Originally posted on 12/15/2013:

tt... you had many opportunities to pay arun off but you selfishly chose not to.
This is documented FACT.
It's easy now to pay 2pts a day as a non pro Broke Dikk Fukk.
Being a good person is oft times doing the hard thing and fighting off one's selfish urges while accepting responsibility for one's commitments.
You've proven yourself to be a bad person by succumbing to your selfishness and rejecting your responsibility.
All documented FACTS I speak of.

If some foolish people chose to ignore these FACTS that's on them, and they are what's known in the psychology trade as Enablers.

If you want to mischaracterize me and somehow twist your poor morals into something about me, so be it.
Because I assure you anyone with a brain isn't buying your pathetic bait & switch tactics.

You have revealed yourself to be a Bad Person.