Originally posted on 01/20/2015:

every reasonable non-dal fan knows they wernt close to being the best team sporting that joke defense.. if rodgers wasnt on one leg he would have threw for 500 yards and 6 tds on those scrubs. so pathetic you crying bout the non=catch when the only reason your sorry team beat det was because the nfl mandated it.. why dont you talk about the fact they wernt even better than det if all things were being called equal?

for the last time sbr, you need to have a fanboy forum for all these irrational cheerleaders to post in so we dont have to be drowned in these asinine threads by these pom pom waving clowns every damn week..

maybe the funniest thing is you clowns actually think even if they got gifted yet another play and then scored that they would have won. when in actuality rodgers woulda went right down the field like he did all half and won the game anyways..