Originally posted on 04/17/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by SamDiamond View Post
Chomsky preaches about "equal distribution of wealth and resources" and he has a 850,000 dollar home, and a 1.2 million dollar vacation home. Per Chomsky, everyone on SBR should have the same comforts as he has-- has he given you the keys to his home?

All money given to him by the US Military, the DOD, and the students of MIT that are being raped with tuition hikes.

The same tuition hikes he is crying about.

Yeah, Chomsky's not a hypocrite or anything...
Yes he is Hypocrite,but he is bold enough to tell the truth, knowing full well, the education $$$$$ machine can not be stopped............

College expansions and new, are being built all around the country as we speak......

It is the new industry of the corporate hoax, draining the youth dry,enslaving them for life,by new world design.............

The youth will learn to accept any slave job offer, given to them, with great gratitude...........