Originally posted on 09/29/2013:

seattle have the magics in the bottle. so much sexual milks on to face of houstons! whys?

is like the marriage. what happen? this what happen.

the wife make cry before wedding. but! who make cry after wedding? the man husband!
(and mans tells the wife: maybes you make the bitch, but I's still wants the vagina with good frequencies. let us make deal for more share of the vagina hot)

nows you still not make the understand! make listen now! I tells now! when lips of vagina make warm and make the wets, theys ready. when team make best defensing in world, they shows all the world. yes! it is so!

words? theys is like the dwarf. examples? theys is like the giant

defenseing of seattle make shows the example. is best. theys make like the giant.

nows! if make cry after game, who make want on the wedding!