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    monday bases

    * = one unit

    *Single (8-10)(-2.49)
    **Double (3-1)(+3.30)
    ***Triple (0-1)(-3.00)
    ****Homerun (1-1)(+076)
    Parlays (1-6)(-4.94)
    Runlines (2-1)(+1.05)
    Totals (2-0)(+2.00)

    Overall Record (17-20)(-3.32)

    2-4 dropping 0.94 units on Saturday. Was way to hung over on Sunday to think about playing. Will not be home until probably close to 7:00, so I am posting these earlier than normal.

    Tampa Bay +105 vs. Boston (single)……..Tampa just to good to keep losing to these over rated Redsox. With these being a 11:00 start I also now have a reason to check the scoreboard while at work. LOL

    Washington -1.5 (-110) vs. Houston (single)

    Detroit -1.5 (-115) vs. Kansas City (single)

    Normally I would have put Wash & Detroit together on a parlay, but those have been killing me splitting them all the time. I decided I am better off going with the runlines. With two great pitchers going they have a very good shot at winning by at least two and if I split those two games I will not lose as much. I generally when laying 1.5 runs you get them at plus something.

    San Francisco +101 vs. Phillies (single)…….This might be the first time I have even gone against Roy Halladay. When he struggles he struggles early and with Lincecum throwing, who always pitches well vs. the Phils. How often can you get Lincecum at home as a dog as well. I don’t think the Phillies cold bats are going to warm up against this guy.

    I think that is it for today. Not in love with any of these, so they are all one unit plays. Too many obvious winners out there today, so better go light or lay off altogether.

    Good Luck Everybody!!

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