Originally posted on 11/14/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by PAULYPOKER View Post
Well it is EVIL middlemen insurance companies that are to blame........

However corporate power is absolute power over government........

Therefore healthcare for the people will continue to decline because of more profits over proper care...
No industry is 100% innocent Pauly, but I don't blame insurance companies. Yes they are a for profit business so the only fault I might find with them is packing legislation allowing one company to have a monopoly over a certain state or region. Outside of that they provide a much needed service and bear a huge risk. I'm all for allowing the cross state border purchases etc. I know I've had my beefs with Blue Cross over them being the only game in town at one time....but as far as coverage it was still a good plan for us overall.

I know you're a big anti-big business guy though so I can respect that opinion.