
I think some of the frustration by US players about the sportsbook cash is that when we've asked for an update from Lou, SBR John, etc., all we get is "nothing new. We'll let you know when we have something."

Now, while that very well may be true...if feels like we're being stone-walled. It would be nice if we could get some idea of WHEN a decision would be reached. Now, I know lawyers bill by the hour. And sometimes the wheels of progress grind slowly. But if SBR could give us an idea of, at least, approximately when an announcment will be made, it would certainly be seen as a "good faith gesture".

I'm not a lawyer, but it seems pretty obvious to me that sportsbook cash either is or isn't against US laws and SBR either is or isn't at risk for offering sportsbook cash to US memebers. I'm sure SBR has good lawyers. It's been about 45 days since the "embargo" on sportsbook cash for US players went into effect. How long does it take SBR's good lawyers to come to a decision on what appears to be a straight forward question?
