View Poll Results: should marijuana be legalized throughout the united states

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  • yes

    140 84.34%
  • no

    26 15.66%
  1. #106
    Skidcom's Avatar SBR PRO
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    maybe I should start smoking....I had, by far, my worst sports betting weekend of at least 2 years. maybe longer. Money management kept me from going belly up but man it was rough

  2. #107
    BChrisB's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    wasting tax dollars keeping it illegal

  3. #108
    Mini19's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Anyone ever hear of K2?.. Stuff you can buy at covience stores, it's some sort of fragrance but teenagers are rolling joints out of it cuz it gets you high.. It's legal, but so dangerous for you

  4. #109
    Glitch's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    No it should not be legalized. The reason why it feels good smoking pot is because you know you are doing something illegal. Same as riding a bike at 160 mph. If it was legal it wouldn't feel the same.
    i can tell you do not smoke.

  5. #110
    teaserpleaser's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by urge2kill View Post
    Dishonest drug dealers? No way!
    Guess it depends on how you look at it you can be honest and give away your hard outdoor work and get 1500-2200 in the outdoor flood and the clubs will still turn around and sell it for at least $40 an 8th. **** that shit this all about mean green gotta get what you can when you can. If it wasn't good trust me can't fool these guys with outdoor. Drug Dealers?! lol ok never been called that im 100% organic earth juice ,blackstrap mollases, guanos, blood meal, dolemite lime, and some compost soil i make using the best HPS there is the sun and rain water we catch. Its just a plant drug dealers i wonder how many drug dealers give oz away to sick and dying 215 cardholders who are low income that cant afford $50+ an 8th for the often crap unflushed premature buds in the club. drug dealer if you say so.

  6. #111
    noyb's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    since i'm living in a country where buying marihuana is legal (but ironically online betting is not, at least not really) i can pretty much testify there are no real cons, it's not like half the population is stoned all day. biggest drawback i can think off are all those retarded foreign tourists who hardly smoke at home and then come here specifically to blow their brains out and cause all kinds of problems because they're completely wasted all day and no experience how to handle that.

  7. #112
    Resler's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Yes! Most would agree that alcohol causes much more damage to society. Marijuana being illegal is the biggest joke of the last 50 years.... well besides religion.

  8. #113
    Tomahawk's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by samdapatriotsfan View Post
    52% of most states inmates are there for Marijuana charges (according to the FBI).

    If it is legalized that creates alot of lost income and lost jobs.

    If there is nothing to replace the lost jobs and income then it will never be legalized.

    Good point there.

    But you left something out, legalizing it creates a lot of lost jobs in the government, but creates more jobs in the private sector, couse more people will work in planting it, shipping it and selling it. So the tax payers money could be used for better porpuses then to track Marijuana.

  9. #114
    alling's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Alcohol is worse.
    You can still get high off of paint, glue and household chemical fuels.
    Illegal drugs just brings in more organized crime.

  10. #115
    jbrent95's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Yes and taxed like crazy.

  11. #116
    Metanoia's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I think it should be legal everywhere in the world, because it's just an hipocrisy, cigarretes is much worse to one's health, nicotine is much more adictive, some experts say it's worse than opium. Marijuana also has some medical benefits, besides it could bring more tax income to any country, the problem is that a lot of "BIG" powers (people) in this world make a lot of money with trafic, so the governments just let things go the way they are. Few exceptions to this are Catalunya in Spain and Holland

  12. #117
    teecee's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ace_of_Spades View Post
    I can see the unemployment problem getting worse if Marijuana was made legal.

    i don't know about this one. if i'm not mistaken, the unemployment rate is based on those of us not currently employed AND looking for work. if people become "potheads" and sit around all day doing nothing but getting high, and not looking for jobs, technically, they would not be affect the unemployment rate. i'm all about less competition for jobs. legalize that chit.

  13. #118
    urge2kill's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by teaserpleaser View Post
    Guess it depends on how you look at it you can be honest and give away your hard outdoor work and get 1500-2200 in the outdoor flood and the clubs will still turn around and sell it for at least $40 an 8th. **** that shit this all about mean green gotta get what you can when you can. If it wasn't good trust me can't fool these guys with outdoor. Drug Dealers?! lol ok never been called that im 100% organic earth juice ,blackstrap mollases, guanos, blood meal, dolemite lime, and some compost soil i make using the best HPS there is the sun and rain water we catch. Its just a plant drug dealers i wonder how many drug dealers give oz away to sick and dying 215 cardholders who are low income that cant afford $50+ an 8th for the often crap unflushed premature buds in the club. drug dealer if you say so.
    You know guys like you are in the minority. Most of the fuks that run clubs don't give two shits about the patients as long as they're getting paid.

  14. #119
    Roy Halladay
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    It's no more harmful than alcohol, that's a fact.

    So yes.

  15. #120
    terpkeg's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Obviously it should be. This right for our government to restrict our diet does not exist in our constitution, you know, that thing that the United States is championing all over the world. Nor, does a moral right exist to do so.

    The government has no right to restrict what a "free" individual can injest unless that substance would be so dangerous as to create an absolute loss of life or liberty to others.

    Even if you believed the whole gateway drug bullshit, there are laws in place to punish offenders who infringe on the constitutional rights to life, liberty and property which are already in place. Burglarors, theives, violent offenders and child abusers can and should be punished. If I want to injest any drug I want, it is absolutely anti-american for the government to restrict that.

    This does not even consider the fact that prohibition does not work and causes more finincial and criminal problems than it solves. This is a historical and statistical fact.

  16. #121
    count da money
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    Quote Originally Posted by terpkeg View Post
    Obviously it should be. This right for our government to restrict our diet does not exist in our constitution, you know, that thing that the United States is championing all over the world. Nor, does a moral right exist to do so.

    The government has no right to restrict what a "free" individual can injest unless that substance would be so dangerous as to create an absolute loss of life or liberty to others.

    Even if you believed the whole gateway drug bullshit, there are laws in place to punish offenders who infringe on the constitutional rights to life, liberty and property which are already in place. Burglarors, theives, violent offenders and child abusers can and should be punished. If I want to injest any drug I want, it is absolutely anti-american for the government to restrict that.

    This does not even consider the fact that prohibition does not work and causes more finincial and criminal problems than it solves. This is a historical and statistical fact.

  17. #122
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Before it becomes legal it needs to be classified as either a crop or drug. Depending on the classification the legal ramifications will be huge. If it is classified as a crop the US will become the biggest exporter of pot in the world and the crop can be bought at grocery stores. If it is classified as a drug the drug companies will get into the business and you can only buy it from drug stores.

  18. #123
    kingdom's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    No it should not be legalized. The reason why it feels good smoking pot is because you know you are doing something illegal. Same as riding a bike at 160 mph. If it was legal it wouldn't feel the same.
    the "legal" vodka i drank last night still did the trick. the power of the weed does not lie in the fact that its illegal. if they sold it at walmart, i could get just as high.

  19. #124
    theredd's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by drew17 View Post
    you guys wont be saying lets legalize it when someone kills a family member while under the influence of it...
    Kill a family member? How? Make them laugh to death? Choke them with a twinkie? They going to die from lack of motivation?

    Definetely legalize it. It does far less harm to individuals AND society then alcohol. Maybe its not healthy for you, but nobody gets blazed and beats up their wife or murders their kids- they dont have the energy for violence.

  20. #125
    The Panamanian Connection
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    Yes, it should be legal, but it should be ilegal to drive under the influence.

  21. #126
    D3 Mighty Ducks
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    Quote Originally Posted by theredd View Post

    Kill a family member? How? Make them laugh to death? Choke them with a twinkie? They going to die from lack of motivation?

    Definetely legalize it. It does far less harm to individuals AND society then alcohol. Maybe its not healthy for you, but nobody gets blazed and beats up their wife or murders their kids- they dont have the energy for violence.

  22. #127
    46 and 2 are just ahead of me
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    Quote Originally Posted by teaserpleaser View Post
    Oh and John i dont know where you live but here in LA gangs will never die even if you take away the vices just like if weed is legalized growers/gang members will adapt... gang members are like cockroaches been here forever will be here forever sad to say, kill one 2 more pop up just the way it is.
    Notice, I did say the word "slowly". What are most gangs primary source of income? Nobody is going to buy drugs from a gang member if they can get better, cheaper stuff down the street legally. Sure there will always be the gang members that live with their mothers that are in gangs solely for "protection". But if you take away Gang members primary source of income they will slowly disappear.

  23. #128
    obamaismyuncle's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Halladay View Post
    It's no more harmful than alcohol, that's a fact.

    So yes.

    Are you new?

  24. #129
    pay Bobby
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    "Weed is from the earth. God put this here for me and you. Take advantage man, take advantage." -smokey.

  25. #130
    8ArIvd5's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Yes, and the people who manufacture it should have to make commercials that say "this drug is very bad for you. There's nothing good about it at all, and it will ruin your life. Do not do this drug."

  26. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by 8ArIvd5 View Post
    Yes, and the people who manufacture it should have to make commercials that say "this drug is very bad for you. There's nothing good about it at all, and it will ruin your life. Do not do this drug."
    That's not a bad idea. This would be especially true if it was Crack, Heroin, Meth, etc... Regardless... if you TRULY believe in FREEDOM you should be able to do to your own body what you want to do. Did you know that Anti-Freeze is legal? But if you drink it you will die. I'm very happy that this country gives us the option to buy Anti-Freeze legally. I choose not to drink it myself. If other people want to drink it... that's their choice.

  27. #132
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR PRO
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    But anti-freeze is not addictive. You drink it once and you are done. And there are labels on the bottle clearly stating that if you drink it you will die.

    So if marijuana could kill you with a single puff the government would have no problem legalizing it. Then we can see who the daredevils are.

  28. #133
    poochiecollins's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    But anti-freeze is not addictive. You drink it once and you are done.
    Also cleans up the gene pool a little...

  29. #134
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    But anti-freeze is not addictive. You drink it once and you are done. And there are labels on the bottle clearly stating that if you drink it you will die.

    So if marijuana could kill you with a single puff the government would have no problem legalizing it. Then we can see who the daredevils are.

    Weed is not addictive either. I have been using it on and off since college. I would go years with out it. Nicotine is addictive, weed is not. About a million times safer than nicotine/alcohol.

  30. #135
    in2thethickofit's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    legalize it and ban alcohol...rather deal with a stoner than an alcoholic any day...
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  31. #136
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by in2thethickofit View Post
    legalize it and ban alcohol...rather deal with a stoner than an alcoholic any day...
    This is what you don't understand. Not all people who drink alcohol are alcoholics. And not all people who smoke pot are addicts.

  32. #137
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    This is what you don't understand. Not all people who drink alcohol are alcoholics. And not all people who smoke pot are addicts.

    Pot smokers are not addicts to pot. They may be addicts with other substances but pot is NOT addictive.

  33. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by dante1 View Post
    Pot smokers are not addicts to pot. They may be addicts with other substances but Pot is NOT addictive.
    True, its not...I was saying that if a guy drinks 12 beers or smokes 12 doobies, who you gonna wanna hang with...easily it is the pot smoker. I have seen more, much more, people who get violent and agitated when they drink then when they smoke...we all know this.

  34. #139
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by in2thethickofit View Post
    True, its not...I was saying that if a guy drinks 12 beers or smokes 12 doobies, who you gonna wanna hang with...easily it is the pot smoker. I have seen more, much more, people who get violent and agitated when they drink then when they smoke...we all know this.

    Exactly, no contest. Alcoholics can turn mean, how often have you seen a mean pot smoker. I have never witnessed it. Not once. You are correct sir.

  35. #140
    Socrates's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    People who are against legalizing it are complete idiots. People are killing themselves in a winless war to ship this over here and dumbshits still can't see that weed is safer then smoking cigs.

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