Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=17197636'>posted</a> on 12/20/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by dmtrader View Post
If you do happen to make a big score at an off shore book, you can EXPECT to be taken advantage of. They are off shore for a reason. At the very least they will severely restrict your gambling limits. And they will make it more and more difficult to get your money cashed out. That's what they are in business to do - keep your money.

If you deposit $ in offshore sportsbooks, you are taking a calculated risk. You want to gamble, so you take that risk. But you aslo have the risk of nvere seeign the $ returned to you.

Some people on SBR have stated they have lost up to $40,000 in their BI accounts. As always men tend to exaggerate their experience with women, how far they can hit a golf ball, and how much money they have won gambling - but let's believe them for discussion's sake. If you have $10's of thousands of $ in off shore accounts, you are indeed in danger of never seeing it again. There is no FDIC deposit insurance to fall back on, no legal recourse for you. Keep that in mind.
see that is the saddest part. I am one of the few honest gamblers in the world. I take my losses on the chin and I pay my debts to these offshore bookies. I don't take any bonuses or try to charge back on my deposits when I lose. I lose, it sucks, and I try again. For me it is like a chess game that I can not seem to win. I don't bet extraordinarily large amounts because I can not afford to lose a lot of money, but the few hundred I do toss around here and there means a lot to me. I am trying to win a game that has the odds stacked severely against me, and I am well aware of this fact. All I ask in return is if I do manage to get my head out in front while crossing the finish line, is that I get what is owed to me. And I don't think that is asking too much.