Long-lost Friday the 13th Part 2 deleted scenes emerge, featuring much more gruesome kills. Released in 1980, the original Friday the 13th helped kickstart the slasher craze of the ‘80s with its tale of over-sexed camp counselors being hunted down by a serial killer. Of course, the original film famously did not focus on the series’ inevitable true villain Jason Vorhees, who was only briefly introduced in the film’s shocking final scene.

After that memorable last-second introduction, Jason would become a proper horror villain in the movie’s 1981 follow-up, Friday the 13th Part 2 (without his now-famous hockey mask). Though the hastily-produced sequel indeed delivered plenty of gruesome slasher scares, the movie famously was trimmed after the MPAA objected to its high level of gore. For the last 39 years, fans have only heard about the extended versions of the trimmed scenes, but have been unable to see what the extra-gory moments were like (Paramount insists that there is no extended cut of the film in their vaults and that the excised footage was thrown away).

But now Friday the 13th fans’ dreams have come true as video has arrived showing many of the cut moments from the nearly four-decades-old slasher sequel. Included as an extra on Scream Factory's Friday the 13th box set, the excised footage was preserved at the time of shooting by special effects artist Carl Fullerton to be incorporated into his portfolio.

The footage originated from a VHS tape owned by the film's special effects artist Carl Fullerton, who sought to preserve his work in light of the heavy MPAA censorship. Fullerton asked the editors to compile the cut footage into a VHS transfer for the young artist's portfolio. The tape had reportedly been screened over the years but was currently unplayable and had to be baked to transfer the footage. While it did not have a soundtrack, the footage still retained its quality over the years.