1. #1
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    PETA's going after Asmussen

  2. #2
    cutchemist42's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Yeah, paints a very bad picture.....makes me feel bad for loving the sport.....

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    I think we all would like for this stuff to get cleaned up and hopefully it will, at least to a certain degree. With that being said, PETA are a bunch of lunatics! I truly think their hearts are in the right place, but they never go about anything the right way and I can't support them because of that even though I am a huge animal lover.

    Hopefully the state where this was recorded is a state with laws against recording audio of people without their knowledge and the person who did it will be prosecuted!

  4. #4
    unusialsusp5's Avatar SBR PRO
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    PETA successfully ended greyhound racing in New England states with their incessant interference. maybe there was some abuse but they overreacted as usual and are hell bent on destroying thoroughbred racing as well. need group to destroy PETA somehow. i say prosecute the abusers but don't take the whole industry down.

  5. #5
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    asmussen had one drop over after the wire at oaklawn today, ridden by satanna (finesse).....this will not end well.

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    Eddy Munny
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    Wait a minute here. Are you guys saying what I think you're saying? That this Assmushen guy had sex with horses behind the bleachers at the racetrack? Is that what you heathens do in your spare time? This "sport" is just a cover for bestial tendencies? You sickos probably use horsey sauce on your Arby's classics.

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    work on that schtick/don't quit your day job.....douche bag.

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    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by cecil127 View Post
    work on that schtick/don't quit your day job.....douche bag.
    Aww........look at that little jockey with his little weenie all pushed up his arse. You're no better than Michael Vick, worse in fact, because at least he could throw a football.

  9. #9
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    dr sig freud would have a field day with your replies.....right to the homo stuff, eh?. says a lot about you dip chit.

  10. #10
    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by cecil127 View Post
    dr sig freud would have a field day with your replies.....right to the homo stuff, eh?. says a lot about you dip chit.
    You're not very bright are you. My previous post referred not to "homo stuff," but your uptight, anal, stick-in-the-mud disposition. I made a joke, you went on the defense. I call you a stiff, you're so dense it flies right over your concrete skull. Not my problem.

    Yeah, Freud would have a field day with me. I take that as a compliment. But Jane Goodall would have a field day with YOU on account of the fact that you obviously have the learning capacity of an ape.

    Now go nurse on some donkey dong........... There you go fella. I threw you a bone. It's a homo joke and a bestiality joke all wrapped up in one flavorful enchilada of tasteless humor. Now have at it with your weak attempts for the last word.

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    any chance you wanna say that chit to my face? yea, just as I thought closet case seeking attention...run along. right into traffic, mmmmkay wittle boy w/ no friends.

    *pizzy case yuor bracket blew up in your face already? LMAO!

    "Worst case scenario I place somewhere in the top 20 and pocket 100k."

    ever think maybe nizzle hockey (roundball) isnt "your game"? LMAO!
    Last edited by cecil127; 03-23-14 at 06:33 AM.

  12. #12
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    I'd normally just call PETA a terrorist organization and ignore whatever they say but if that article is near right maybe they have a point here.

    I guess it's partly a symptom of a dieing industry and lack of funds but US racing will be destroyed if they continue to not follow worlds best practice with horse care.

  13. #13
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    not getting pretty either:


  14. #14
    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by cecil127 View Post
    any chance you wanna say that chit to my face? yea, just as I thought closet case seeking attention...run along. right into traffic, mmmmkay wittle boy w/ no friends.

    *pizzy case yuor bracket blew up in your face already? LMAO!

    "Worst case scenario I place somewhere in the top 20 and pocket 100k."

    ever think maybe nizzle hockey (roundball) isnt "your game"? LMAO!
    You're getting dumber with each reply. Why are you still trying? I think you're just flattered that I took the time to respond to your shit thread, even if it was a troll shot. If it wasn't for me, there'd be nothing but crickets in here. Any attention is good attention right? Sure, I'll say it to your face..........................when you hand me my burger and fries through the drive-thru window.

    Look at you, all up in my previous posts. Doing a background dig are you? Everything check out Sherlock? You must be really butthurt if you're trying to razz me about my bracket. Good luck with that. That whole thread was tongue in cheek, but I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand that. You probably wear Velcro shoes you big dumb ape.

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    yup....pizzed about nizzle hockey....cecil127 shoots, cecil127 scores .....run along "wanna be Voltaire"....you and your lil nutty buddy pronk have 911 conspiracy's to conjure up....LMAO!
    Last edited by cecil127; 03-23-14 at 04:57 PM.

  16. #16
    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by cecil127 View Post
    yup....pizzed about nizzle hockey....cecil127 shoots, cecil127 scores .....run along "wanna be Voltaire"....you and your lil nutty buddy pronk have 911 conspiracy's to conjure up....LMAO!
    Keep editing your stupid posts. You must be really self-conscious that your idiocy is showing. Keep rummaging through my old posts. I can see you're becoming a fan. Aren't you a little old to be fawning over another man's s message board banter? Get it together you groupie. You're gonna embarrass your horse whipping cohorts, and that's saying something.

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    coming from a "truther" such as yourself that means a whole, whole lot...LMAO!

    you seem to be the "fan" in this thread....dontchya think?

    anywhere around philly by chance mr attention starved?

  18. #18
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    What, you want me to sign something for you? Get off my jock. Only in a fvcking horse racing thread can the topic derail this much and the OP still clings to whatever pulse exists. You need to get out of the barn more often.

  19. #19
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    wait, you come into this thread and chit it up with your lame attempt at homo humor, call me a stalker for looking up a few of your posts (BECAUSE I NEVER PHUKKIN HEARD OF YA PAL!!!!!) then try to blame the topic getting derailed on me....? I mean, really bro? ahhh hell, WTF am I bothering with you (some ass clown that would take up the argument that 911 was an inside job of some sort) for anyway....ur a total head case. lucky us you landed here in the horse forum...lol

  21. #21
    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by cecil127 View Post
    wait, you come into this thread and chit it up with your lame attempt at homo humor, call me a stalker for looking up a few of your posts (BECAUSE I NEVER PHUKKIN HEARD OF YA PAL!!!!!) then try to blame the topic getting derailed on me....? I mean, really bro? ahhh hell, WTF am I bothering with you (some ass clown that would take up the argument that 911 was an inside job of some sort) for anyway....ur a total head case. lucky us you landed here in the horse forum...lol
    Well for people like you the horse forum doubles as a sex advice forum. You consider taking "Seabiscuit" around the track as foreplay. What goes on behind the haystack, stays behind the haystack.

    What you got Stockholm Syndome? I hijack your thread and now you're sweet on me? GTFOutta here. I sure as hell ain't looking at your old posts. But you on the other hand.......reading me up and down like the latest New York Times bestseller.

    If you're so keen on the 911 issue, you should have posted in that thread when it was current. I can't imagine you'd have had anything original to add. Just another sheep who sticks to the official word like glue. Fancy that, a sheep who likes horses. You quadrupeds sure stick together don't ya.

  22. #22
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    I think we all know who's got the hots for the other here.....just cant seem to leave this cecil127 thread, eh? who ya want me to make tis one out to kid? (*breaks out a pen*)

  23. #23
    Eddy Munny
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    ^^^ That right there sounded like your swan song....sheer desperation, reaching out for life raft of any kind, highlighted by the blatant rip-off of the autograph dig I had already used on YOU in this very thread. Congrats, you're officially buried.

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    congrats, youre an official sicko...LMAO!

    and I quote:

    Weeder, practice sex on Grandma late nights while she lies asleep. The last thing you wanna do is score some fine bird at the discotheque and be ill-prepared in the sack. Get a few reps in on Grandma just to acclimate yourself to the thrust of the hips. If she happens to awake mid-coitus, just tell her you're frantically searching for a contact lense. Elderly people will believe anything.

    BURIED? don't tell me youd chase cheap thrills with a shovel....homo/granny/necro..I see a pattern developing....LMAO

    such an easy read....

  25. #25
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    how long have you been a member of PETA? why the sudden interest in the horse forum? or is it just for lil ol cecil127 as I had originally suspected? since I KNOW you will be back and all...

  26. #26
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    Not a member of PETA. Being my fanboy and all, you should know this.

    It's obvious you thoroughly enjoy reading my posts. At first I was half-kidding about the groupie thing. But now I'm dead serious.

    I'm done with you. You're already buried and fail to amuse me anymore. You simply don't have the wits to keep up. No wonder you hang out in the horse forum. It's like the special ed of SBR.

  27. #27
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    i wasn't trying to amuse you in the first place...obviously you took an interest in cecil127 & came in here fawning all over me in your super don juan style, remember?
    I do a lil scouting and all of a sudden youre convinced im "sweet on you"...lol

    sorry I missed you calling me a "stiff"...I guess that's where you became the jilted (necro) stalker and went ape-chit on this thread.

    now get back to making up in depth stories about what youre thinking about doing to someones grandmother you classless piece of chit, and leave us "special eds" to our forum that (sick) folks like you hopefully avoid like the plague,mmmmmkay wittle guy.

    thanks for trying though & god speed with your sexual hang-ups and 911 truther theories! LMAO!!

  28. #28
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    ^^^^ Fail........like every one of your previous responses. "Scouting"......pfft, yeah fvcking right. Who are you kidding? This isn't the NFL combine. All the info you needed to respond to my posts in this thread were conveniently assembled right here IN THIS THREAD. That's kinda how it works. If you wanna read my posts, fine. But you're following me around like it's a goddamn Twitter account. So yeah, you're a fanboy.

    And taking my posts from an entirely different board out of context isn't even clever. If that's all you got, then you clearly have nothing.

    And again with the 9/11 shit..........if you wanna start a thread on that, you're more than welcome. Otherwise shut it. Just calling me a "conspiracy theorist" and then following it up with your fruity little emoticons or an "LOL" doesn't make you cool, and it certainly doesn't make you correct. Until you can contribute something to the conversation beyond mere posturing, then I'll assume you're just another brainwashed fucktard who waits with an open mouth for his opinion to be GIVEN TO HIM by anyone willing to do what you apparently can't............think for yourself.

    Forever buried.

  29. #29
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    Btw, it's "shit" not "chit"..........dumbass.

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    Thinks the gubment was in on 911
    posts in a cecil127 thread then convinces himself he's the object of another mans attention because he was exposed as a homo/tryther/necro

    Notice a pattern puddwacker?
    Delusional MUCH???

  31. #31
    Eddy Munny
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    Honest question, who do you love more, me or the horses?

  32. #32
    James D
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    I'd normally just call PETA a terrorist organization and ignore whatever they say but if that article is near right maybe they have a point here.

    I am with you, I can't stand PETA 95% of the time. However If they have proof of these allegations screw both trainers and get them off the track. Asmussens name was on the HOF ballot until this story broke, it's now off. Asmussens has won over 200 million In purses and had most victories in a year 5 of last 11. If he abuses horses throw him out for good.

    Zayat stables a HUGE racing stable with 200 runners just dumped Asmussen.

  33. #33
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    btw is "money" not "munny"....dipchit

    *just cant leave the guys thread that u think is "sweet on you", eh? (*more delusional evidence)

  34. #34
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    A. You didn't answer my question.

    B. Names do not carry any spelling prerogatives.

    C. Incessant use of smiley face emoticons is the mark of a mentally challenged individual, or a pedophile.

    D. At this point, you're just responding as an excuse to bump your own thread..........admit it.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by James D View Post
    I am with you, I can't stand PETA 95% of the time. However If they have proof of these allegations screw both trainers and get them off the track. Asmussens name was on the HOF ballot until this story broke, it's now off. Asmussens has won over 200 million In purses and had most victories in a year 5 of last 11. If he abuses horses throw him out for good.

    Zayat stables a HUGE racing stable with 200 runners just dumped Asmussen.
    theyre running away like he was on fire....but he'll still manage to eek out a living.

    & I guess speddy money answered my question....with more questions. LOL "" (cause u love it and keeps u here apparently!)

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