Originally posted on 04/30/2015:

You make 80+ threads a day it feels like and I have to read every damn one. This is the first one in awhile that not only did I burst out laughing when I saw the title but I agree 100%.

If you're going to Twitter to post picks for your devout followers, the only thing I ask is that you maim your dominant hand when doing so. Cut off a finger or two, stick your hand in acid, get your wife to run over it in your car... whatever it takes to make it that much harder for you to type out the begging email you'll send me - and you will as they ALL do - pleading to come back to SBR when you realise that your tout business ain't shit.

One of the highlights of my night... seeing guys literally offering anything and everything they have to be able to post here again. No pride as they're begging to be allowed back to an Internet forum ffs but wow do they think they have it all when they're "off to Twitter and their blog"