Originally posted on 12/19/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by Derp View Post
How does anyone even know at this point who is posting with the Betislands handle and at what point Jon may have stopped??? I'm just saying, how?
From what I've read of his posts they sound "scripted" and seem designed to establish a narrative that everyone reacts to. Problem, reaction solution.

Problem - BI is out of business. Foreseen by some, ignored by most.
Reaction - Everyone freaks out on Jon and his questionable morals while in the meantime no one knows where the money is (EZ/7red). SBR posters revolt and start accusing their own watchdog as being complicit in the theft or at least profiting from it. Much drama ensues and many heads are called for (few if any delivered)
Solution - SBR/EZ/7red et al. blame everything on Jon. They even impersonate him on the forums to lay the ground work for their marvelous solution. Jon/BI "well known mystery financial backers" take the fall, the puppet masters take all the money and SBR offers some kind of excuse as to why players must now turn their BI balances over 10 to the nth power in a bail out scheme or simply accept the fact that they are SOL. (I predict the latter)

Everyone feels shitty for those of you who got burned. Those talking about revenge and making threats would be better off not posting that stuff, just saying.
Great post...especially the last line!