Now I know by now it is no secret the walking joke that is Goat Milk. I would never take the time to dig up all his off season threads but during the off season you couldnt mention the NBA without goat telling you he was the best NBA Capper that ever lived. This season he has put samsncharge99 to absolute shame. Goat had one of the worst NBA seasons i have ever seen anyone have.

Now his recent claim to fame is that he picked the Heat at the start of the season. I mean lets take a step back and laugh at how awesome of a statement that is. Way to go out on a limb Goat. He has already lost bets in this series alone, but following the worst season this board has seen in a we get an entire off season of

"I didnt have a bad NBA season, I picked the Heat to win it all before the season even started. Im the best NBA capper on the board. "