves.

woodrow wilson and the federal reserve act of 1913 sold our nation to the international bankers.

obama is selling not only our nation but many nations to the multinational corporations.

things are looking grim but people get riled up about staged shootings instead of something that'll affect their lives for generations to come...