1. #2276
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    Quote Originally Posted by raydog View Post
    you might be the biggest fukking moron in this thread...i take it back, you are.... for all that "in depth" studying you have done, you still dont have the slightest idea about the theory or why it works... please go watch a youtube or something and at least grasp the basics because you sound like a complete idiot....

    and no, atheist dont lie.. we offer facts and ask questions... and yes , we do not like religion, but that does not mean we dont like religious people... religious people dont like atheist... you see the difference and bigotry? ...

    atheist rely on facts, proven facts, that are presented to us by science... Atheist dont wash and they are only able to think Simple thoughts? dude, what the fukk are you even talking about... atheist are the only ones that are asking the questions... xtians gave up critical thinking when their gullible parents forced them into believing in the fictional book of lies... atheist are the furthest things from simpletons that you will ever meet... man are you lost .. would a simpleton keep asking questions and searching or the unknown? no, a simpleton believes what they are forced or threatened to believe and leave it there...atheists need facts... your ridiculous faith, prayer and miracles, all proven whoreshit.. show me some proof of something and we can talk...except you cant and you are too brainwashed to even go searching when something in your mind says "ya know, this isnt logical and it simply cant happen" goddamn you are completely illiterate on the subject

    lets be totally honest.. science absolutely killed the bible and quran and their god theories a long ass time ago.. anyone still believing it its debunked miracles and completely irrational fables, is a mental midget... believing in things, that have already been proven to be IMPOSSIBLE, is something that even children laugh at you about...
    ray you've gotta do something else besides call the man ignorant. None of the name calling will help your argument. I ask questions raydog, I wasn't a christian most of my life. You thinking I just accept something without it being verified is true, because the explanations given weren't acceptable to me, though through this faith of believing what my heart said was right has been confirmed many times over, so yes something that started as blind faith is now set on a rock like in my avatar, that theory of evolution is the sand castle dissolving in the sea. The fact is life goes past what the eye can see and once you can understand this, you'll be better off.

    As I said a few times, it doesn't matter if you believe or not, people in powerful positions do and you will be effected indirectly. Choose a side, either ride for good or go with evil, but know what your doing be educated, knowledgable and aware, if you think this is all smoke, that's up to you. If you want to think the majority of people who believe in God are just dumb, that would be a foolish decision to pass that thought.

    There are some sick demented people raydog, there are also some very beautiful people, you can't deny this, I don't think your an evil person raydog, so instead of calling prayer silly, why don't you try it.

  2. #2277
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    "We found no support for any of the predictions of the optimal size theory." "The concept of a single optimal body size is not supported by the data that were thought most likely to show it." "It is remarkable that this theory fails to apply under the circumstances which best match its predictions (on islands)."-- Raia, Pasquale, Francesco Carotenuto, Shai Meiri. 2010. One size does not fit all: no evidence for an optimal body size on islands. Global Ecology and Biogeography, Vol. 19, pp. 475-484.

    Evolutionists claim to rely only on natural forces, but natural forces cannot design and build new plants and animals. So they add magical thinking, the perfect description of the evolutionist mind.

    Some would call evolutional " facts " magical thinking...

  3. #2278
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    Alright brainfreeze. Show me 1 picture of you and Jesus together and I might believe you. Not no BS scriptures from a book that has been rewritten many times; even by the Romans 300 years after the supposed death of Jesus.

    Christmas is not even Jesus's real birthday. The guy was born in the spring time. There was a show on TBN a long time ago showing a Christian astronomer even verifying this.

    Christmas is a false holiday. It's a pagan holiday that's made up. My question is to you; how can you believe a book (with no actual physical proof on top of that) that has been rewritten by men many times and the Romans?

    It's watered down BS. You mean to tell me your that gullible to believe what men 2000 years ago wrote in a book? Those men are no better than us either. I can make up a fkin BS book praising RayDog as my lord and savior. Does this mean he will be a God 2000 years from now? It sure would seem like it.

    Also, there have been over 10,000 documented gods through time. What are the odds you're right about what you say (also with no proof at all)? Not no feely, mushy heart BS you feel inside about your God. I'm talking about real fking proof. Not in your head proof.

  4. #2279
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAntFather View Post
    Alright brainfreeze. Show me 1 picture of you and Jesus together and I might believe you. Not no BS scriptures from a book that has been rewritten many times; even by the Romans 300 years after the supposed death of Jesus.

    Christmas is not even Jesus's real birthday. The guy was born in the spring time. There was a show on TBN a long time ago showing a Christian astronomer even verifying this.

    Christmas is a false holiday. It's a pagan holiday that's made up. My question is to you; how can you believe a book (with no actual physical proof on top of that) that has been rewritten by men many times and the Romans?

    It's watered down BS. You mean to tell me your that gullible to believe what men 2000 years ago wrote in a book? Those men are no better than us either. I can make up a fkin BS book praising RayDog as my lord and savior. Does this mean he will be a God 2000 years from now? It sure would seem like it.

    Also, there have been over 10,000 documented gods through time. What are the odds you're right about what you say (also with no proof at all)? Not no feely, mushy heart BS you feel inside about your God. I'm talking about real fking proof. Not in your head proof.
    I never said it was, perfect example why you should do your own research and not listen to what the world tells you. The Bible specifies men in the fields during the birth of Christ. If it was in winter people would not be tending to the flocks in fields. Some say spring, idk..

    As for proof, there's supernatural things I've witnessed, there's my testimony, scripture, history correlation, the presence of good and evil that no one can deny. Hebrews have been around since beginning of human history, I'm sure there's more in Egypt about there history that intermingles with Egyptian bloodlines even Moses who was found drifting in water by Egyptian royalty.

    If you studied the scriptures more carefully you might understand why these words couldn't have been thought up by mere man. Paul wrote a lot of the New Testament and not only obtained the Spirit of God but understood it and was able to describe with this gift, all of the apostles who walked with Christ agreed what Paul was teaching was in accord of the teaching of Christ and was able to magnify that upon the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    The proof is there once your willing to humble yourself, ask forgiveness, talk to God, and let Him work in your life, He will, and it's amazing, never seen anything like it, and what one would call coincidence after repetitive situations, I would call purposeful, there's purpose for situations. Hopefully one day a situation will present itself that you can truly know for yourself.
    Last edited by brainfreeze; 09-30-15 at 04:40 PM.

  5. #2280
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    Quote Originally Posted by raydog View Post

    atheist dont lie.. we offer facts and ask questions... and yes , we do not like religion, but that does not mean we dont like religious people... religious people dont like atheist... you see the difference and bigotry? ...
    Raydog I dont even know you. Where do you get all these assumptions of yours. I find it hard to believe you have never lied in your life. Maybe i am not religious enough but I have never met you so how would you know I dont like you. You might be a cool dude to have a beer with. I like other people that dont go to church. I like the way you say you like religious people but they are all idiots, morons, and whatever else you have called us. So you dont believe in God. You are not the only one. I really dont care. Let it go.

    Oh and one other thing about your science claims. Scientist dont always agree on every theory. They can skew the numbers to make it fit the outcome they might want. See global warming.

  6. #2281
    Not interested....
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  7. #2282
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsamazing777 View Post
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    Funny, & Interesting ... Buddy of mine wanted me to go sky diving last week end.
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    Itsamazing777 gave brainfreeze 2 Betpoint(s) for this post.

  8. #2283
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    Gods real... Go out and look at the grasp that evil has on people and then look at the ones among the chaos who walk in peace knowing what's going on around them. This is the game of life and everyone has a role. When a guy signs up for the army he must know what he's getting involved in, he can die for the army. Well I signed up for God and would risk my life for that. Even if you don't believe in a higher power, a good and evil, the people running the show do, so you will be effected indirectly. They want to lock away your minds and hearts to nothing of value. Just watch tv, movies, play games, watch games, go to parties, back to work, more games, they keep you moving so you don't have time to think, sit back for a second and put some things in perspective and you tell me.... If Gods real. ..bg
    Thank you for your comment. Very refreshing with some good insight.

    Look up Jim Marrs on YouTube for the truth about evil.

    I didn't create this life so therefore I'm thankful. I want a relationship with Christ and I would like to be protected with grace by the holy spirit.
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  9. #2284
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    Quote Originally Posted by onemoregoal View Post
    there is no god.
    he waited, what, 3.5 BILLION years after creating earth and we are all supposed to believe in god?
    did dinousaurs believe in god, too? cos they didnt end very well and ultimately the human race wont end well, either.
    Your going to think I'm an imbecile but please watch a youtube video by Ken Hovind (Hovand) about how old the earth is. You might be extremely surprised by his analysis which he presents by facts.

  10. #2285
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    This is a great post.

    I see the people who struggle to believe in a creator base their foundation on the earths age, dinosaurs, bad happening to good people, and George Carlin.

    I would challenge people with these views to either youtube dumbing down of America or buy the book, watch a video by Ken Hovand (hovind) on dinosaurs and the earths age, and realize that life is a gift given by the creator and that you must be loved to be able to have this experience.

    Life in flesh right now is not an eternal thing. Like good vs evil, so there is also life vs death. People perpetuate fear by the idea of death. We are meant to be free and to live forever but the moment men started to think about death fear crept in.

    We humans are over run by fear because of the unknown thought of what happens and how will my loved ones live with out me or how will you live with out them.

    To learn to love is the best thing there is and for God to give us this life is awesome. I say this to you all not because I live an awesome life because my life is far from desirable, but I say it because it's important.

    What we learn in school is not the truth. I know that is hard to understand. What we see on the news is them headed toward their agenda. The news is not the truth all the time. It is a way they manipulate us.

    Don't hate Iraq, don't hate Russia, north Korea, China, Mexico or anyone. For the most part they are people j us t like us. Hate, war, death sucks but they do not prove there is no God.

  11. #2286
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    I don't see how there can't be.

  12. #2287
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    Quote Originally Posted by drthethird View Post
    Thank you for your comment. Very refreshing with some good insight.

    Look up Jim Marrs on YouTube for the truth about evil.

    I didn't create this life so therefore I'm thankful. I want a relationship with Christ and I would like to be protected with grace by the holy spirit.
    Thank you, and God bless you

  13. #2288
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    Ralph Epperson - awesome presentation, I recommend folks to watch this presentation. Pretty long but pretty accurate with information.

  14. #2289
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    your proof of a god is a piece of ancient literature.. a piece that has been rewritten and reinterpreted more times than its possible to count and has been brutally debunked, at every corner, by modern science ..t denying facts of evolution and teaching creationism , simply makes you ignorant and a danger to young minds... mentally fukking kids with this dumb shit, in 2015, is one of the worst things a person can do.. you are mentally scarring people for life by instilling this ridiculous mental illness...

  15. #2290
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    Quote Originally Posted by raydog View Post
    your proof of a god is a piece of ancient literature.. a piece that has been rewritten and reinterpreted more times than its possible to count and has been brutally debunked, at every corner, by modern science ..t denying facts of evolution and teaching creationism , simply makes you ignorant and a danger to young minds... mentally fukking kids with this dumb shit, in 2015, is one of the worst things a person can do.. you are mentally scarring people for life by instilling this ridiculous mental illness...
    My proof lives in the now, though ancient documents verify it true, historians of the day declared it TRUE, all the relic are all over the world, more ...." Proof " it happened just as the good book says it happened and no one can refute it ...period, it's withheld the test of time, so your assertions are that of someone who doesn't know any better, I'm sure God is waiting on you to open the door of your heart raydog... Try it, God bless

  16. #2291
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    you have a mental illness, bf.. plain and simple... you deny facts and believe in debunked accounts of history .. there is 0 evidence to prove a god from a holy book and an obscene amount of proven evidence that contradicts it entirely... the choice is always yours, but you have an illness... trusting in rewritten ancient hearsay, from those who never even met the main fictional characters of the bible, is ridiculous, even for a child... there is always an explanation and a god is never it... until you learn to distinguish fact from fiction, you are doing nothing but spreading ancient lies and looking rather foolish doing so... i hope you get better.. there is no god, but i hope someone can help you and others with the same disease
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  17. #2292
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    Quote Originally Posted by raydog View Post
    you have a mental illness, bf
    Only ones ill and confused is this shallow world filled with pedohiles, homos, and killers. The world is sick, suing business owners and make them lose their business because someone's confused with themselves. Child abuse, molestation, rape, turning good girls into prostitutes and turning men gay " with children ". The world is SICK raydog...not me. I know me, I'm willing to live and die with me and what I hold valuable. If you want to believe there is no God, it's on you, it's a personal choice that you will have to live with.

  18. #2293
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    The ground burned and swallowed up those who tried to rebuild the Third Temple
    in A.D. 363. Now, prominent rabbi says "the Messiah" is coming soon. Watch Out
    because he won't be the messiah at all !

  19. #2294
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    Quote Originally Posted by raydog View Post
    you have a mental illness, bf.. plain and simple... you deny facts and believe in debunked accounts of history .. there is 0 evidence to prove a god from a holy book and an obscene amount of proven evidence that contradicts it entirely... the choice is always yours, but you have an illness... trusting in rewritten ancient hearsay, from those who never even met the main fictional characters of the bible, is ridiculous, even for a child... there is always an explanation and a god is never it... until you learn to distinguish fact from fiction, you are doing nothing but spreading ancient lies and looking rather foolish doing so... i hope you get better.. there is no god, but i hope someone can help you and others with the same disease
    Exactly, well said my brother. The mother of my kids is a Christian and she tries to pollute their minds with garbage and take them to church. But, I always tell my kids to only believe what they see ONLY and they are catching on well. They always ask me, "Daddy, do you believe in god or yourself?" I say, ofcourse I believe in myself and ya'll should believe in yourselves too. You can do anything in life if you believe in yourself. I always tell them to never believe what they can't see. They make me proud.

    There is hope for the young kids; you just have to teach them when they're young, and don't wait until they're in full retard and full brainfk mode when they get older like brainfreeze. That guy is gone, no returning to logic for him.

  20. #2295
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAntFather View Post
    Exactly, well said my brother. The mother of my kids is a Christian and she tries to pollute their minds with garbage and take them to church. But, I always tell my kids to only believe what they see ONLY and they are catching on well. They always ask me, "Daddy, do you believe in god or yourself?" I say, ofcourse I believe in myself and ya'll should believe in yourselves too. You can do anything in life if you believe in yourself. I always tell them to never believe what they can't see. They make me proud.

    There is hope for the young kids; you just have to teach them when they're young, and don't wait until they're in full retard and full brainfk mode when they get older like brainfreeze. That guy is gone, no returning to logic for him.
    At least your talking to your children, that's good.... Fatherless society, sad. Tell them what you like, it's your children.

  21. #2296
    I don't believe you ... please continue
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    darwinism vs evolution. Great watch. Very interesting people's reactions to the question.

  22. #2297
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    Quote Originally Posted by drthethird View Post
    This is a great post.

    I see the people who struggle to believe in a creator base their foundation on the earths age, dinosaurs, bad happening to good people, and George Carlin.

    I would challenge people with these views to either youtube dumbing down of America or buy the book, watch a video by Ken Hovand (hovind) on dinosaurs and the earths age, and realize that life is a gift given by the creator and that you must be loved to be able to have this experience.

    Life in flesh right now is not an eternal thing. Like good vs evil, so there is also life vs death. People perpetuate fear by the idea of death. We are meant to be free and to live forever but the moment men started to think about death fear crept in.

    We humans are over run by fear because of the unknown thought of what happens and how will my loved ones live with out me or how will you live with out them.

    To learn to love is the best thing there is and for God to give us this life is awesome. I say this to you all not because I live an awesome life because my life is far from desirable, but I say it because it's important.

    What we learn in school is not the truth. I know that is hard to understand. What we see on the news is them headed toward their agenda. The news is not the truth all the time. It is a way they manipulate us.

    Don't hate Iraq, don't hate Russia, north Korea, China, Mexico or anyone. For the most part they are people j us t like us. Hate, war, death sucks but they do not prove there is no God.
    Bump ...

  23. #2298
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bankroll First View Post
    God is real Boston Gambler. Pray my friend, and I'll pray for you. We were created with free choice, and not made to be computers. Love brings forth trust, and if that trust isn't returned, there is a consequence. God reveals himself to everyone. Some people may ask what kind of all-loving God would give you an option of good or evil? Well then my question to you would be..... if you love someone, and they choose to leave the relationship your in with them, do you force them to stay with you? No friend. I am glad to be given the opportunity to share a quote from Nikola Tesla, the inventor of 111 patents; Tesla is namely known for his discovery and innovative use of the altering current and wireless "free" energy. "The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power. My Mother had taught me to seek all truth in the Bible; therefore I devoted the next few months to the study of this work." - Nikola Tesla.

    I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for forgiving my sins, and helping me realize what is important when I came and prayed.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I hope you have a great day friend.
    Bump ... Thankful for these types of post, God bless

  24. #2299
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    you are praying to yourself... there is no biblical god and no matter how much brainwashed faith you have, it will never exist... stop ignoring proven facts that debunk holy books...geez

    prove something that hasnt been scientifically debunked... thats all an atheist asks... prove something.. unfortunately , its impossible.. so the religious continue to be gullible fools, mentally fukk their kids with proven bible (other holy book) bullshit , create war, spread ignorant hypocritical hate and spread their mental illness whenever and wherever they can...

    its really very cut and dry to the those that understand reality, logic, rationale and most importantly, dont ignore proven facts that completely contradict so much that is written in the (ridiculously re-written many times over) the bible

    hope all is well, bf... now im back to ignoring this thread due to the close minded who believe in the impossible

  25. #2300
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    Quote Originally Posted by raydog View Post
    you are praying to yourself... there is no biblical god and no matter how much brainwashed faith you have, it will never exist... stop ignoring proven facts that debunk holy books...geez

    prove something that hasnt been scientifically debunked... thats all an atheist asks... prove something.. unfortunately , its impossible.. so the religious continue to be gullible fools, mentally fukk their kids with proven bible (other holy book) bullshit , create war, spread ignorant hypocritical hate and spread their mental illness whenever and wherever they can...

    its really very cut and dry to the those that understand reality, logic, rationale and most importantly, dont ignore proven facts that completely contradict so much that is written in the (ridiculously re-written many times over) the bible

    hope all is well, bf... now im back to ignoring this thread due to the close minded who believe in the impossible
    You know what I find interesting? the people in this thread who believe in god seem like pretty joyful happy people.
    And then their is AntFather and Ray who seem pretty bitter and have a lot of hate towards others.
    And I love how atheist bring up science/evolution when most of those theories have been proven wrong.

  26. #2301
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    There was a segment on the news about the Pope when he came to Philly and a baby that had brain cancer.

    The parents went to Philly to see the Pope. The Pope had his procession stop and called for the parents and the baby
    when he got to them. Not preplanned. The Pope said his blessings to the baby and kissed it.

    The child still received chemo after that visit with the Pope. The next scan for cancer came up negative.

    Was that a miracle, a coincidence or modern science at work?

  27. #2302
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    there is no other explanation other than modern science at work...

    since there obviously is no higher power that pulls all the strings, prayer doesnt work and the astonishing thing , to atheist, like me who use their brain when discussing this subject, is that, to the religious, everything is "gods will" ....so why the fukk do the religious waste time praying? are they hoping to change gods mind? do they really think that god will purposely fukk someone up and then let them barely live, living the rest of their days miserable or in pain etc? is so freaking irrational its hilarious... praying is another way of saying "im just going to sit here and not do shit, but good luck"

    jeffie, im an extremely happy person... life is very good... jeffie, i even donated and ran in the st jude marathon last weekend.. i donate and do what i can because im a good person.. i dont need god in order to be good, unlike the religious have been brainwashed into thinking...

    jeffie, try going to a childrens research hospital and seeing sick and dying kids and ask yourself if there is really a god that is punishing these innocent kids like this... the answer really becomes rather clear that nothing is in control, buddy... what upsets me is that there are so many adults who still believe in the proven impossible... its a mental illness that starts at childhood, when religion is forced upon innocent children and they are threatened to believe this or that...

    as long as the religious continue to ignore the proven facts surrounding evolution and proven scientific facts that completely contradict miracles and other impossible myths in holy books, earths age, time of man etc, Jeffie (which you obviously know little to nothing about if you think evolution has been disproven) , then there will be a need to try and help people see those facts for the truths that they are... there will be a need to show people how gullible they have been, how much brutality is in the immoral holy books(that never gets taught in church) and how religion continues to kill.
    Last edited by raydog; 12-14-15 at 01:02 PM.
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  28. #2303
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    Quote Originally Posted by raydog View Post
    there is no other explanation other than modern science at work...

    since there obviously is no higher power that pulls all the strings, prayer doesnt work and the astonishing thing , to atheist, like me who use their brain when discussing this subject, is that, to the religious, everything is "gods will" ....so why the fukk do the religious waste time praying? are they hoping to change gods mind? do they really think that god will purposely fukk someone up and then let them barely live, living the rest of their days miserable or in pain etc? is so freaking irrational its hilarious... praying is another way of saying "im just going to sit here and not do shit, but good luck"
    prayer is a way to be close to God. It's not about praying your problems away or changing Gods mind about anything. This is something that has been accepted in today's society, it's all about praying for self. Real Christians pray and sing to Christ because they are happy, and thankful of what Christ has done in there life.

    jeffie, im an extremely happy person... life is very good... jeffie, i even donated and ran in the st jude marathon last weekend.. i donate and do what i can because im a good person.. i dont need god in order to be good, unlike the religious have been brainwashed into thinking...
    .... You don't need God to be a good person eh? How would you know what good is without God ?

    jeffie, try going to a childrens research hospital and seeing sick and dying kids and ask yourself if there is really a god that is punishing these innocent kids like this... the answer really becomes rather clear that nothing is in control, buddy... what upsets me is that there are so many adults who still believe in the proven impossible... its a mental illness that starts at childhood, when religion is forced upon innocent children and they are threatened to believe this or that...

    This is mans doing, its the price of sin. What about the 500,000 children who died with Hiroshima, or died in the take over of iraq ? How many died in the holocaust ? There's so much destruction going on but all you come up with, is God is doing all this at his own pleasure. Ridiculous

    as long as the religious continue to ignore the proven facts surrounding evolution and proven scientific facts that completely contradict miracles and other impossible myths in holy books, earths age, time of man etc, Jeffie (which you obviously know little to nothing about if you think evolution has been disproven) , then there will be a need to try and help people see those facts for the truths that they are... there will be a need to show people how gullible they have been, how much brutality is in the immoral holy books(that never gets taught in church) and how religion continues to kill.
    This thread & all information like it 4 wheel drives over evolution ray, time to wake up smell the coffee bean.

  29. #2304
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    As someone who believes our time on earth is only to experience the physical world, to learn, to make ourselves
    better spiritually and to reach a higher realm in our actual spiritual home. Like going to college for higher learning.

    If you stop looking at the bad of what's going on around you, look at the good, stop and think about what that
    person is doing/ did to make himself better in the afterlife. What is he/ she learning?

    I don't believe it's gods will.....it's our will and could be combined with others will to learn and experience.

    Stop and think of your own experiences. Why are you here? What do you want to learn? Are you here for someone

    Atheists have died and came back with incredible stories of the afterlife. They felt a strong love that was all around
    them and couldn't pinpoint it. If you open your heart, you can feel it here on earth. You really don't need an organized
    religion to know we go somewhere else after our death.

    Is my purpose in life to tell you guys what I know? Maybe.

  30. #2305
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    the type of "proof" some people think they need is the kind that would destroy free will.
    god doesn't want you to love him just because you have no other choice.
    that would be a fake love. it was free will that separated man from god when
    man was deceived by the devil. it was mary's free will to let it be done to please god.
    it was yeshua's free will to obey the father. it was the disciples and martyrs free will
    to lay down their lives for christ. you can't be saved without free will. that's because
    god gave us free will from the beginning. until the end times come, the tares will grow
    with the wheat. it rains on the evil and the good. we chose to know evil. christ saves
    us from death. even though our bodies die, what is a body but a shell encasing the seed ?
    the proof of that will not come until the end times because it will destroy our free will.
    so it is better that we are saved, as free creatures, this one time we have. our reward
    in heaven and again reunited with our renewed bodies will be greater this way, because
    we play a part in it.
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  31. #2306
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    This is what I have to say about the matter. While I don't believe Jesus is god or the son of god; because of the mere fact that Christianity is a copy cat of Horus and Ra in Egypt as well as 7 other exact stories of people before Jesus, who were all born of a virgin and was were supposed to be the son of god?

    Just lookup "Apollonius of Tyana". Jesus and Christianity copy catted this story. This guy was born around the same time as Christ. The Christian holy bible has been rewritten by the Romans and others over time to copycat Apollonius.

    Now, I research and spend alot of hours a day looking for the truth. I have an open mind and I'm not easily manipulated like Christians are. I'm a truth seeker. I was raised a Christian and was forced by my parents against my will to go to church and listen to the garbage. I even know Christianity is a fake and a copycat.

    Saying that; as ridiculous as this may sound, I believe that our human bodies are just a vehicle for an energy inside of us that will live on forever. I believe in Alchemy. Iv'e been researching the Top Alchemists of all history and all of time. I believe some people have the ability to heal people easily. I believe that people can reincarnate when they die and come back to Earth or go to a different level of consciousness or a dimension.

    Just google "Holographic Universe" and the way we perceive time and the things we see with our eyeballs is just a holograph and a level of consciousness. There are things we can't see with our human eye. That's why we have our "1st Eye" or our "Pineal Gland". Just research how much power your pineal gland has and what you can do with it before you shoot down the idea. Because, it is a part of our body and not fiction like a book. Now, I believe that Thoth, Hermes and Jesus were all Master Alchemists and can heal people at will and can reincarnate at will.

    What I have learned is that we are all Gods and all have Godlike abilities inside of us if we wish to unlock them. There have been numerous studies done on people who were sitting down in a chair and left to another room; after 30 minutes, scientists looked at the empty chair using some machine and seen a holographic image of the person that was sitting there just 30 minutes before. We are all "Light Beings" and are all made up of energy. If you look at your palm under a microscope, you will see light and energy.

    I can go on and on about what I know and studied this year. This is just the tip of the iceberg what I'm saying here. If anybody is really interested about more about what I know, just PM me if you're serious. It will fkin blow your mind.
    Last edited by TheAntFather; 12-15-15 at 08:42 AM.

  32. #2307
    rkelly110's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAntFather View Post
    This is what I have to say about the matter. While I don't believe Jesus is god or the son of god; because of the mere fact that Christianity is a copy cat of Horus and Ra in Egypt as well as 7 other exact stories of people before Jesus, who were all born of a virgin and was were supposed to be the son of god?

    Just lookup "Apollonius of Tyana". Jesus and Christianity copy catted this story. This guy was born around the same time as Christ. The Christian holy bible has been rewritten by the Romans and others over time to copycat Apollonius.

    Now, I research and spend alot of hours a day looking for the truth. I have an open mind and I'm not easily manipulated like Christians are. I'm a truth seeker. I was raised a Christian and was forced by my parents against my will to go to church and listen to the garbage. I even know Christianity is a fake and a copycat.

    Saying that; as ridiculous as this may sound, I believe that our human bodies are just a vehicle for an energy inside of us that will live on forever. I believe in Alchemy. Iv'e been researching the Top Alchemists of all history and all of time. I believe some people have the ability to heal people easily. I believe that people can reincarnate when they die and come back to Earth or go to a different level of consciousness or a dimension.

    Just google "Holographic Universe" and the way we perceive time and the things we see with our eyeballs is just a holograph and a level of consciousness. There are things we can't see with our human eye. That's why we have our "1st Eye" or our "Pineal Gland". Just research how much power your pineal gland has and what you can do with it before you shoot down the idea. Because, it is a part of our body and not fiction like a book. Now, I believe that Thoth, Hermes and Jesus were all Master Alchemists and can heal people at will and can reincarnate at will.

    What I have learned is that we are all Gods and all have Godlike abilities inside of us if we wish to unlock them. There have been numerous studies done on people who were sitting down in a chair and left to another room; after 30 minutes, scientists looked at the empty charity using some machine and seen a holographic image of the person that was sitting there just 30 minutes before. We are all "Light Beings" and are all made up of energy. If you look at your palm under a microscope, you will see light and energy.

    I can go on and on about what I know and studied this year. This is just the tip of the iceberg what I'm saying here. If anybody is really interested about more about what I know, just PM me if you're serious. It will fkin blow your mind.
    Cool shit. I believe the same, just didn't know there was a name for it.

  33. #2308
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAntFather View Post
    This is what I have to say about the matter. While I don't believe Jesus is god or the son of god; because of the mere fact that Christianity is a copy cat of Horus and Ra in Egypt as well as 7 other exact stories of people before Jesus, who were all born of a virgin and was were supposed to be the son of god?

    Just lookup "Apollonius of Tyana". Jesus and Christianity copy catted this story. This guy was born around the same time as Christ. The Christian holy bible has been rewritten by the Romans and others over time to copycat Apollonius.

    Now, I research and spend alot of hours a day looking for the truth. I have an open mind and I'm not easily manipulated like Christians are. I'm a truth seeker. I was raised a Christian and was forced by my parents against my will to go to church and listen to the garbage. I even know Christianity is a fake and a copycat.
    I'm not surprised that you, and others, have come to that conclusion, and don't take this personally but
    you must realize that any website or author who claims those things is lying to you. All of it has been
    completely debunked. These theories are modern creations that only exist in the imaginations and cooperatively
    reassured layers of untruth to advance the anti-Christ agenda. This mode of thought is a modern creation only.
    It got a lot of impetus when that worthless film Zeitgeist was viral on the internet. Product of an atheist Jew.
    True archaeologists, linguistics and historians know this. Without getting into a long post I don't have time for
    I will only suggest that you widen your seeking of knowledge. None of those ancient mythos are accurately represented by the Christ-myth proponents. They fabricate and embellish things to push their false viewpoint.
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  34. #2309
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowball View Post
    I'm not surprised that you, and others, have come to that conclusion, and don't take this personally but
    you must realize that any website or author who claims those things is lying to you. All of it has been
    completely debunked. These theories are modern creations that only exist in the imaginations and cooperatively
    reassured layers of untruth to advance the anti-Christ agenda. This mode of thought is a modern creation only.
    It got a lot of impetus when that worthless film Zeitgeist was viral on the internet. Product of an atheist Jew.
    True archaeologists, linguistics and historians know this. Without getting into a long post I don't have time for
    I will only suggest that you widen your seeking of knowledge. None of those ancient mythos are accurately represented by the Christ-myth proponents. They fabricate and embellish things to push their false viewpoint.
    Snowball, your answers are full of good info, thanks. What's in bold is spot on as well. They bit, hook, line, and sinker. These theories come from that movie, and that movie was a product of Jordan Maxwell's work. Jordan maxwell is a mason who suckers in gullible people he can con with his info. This stuff is out of this world, so the reicepe is there for him to make big bucks off giving seminars, doing interviews and so fourth, and furthering the agenda... " main goal " .. Along with characters like David ike

    and yes debunked... Just look up zeitgeist debunked.

  35. #2310
    brainfreeze's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    Snowball, your answers are full of good info, thanks. What's in bold is spot on as well. They bit, hook, line, and sinker. These theories come from that movie, and that movie was a product of Jordan Maxwell's work. Jordan maxwell is a mason who suckers in gullible people he can con with his info. This stuff is out of this world, so the reicepe is there for him to make big bucks off giving seminars, doing interviews and so fourth, and furthering the agenda... " main goal " .. Along with characters like David ike

    and yes debunked... Just look up zeitgeist debunked.
    So when you see these people like Maxwell, icke, project camelot, and these other sources that claim to be bringing you raw truth... Don't bite the hype, if we studied up a bit, we would understand why these people that push this and even the mythos themselves is just part of the battle against Christ.

    1 John 4:1

    1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

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