1. #1891
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    I see Bernie isnt much different than many of the others on foreign policy other than being against the Iraqi invasion in 2003, the rest pretty much the same

  2. #1892
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    ^^^Yes Gonz saw quite a bit of other stuff last week also going back 35 years on Bern I decided to not even post, not surprising he's one of them, a wolf in sheep's clothing, definitely have other reservations about him also with this campaign, really dont think he's actually trying to win either, he's an actor, not who he's depicted to be.

  3. #1893
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    [IMG]https://*********************************/hphotos-xtl1/v/t1.0-9/12744430_798849550249084_591273507618310 483_n.jpg?oh=6b4c63dc9ec0684c38790df5c23 f1323&oe=575918A5[/IMG]

  4. #1894
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Gonzo View Post
    I can agree with some of this. Bernie does not say anything about the MIC, or the Jews in Palestinian. But he is a Jew. There is also arms makers in Vermont that do give people in his state jobs. No doubt his foreign policy is a problem. But Trumps foreign policy is kill them & take the oil.

    Plus the guy that made this video, with his Spider Man box's in the back round. Is a Holocaust denier & involved with hate groups. So take what ever this Lurch look a like says with a grain of salt. Tell me this clown knows all that much about foreign policy & does not have an agenda. He also does a show called Nazi myths. Makes me wonder who this guy is schilling for.

    Sanders is the best of a bad group, no guarantee he can fix anything. But he's a step in the right direction. Trump is a step backwards.

    Shit like this is why I call you Dr Bozo.
    Last edited by khicks26; 02-23-16 at 09:51 AM.
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  5. #1895
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor4140 View Post
    KInda strange that Bernie wants Wall Street to pay up but guys in here turn a blind eye to what he say's. You would think that handing rich guys billions in a bailout and now maybe it is time to collect some back, people would have no problems with that. Hilarious, how a bunch of middle class douche bags will spend anything to protect these moochers when they even had to hand them their very own money. Only reasonable (in their mind that is) thing i can think of with these asshats is that these guys that are rich and even thou they got bailed out, they are rich and should be able to keep their money. Even tho they ran the country into the ground. These asshole are nothing more than water boy's for the richest of thieves and the most naive of our society
    You are correct. The amount of misinformation here is ridiculous. This thread has turned into Faux News. Count how many times you see socialist or free stuff. Staight out of faux playbook. Nothing is free. Even 5 th graders know that. BS is a believes in democratic socialism. An economy that has allowed the Waltons Of Walmart to own 40% of the wealth while they pay people starvation wagers is broken and needs to be adjusted. Should the 99% be paying for walmart workers food stamps. BERnies not extreme. Walmart and Koch are extreme. Companies like Verizon and G E are extreme for using loopholes to avoid paying taxes. U.S. Companies investing in China and hiding money in the Caymans is extreme. Warren Buffet paying less in % of taxes than his secretary is extreme. Bernie is only trying to level the playing field for people who make less than $250 K a year. If you make more than that I understand your concern. If you make less you are a fuq stick for voting against your interest. God forbid we ask Wall st to contribute anything to the 99%.

  6. #1896
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    Last edited by khicks26; 02-23-16 at 10:15 AM.

  7. #1897
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    Quote Originally Posted by DABOOK View Post
    You are correct. The amount of misinformation here is ridiculous. This thread has turned into Faux News. Count how many times you see socialist or free stuff. Staight out of faux playbook. Nothing is free. Even 5 th graders know that. BS is a believes in democratic socialism. An economy that has allowed the Waltons Of Walmart to own 40% of the wealth while they pay people starvation wagers is broken and needs to be adjusted. Should the 99% be paying for walmart workers food stamps. BERnies not extreme. Walmart and Koch are extreme. Companies like Verizon and G E are extreme for using loopholes to avoid paying taxes. U.S. Companies investing in China and hiding money in the Caymans is extreme. Warren Buffet paying less in % of taxes than his secretary is extreme. Bernie is only trying to level the playing field for people who make less than $250 K a year. If you make more than that I understand your concern. If you make less you are a fuq stick for voting against your interest. God forbid we ask Wall st to contribute anything to the 99%.
    one example?

  8. #1898
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    Quote Originally Posted by DABOOK View Post
    You are correct. The amount of misinformation here is ridiculous. This thread has turned into Faux News. Count how many times you see socialist or free stuff. Staight out of faux playbook. Nothing is free. Even 5 th graders know that. BS is a believes in democratic socialism. An economy that has allowed the Waltons Of Walmart to own 40% of the wealth while they pay people starvation wagers is broken and needs to be adjusted. Should the 99% be paying for walmart workers food stamps. BERnies not extreme. Walmart and Koch are extreme. Companies like Verizon and G E are extreme for using loopholes to avoid paying taxes. U.S. Companies investing in China and hiding money in the Caymans is extreme. Warren Buffet paying less in % of taxes than his secretary is extreme. Bernie is only trying to level the playing field for people who make less than $250 K a year. If you make more than that I understand your concern. If you make less you are a fuq stick for voting against your interest. God forbid we ask Wall st to contribute anything to the 99%.
    Typical freeloader post. NO ONE tells me who to help and NO ONE takes my hard earned money from me to pay some freeloader. All I hear about from the Socialistic Liberal Left is how these poor people can not find a job, but there are pages of help wanted ads in the papers and on line. It is called survival of the fittest, and free loading people, especially minorities such as blacks and illegals do not deserve any help at all. Get off your lazy alcohol and drug infested tails and go to work or die. You choice. This nation would prosper greatly if we lost about a million of these freeloaders.

  9. #1899
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    A society is judged by how they treat their less fortunate.

  10. #1900
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigdaddyQH View Post
    Typical freeloader post. NO ONE tells me who to help and NO ONE takes my hard earned money from me to pay some freeloader. All I hear about from the Socialistic Liberal Left is how these poor people can not find a job, but there are pages of help wanted ads in the papers and on line. It is called survival of the fittest, and free loading people, especially minorities such as blacks and illegals do not deserve any help at all. Get off your lazy alcohol and drug infested tails and go to work or die. You choice. This nation would prosper greatly if we lost about a million of these freeloaders.
    Cooperate American greed sold our workers out by sending manufacturing to China. How many GOP's mention that. Maybe there would be less unemployed if we didnt sell out to raise stock a few points. I make 6 figures and live in the highest taxed state in the US. Far from free loading here.

    I hope your Walmart Stock rebounds. The Waltons could lose 90% of their wealth and still be billionairs. Do you enjoy helping walmart worker subsidies?
    Your too far gone. Billionairs been fuquen you sideways and you love it. Pretty kinky fetish.

  11. #1901
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayvegas420 View Post
    A society is judged by how they treat their less fortunate.
    oh so is that what we tell everyone who is going to have their social security cut?
    Last edited by brooks85; 02-23-16 at 02:09 PM.

  12. #1902
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    Quote Originally Posted by DABOOK View Post
    Cooperate American greed sold our workers out by sending manufacturing to China. How many GOP's mention that. Maybe there would be less unemployed if we didnt sell out to raise stock a few points. I make 6 figures and live in the highest taxed state in the US. Far from free loading here.

    I hope your Walmart Stock rebounds. The Waltons could lose 90% of their wealth and still be billionairs. Do you enjoy helping walmart worker subsidies?
    Your too far gone. Billionairs been fuquen you sideways and you love it. Pretty kinky fetish.
    Dabook giving da bigdaddy da ass kicking!
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  13. #1903
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    [QUOTE=brooks85;25335137]miss info examples?

    Anyone of White Poop shoots Memes. He said he likes Bern but thinks Bern memes are funny. He admits they are mostly wrong.
    Anyone who gives Bern the title socialist . He is a democratic socialist. Apples and bowling balls.
    Approx. 7 out of 10 of your post are Koch -Faux news rhetoric. You have an agenda obviously. If he can't win (like you say) shouldn't you be talking about Bengazi or what ever swift boat Faux news is high on this week?

  14. #1904
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    Multiple conservatives hanging out in BErnie Sanders thread. Holy shit balls Batman. Got to be the most pointless idiots I have ever come across. Wouldn't you rather watch grass grow? Why are you here? You say he cant win and it wont work. Kindly move along to the " I Want A Billionaire To Bang My Wrinkled Star Thread" Brooks started a few weeks ago. THanks

  15. #1905
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    ^because it is entertaining to watch the ignorant have no idea what they're talking about. Usually if I'm quoting you it isn't a good sign as it wasn't for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by DABOOK View Post

    Anyone of White Poop shoots Memes. He said he likes Bern but thinks Bern memes are funny. He admits they are mostly wrong.(non of this is "misinformation," they are images and most people know that)

    Anyone who gives Bern the title socialist . He is a democratic socialist. (wrong, you just admitted he is a socialist)

    Apples and bowling balls. (this doesn't mean anything other than you might be an idiot if you think "apples and bowling balls" is alike to"socialist and democratic socialist." Are you really that stupid?)

    Approx. 7 out of 10 of your post are Koch -Faux news rhetoric. (again, examples)

    You have an agenda obviously.(as do you, I'm simply making sure people know you're not intelligent enough to be telling them who to vote for and I've done a great job)

    If he can't win (like you say) shouldn't you be talking about Bengazi or what ever swift boat Faux news is high on this week?

    not a good look for ya dabook, you just flopped big time.

    again, give me one example of misinformation about bernie in this thread?
    Last edited by brooks85; 02-23-16 at 03:25 PM.

  16. #1906
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    not a good look for ya dabook, you just flopped big time.

    again, give me one example of misinformation about bernie in this thread?
    Your lost again. Let me make it easier. The titles Democratic socialist and socialist are different. Like apples and bowling balls.
    Memes with inaccurate words in them are mis information. Read back a few pages White Poop shoot admitted it.

  17. #1907
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    Quote Originally Posted by DABOOK View Post
    Your lost again. Let me make it easier. The titles Democratic socialist and socialist are different. Like apples and bowling balls.
    Memes with inaccurate words in them are mis information. Read back a few pages White Poop shoot admitted it.
    no, that doesn't make any sense. You're really making it tough for anyone to not think you're an idiot right now.

    I actually had to educate jtoler on this the other day and used apples in the example. It would help you a lot but the bold part you typed is illogical. If you're a red delicious or a pink lady, you're still an apple. I can't imagine what gears are stuck in your brain that makes you think what you said makes ANY sense? That is like stuff you learn in grade school, seriously.
    Last edited by brooks85; 02-23-16 at 03:31 PM.

  18. #1908
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    Quote Originally Posted by DABOOK View Post
    You are correct. The amount of misinformation here is ridiculous. This thread has turned into Faux News. Count how many times you see socialist or free stuff. Staight out of faux playbook. Nothing is free. Even 5 th graders know that. BS is a believes in democratic socialism. An economy that has allowed the Waltons Of Walmart to own 40% of the wealth while they pay people starvation wagers is broken and needs to be adjusted. Should the 99% be paying for walmart workers food stamps. BERnies not extreme. Walmart and Koch are extreme. Companies like Verizon and G E are extreme for using loopholes to avoid paying taxes. U.S. Companies investing in China and hiding money in the Caymans is extreme. Warren Buffet paying less in % of taxes than his secretary is extreme. Bernie is only trying to level the playing field for people who make less than $250 K a year. If you make more than that I understand your concern. If you make less you are a fuq stick for voting against your interest. God forbid we ask Wall st to contribute anything to the 99%.
    Fukking amazing post

  19. #1909
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    and now you have the self-admitted idiot agreeing with you lol

    again, not a good look dabook.

  20. #1910
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    Just last week, in ONE week, Trump blamed Bush for 911, he fought with the Pope & then he said he will stop ISIS with bullets dipped in goats blood. And then in S.C. THEY SAID....

    "Yeah, this guy should be our next president!".

    You just can't make this shit up.

  21. #1911
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayvegas420 View Post
    Just last week, in ONE week, Trump blamed Bush for 911, he fought with the Pope & then he said he will stop ISIS with bullets dipped in goats blood. And then in S.C. THEY SAID....

    "Yeah, this guy should be our next president!".

    You just can't make this shit up.

    curious, do you understand how stupid your logic is considering you also know you're an idiot?

    I ask because it very clear to anyone else reading but wondering if you also know how illogical you are since you do know you're an idiot.
    Last edited by brooks85; 02-23-16 at 03:43 PM.

  22. #1912
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayvegas420 View Post
    Just last week, in ONE week, Trump blamed Bush for 911, he fought with the Pope & then he said he will stop ISIS with bullets dipped in goats blood. And then in S.C. THEY SAID....

    "Yeah, this guy should be our next president!".

    You just can't make this shit up.
    I like it!

  23. #1913
    jtoler's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    no, that doesn't make any sense. You're really making it tough for anyone to not think you're an idiot right now.

    I actually had to educate jtoler on this the other day and used apples in the example. It would help you a lot but the bold part you typed is illogical. If you're a red delicious or a pink lady, you're still an apple. I can't imagine what gears are stuck in your brain that makes you think what you said makes ANY sense? That is like stuff you learn in grade school, seriously.
    Dont go there bro you fell on your face miserably in that exchange.

  24. #1914
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    no, that doesn't make any sense. You're really making it tough for anyone to not think you're an idiot right now.

    I actually had to educate jtoler on this the other day and used apples in the example. It would help you a lot but the bold part you typed is illogical. If you're a red delicious or a pink lady, you're still an apple. I can't imagine what gears are stuck in your brain that makes you think what you said makes ANY sense? That is like stuff you learn in grade school, seriously.
    You need to understand that people like me are right when people like you disagree. You head is SO Far up Faux news , Walmart , and Kochs rear end that if you ever agreed with anything I said I would immediately get checked for mental illness. You are a conservative hanging in a Bernie thread. Seriously? You got to have something better to do? Do a cross word puzzle. Burn ants with a magnifying glass. Anything? I am sure the Waltons are thankful that you love paying for their employees food stamps. Keep up the good work.

  25. #1915
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    Dont go there bro you fell on your face miserably in that exchange.
    lying isn't going to save you

  26. #1916
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    Quote Originally Posted by DABOOK View Post
    You need to understand that people like me are right when people like you disagree. You head is SO Far up Faux news , Walmart , and Kochs rear end that if you ever agreed with anything I said I would immediately get checked for mental illness. You are a conservative hanging in a Bernie thread. Seriously? You got to have something better to do? Do a cross word puzzle. Burn ants with a magnifying glass. Anything? I am sure the Waltons are thankful that you love paying for their employees food stamps. Keep up the good work.
    lol great non-response in light of your proven illogical thought process.

    apples and bowling balls lol... too funny
    Last edited by brooks85; 02-23-16 at 04:04 PM.

  27. #1917
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post

    curious, do you understand how stupid your logic is considering you also know you're an idiot?

    I ask because it very clear to anyone else reading but wondering if you also know how illogical you are since you do know you're an idiot.
    Trump is the one fighting with the Pope, claiming walls are the best solution and that blood bullets will solve terrorism....... And im the logical one?

    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post

    lying isn't going to save you
    He isn't lying, I agree with him and so do most of the rational posters on this form.
    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post

    lol great non-response in light of your proven illogical though process.

    apples and bowling balls lol... too funny
    scroll back thru this thread, you are the master of avoiding questions and not responding

  28. #1918
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayvegas420 View Post
    Trump is the one fighting with the Pope, claiming walls are the best solution and that blood bullets will solve terrorism....... And im the logical one?(yes, open a history book or even look where the pope lives you fool)

    He isn't lying, I agree with him and so do most of the rational posters on this form.(wrong and no surprise you agree with him. You're an idiot as you have admitted)

    scroll back thru this thread, you are the master of avoiding questions and not responding(wrong)

    lol poor jay

  29. #1919
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayvegas420 View Post
    Trump is the one fighting with the Pope, claiming walls are the best solution and that blood bullets will solve terrorism....... And im the logical one?
    Wrong Jay. The Pope started it.

    look at those bridges Pope.
    Last edited by DwightShrute; 02-23-16 at 04:11 PM.

  30. #1920
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    the question now jay is even though everyone knows you're an idiot, because you told us so, does that still mean you have to be a coward? Can a self-proclaimed idiot still be man enough to admit he is wrong?

    lets find out...

  31. #1921
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    Even if the Pope started it, how does that make me wrong?
    A wall at the Vatican proves that a wall around America will work?
    Dwight and a few other retards agree with you, but there are thousands of posters on this form. Sounds like you need to admit you're wrong.
    Or at least be a man like me and admit that you're an idiot because you tend to prove that point with every post you make.

    You also cleverly avoided addressing the blood bullets. Like I said Brooks, you are a master at avoidism

  32. #1922
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayvegas420 View Post
    Even if the Pope started it, how does that make me wrong?
    A wall at the Vatican proves that a wall around America will work?
    Dwight and a few other retards agree with you, but there are thousands of posters on this form. Sounds like you need to admit you're wrong.
    Or at least be a man like me and admit that you're an idiot because you tend to prove that point with every post you make.

    You also cleverly avoided addressing the blood bullets. Like I said Brooks, you are a master at avoidism
    logic, plus the general laughter at the pope around the world as he retreated from his words.

    Yea a wall at the Vatican does prove a wall in USA would work. That would be why the Vatican has the wall in the first place. Think before you post jay. Open a history book while you're at it, walls work.

    as for the underline part; that doesn't mean anything or prove anything... lol

    but looks like you're taking the cowardly route, just can't admit you're wrong.

  33. #1923
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayvegas420 View Post
    Even if the Pope started it, how does that make me wrong?
    A wall at the Vatican proves that a wall around America will work?
    Dwight and a few other retards agree with you, but there are thousands of posters on this form. Sounds like you need to admit you're wrong.
    Or at least be a man like me and admit that you're an idiot because you tend to prove that point with every post you make.

    You also cleverly avoided addressing the blood bullets. Like I said Brooks, you are a master at avoidism

    Have you considered having someone proofread your posts before you click send?

  34. #1924
    rkelly110's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayvegas420 View Post
    Even if the Pope started it, how does that make me wrong?
    A wall at the Vatican proves that a wall around America will work?
    Dwight and a few other retards agree with you, but there are thousands of posters on this form. Sounds like you need to admit you're wrong.
    Or at least be a man like me and admit that you're an idiot because you tend to prove that point with every post you make.

    You also cleverly avoided addressing the blood bullets. Like I said Brooks, you are a master at avoidism
    To be fair, Trump was saying what someone in the past had done to Muslims, but would probably use that in some
    form, if elected, to deter terrorism.

  35. #1925
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