Originally posted on 07/16/2014:

you know at first i thought you were fukking around but i think you're serious, so i'm gonna give you a serious advice.

first of all, the key to getting chicks... you never attract who you want, you always attract who you are.

meaning, if you are depressed and feel miserable, you can only attract girls that are the same.

the thing about being a dude, even if you are ugly, you can still get chicks.

start working out like your life depends on it.

hey if you have an ugly face, complement that ugly mug with a body like a greek god.

if you start working out, you're see results and you'll start to eat healthy.

once you take these steps, your mind will be more clear and your outlook will get better.

healthy body, healthy mind, it's no joke. i can go into why that is due to chemicals in your body but i won't.

with chicks, it's all about confidence. try it for a month and see where it goes. gl