1. #456
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    I'm outta here was fun, hoping this thread dies down.... I can see it going all season long though.


    Players do have the right to kneel, owners have a right to be shysters.

    We know what is right and what is wrong, may the circus continue.

  2. #457
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    Quote Originally Posted by A4K View Post
    BINGO!!! Rules change for Trump in his supporter's eyes but they all pretend to be true patriots.
    ever realize that the same piece of shit that are so anti everything are the same people that would never serve. Roy is a dumb ass that still can't figure out how Reagan lost the senate his last 2 yrs of his term.
    Brooks only served as his father's love toy as a child. That is why he is so screwed up. Also he has a degree from the branch campus of ohiostate that they don't even offer.

  3. #458
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
    Have been over this with our self professed moderate. Chico believes there is no such thing as "illegal aliens". The USA lacks the authority to use that term. Chico, our Reagan Dem moderate, says they are actually undocumented immigrants.

    There are some nervous sponsors out there watching closely. That's why Trump should drive this issue. Stand or go fry chicken at KFC.
    Show me where i said shit about them except they do jobs that americans are too lazy to do. And that i'm not willing to pay more for my veggies. I'm sure you won't because your just a dullard. Now i'm sure you'll have to look that up

  4. #459
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    Show me where i said shit about them except they do jobs that americans are too lazy to do. And that i'm not willing to pay more for my veggies. I'm sure you won't because your just a dullard. Now i'm sure you'll have to look that up
    shows why you're such a simpleton. Think you're saving money on veggies while you're paying out a fortune in entitlements because of illegals. They cost FAR more than they save but only people who could balance a checkbook could figure that out so that is why sheep like you are tricked.

  5. #460
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    lol this makes no sense but you're chico. That's your thing, nonsense. Copying what I've proven about you like khciks and rkelly do is just proof you have the mind of a child. Do you notice the trend?

    You hate cops because they provide authority.
    lacking moral restraint :
    again, do you notice the trend of how you can't answer a simple question when it proves what an anti-american pos you are?
    You hate cops because they provide authority.lacking moral restraint : Your for nambla because of the shit your daddy did to you

  6. #461
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    shows why you're such a simpleton. Think you're saving money on veggies while you're paying out a fortune in entitlements because of illegals. They cost FAR more than they save but only people who could balance a checkbook could figure that out so that is why sheep like you are tricked.
    brooks I always made enough money that a balanced checkbook was not problem. But you hourly pukes than it was a concern

  7. #462
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    brooks I always made enough money that a balanced checkbook was not problem. But you hourly pukes than it was a concern
    you're missing the point, you can't do it chico. It wasn't a choice of yours, it was a limitation you had to deal with. This is why you're an anti-american sheep; a liberal. The trend is so obvious.

  8. #463
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    you're missing the point, you can't do it chico. It wasn't a choice of yours, it was a limitation you had to deal with. This is why you're an anti-american sheep; a liberal. The trend is so obvious.
    brooks i made more in a yr than you made in 2. I was paying 52% of my earnings in tax. Double social security and a.m.t. So my paycheck wasn't a limitation. That is what happens when you are strictly commission. Brooks I was off 6 months a work with no income and had to pay over 200,000 to the hospital for 27 days in plus out patient after that.This was before obama care

  9. #464
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  10. #465
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    You just made a mistake, you proved you're not a dotard but a troll. You just lost credibility from your far-left agitators.

  11. #466
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryermkd View Post
    You just made a mistake, you proved you're not a dotard but a troll. You just lost credibility from your far-left agitators.

    My man I have never voted for a democrat president in my life. I voted for kasich as a write in because I donated for his presidential run. I used to get so pissed watching him eat all that shit in new york. I stayed at waldorf astoria 2 weeks before stroke and didn't eat so well.. By the way I served my country in the early 80's. also don't appreciate the tea baggers stealing the repub party

  12. #467
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post

  13. #468
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    Lone Steelers player who stood now has 6th best selling jersey today.

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The jersey of Steelers lineman &amp; veteran Alejandro Villanueva now listed as the 6th best selling jersey (also factors in search) on NFLShop. <a href="https://t.co/VFTd0enG8D">pic.twitter.com/VFTd0enG8D</a></p>&mdash; Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) <a href="https://twitter.com/darrenrovell/status/912318520188432388">September 25, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

  14. #469
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    From: John Kasich
    Subject: I need your help

    nough is enough with the partisan bickering. There’s a reason Congress’ approval rating is so low.

    The American people want lasting results that will only come from bipartisan solutions to our greatest challenges, like health care.

    It's been done before and it can happen again. When I was in Congress in the 90's, both parties worked together on welfare reforms and those reforms continue to serve the American people well today because we worked together to improve the lives of our constituents.

    Our message on this health care debate is having a big impact but there is a lot more work to do. Just last week, I joined nine other governors, Republicans, Democrats and Independent, in sending another letter to Congress calling for a bipartisan solution.

    Please consider helping us fight for a bipartisan solution by chipping in $10, $25, $50 or whatever you can to help us continue spreading this message.

    I was also on several news shows to discuss this issue if you'd like to watch them below:

    Thank you for all that you're doing to help us get this important message out. America can do better!


    P.S. Read my op-ed on the dangerous path America is going down with our growing national debt:

    Forbes: The Record Surge in Our National Debt is an Urgent Wake-Up Call for American Families

    Paid for by Kasich for America, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

    From: John Kasich
    Subject: I need your help

    nough is enough with the partisan bickering. There’s a reason Congress’ approval rating is so low.

    The American people want lasting results that will only come from bipartisan solutions to our greatest challenges, like health care.

    It's been done before and it can happen again. When I was in Congress in the 90's, both parties worked together on welfare reforms and those reforms continue to serve the American people well today because we worked together to improve the lives of our constituents.

    Our message on this health care debate is having a big impact but there is a lot more work to do. Just last week, I joined nine other governors, Republicans, Democrats and Independent, in sending another letter to Congress calling for a bipartisan solution.

    Please consider helping us fight for a bipartisan solution by chipping in $10, $25, $50 or whatever you can to help us continue spreading this message.

    I was also on several news shows to discuss this issue if you'd like to watch them below:

    Thank you for all that you're doing to help us get this important message out. America can do better!


    P.S. Read my op-ed on the dangerous path America is going down with our growing national debt:

    Forbes: The Record Surge in Our National Debt is an Urgent Wake-Up Call for American Families

    Paid for by Kasich for America, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

  15. #470
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    kasich = liberal

    silly chico doesn't realize that
    Last edited by brooks85; 09-25-17 at 11:54 AM.

  16. #471
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    this is one I got from the tea bag movement. I think kasich told them I donated to him
    Breaking News From The Tea Party
    View online
    Get this message by accident?UNSUBSCRIBE HERE
    "The Republican establishment is trying to nullify the 2016 election. That's a brutal fact we have to face."
    - Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon
    Steve Bannon just issued a call to action to every American Patriot... and it's one that we cannot ignore.
    He's right. President Trump is under attack from BOTH Establishment Democrats and RINO Republicans. They're actively working to destroy everything the President is fighting for.
    We have to face the facts, and that's why I'm urgently reaching out to you right now.
    I'm excited to announce that the Tea Party is officially launching a MASSIVE campaign to Take Back the Senate and BOOT OUT every single turncoat Republican and liberal Democrat... and have each one replaced with an ACTUAL conservative who will fight for the American People.
    We're targeting vulnerable Democrats in States the we WON last fall, and specific Turncoat Republicans who have worked harder to take down President Trump than they have for you - the American People.

  17. #472
    I don't believe you ... please continue
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  18. #473
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    [QUOTE=brooks85;27231704]kasich = liberal

    Brooks can you show me your tea party donation form? Oh that's right. They only send shit to people who have donated before.

  19. #474
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    kasich = liberal

    Brooks can you show me your tea party donation form? Oh that's right. They only send shit to people who have donated before.
    kasich = liberal

    supporting illegals = liberal

    bringing in dangerous refugees = liberal

    chico = liberal

    do you have enough intelligence to understand you're a liberal? It's obvious to anyone looking.

  20. #475
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    Brooks should I show you some from adam brandon from freedom works. Brooks I donated time and money to kenneth blackwell when he was mayor of cincinnati.

  21. #476
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    you should show me that you can read and have the maturity to admit you're a liberal;

    kasich = liberal

    supporting illegals = liberal

    bringing in dangerous refugees = liberal

    chico = liberal

    do you have enough intelligence to understand you're a liberal? It's obvious to anyone looking.

  22. #477
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    kasich = liberal

    supporting illegals = liberal

    bringing in dangerous refugees = liberal

    chico = liberal

    do you have enough intelligence to understand you're a liberal? It's obvious to anyone looking.
    Brooks kasich balanced a budget. Worked with reagan and newt. He is considered a moderate. I know riding that short bus made it hard for you to understand. I understand that your afraid of losing that janitorial job to an immigrant for less money. But seeing my job was total commission I never worried about that. Brooks steve jobs father was an immigrant.
    List of other immigrants that never bothered us
    albert eintein
    sergey brin-google
    levi straus
    joseph pulitizer sp
    ruport murdoch
    madelin albright
    liz claiborne
    jan koum-whats app
    steve chen/jawid karim-you tube
    ariana hufington
    arnold schwartzenaeger sp
    trump's old lady

  23. #478
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    Nothing wrong with being "liberal" the definition or rather the meaning of a liberal has just been squandered lately...
    Kasić (the real spelling) was actually my second pick after Trump, third was Carson. I just knew no body had a chance in hell to beat Herr Trump, especially Little Marco.

  24. #479
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    Brooks kasich balanced a budget. Worked with reagan and newt. He is considered a moderate. I know riding that short bus made it hard for you to understand. I understand that your afraid of losing that janitorial job to an immigrant for less money. But seeing my job was total commission I never worried about that. Brooks steve jobs father was an immigrant.
    List of other immigrants that never bothered us
    albert eintein
    sergey brin-google
    levi straus
    joseph pulitizer sp
    ruport murdoch
    madelin albright
    liz claiborne
    jan koum-whats app
    steve chen/jawid karim-you tube
    ariana hufington
    arnold schwartzenaeger sp
    trump's old lady

    chico proving his desperate liberal logic.

    1. The ONLY reason kasich had any success with the budget was because he took obamacare money. Fact.

    2. Wtf does immigrants have to do with anything?

    illegals =/= immigrants you dumb moron. You clearly need to go back to English class.

    Why do you pretend you're not a liberal when it is so obvious in every action you take?

  25. #480
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    kasich = liberal
    Brooks, are you liberal or conservative;?
    1 when you drive
    2 during sex
    3 with BBQsauce on your brisket

  26. #481
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    The travel ban is against immigrants you dip shit. I said that it was racist. You assume that because i'm hispanic that i'm for undocumented. Little unknown fact is that most illegal are from overstays. I guess if I had your i.q. or lack thereof ;I would be against immigrants. I mean there are only so many janitorial jobs around. But brooks if you get laid off I have friends that own janitorial services. Maybe they can hire you. On second thought as much time as you steal from your employer getting on the net ​NO CAN DO!

  27. #482
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    lol the only way you could be liberal when you drive is if you were just changing lanes without concern of other drivers and ignoring the law; the liberal way of life.

  28. #483
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Brooks, are you liberal or conservative;?
    1 when you drive
    2 during sex
    3 with BBQsauce on your brisket
    I think you have a better chance to figuring out what trump is. I was going to drop a grand on trump if the indians won the world series. Your hometown let me down.

  29. #484
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    The travel ban is against immigrants you dip shit. I said that it was racist. You assume that because i'm hispanic that i'm for undocumented. Little unknown fact is that most illegal are from overstays. I guess if I had your i.q. or lack thereof ;I would be against immigrants. I mean there are only so many janitorial jobs around. But brooks if you get laid off I have friends that own janitorial services. Maybe they can hire you. On second thought as much time as you steal from your employer getting on the net ​NO CAN DO!
    no where did I mention travel ban you moron. Learn to read, get some post-it notes you liberal clown

    illegal immigrant =/= legal immigrant

    kasich = liberal

    supporting illegals = liberal

    bringing in dangerous refugees = liberal

    chico = liberal

    do you have enough intelligence to understand you're a liberal? It's obvious to anyone looking.

  30. #485
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    I salute Trump

    Brilliant move calling out NFL

  31. #486
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Brooks, are you liberal or conservative;?
    1 when you drive
    2 during sex
    3 with BBQsauce on your brisket
    mac the worst thing about moving home from ohio is the penetrating food. Man in cinti we had great italian resteraunts and also german. I can't get goetta or a good bratwurst .Can't get good pie the sauce down here sucks. Have no goldstar. Man it sucks
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  32. #487
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    no where did I mention travel ban you moron. Learn to read, get some post-it notes you liberal clown

    illegal immigrant =/= legal immigrant

    kasich = liberal

    supporting illegals = liberal

    bringing in dangerous refugees = liberal

    chico = liberal

    do you have enough intelligence to understand you're a liberal? It's obvious to anyone looking.
    Do you have enough intelligence to understand that your a menace to society? Your dad molested you. We worry about your potential recidivism. Do you report to the authorities? Do you live close to a school? Are you on an ankle monitor? Do they know at the school you mop about your background?

  33. #488
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    I salute Trump

    Brilliant move calling out NFL
    I salute sbr for making you a special moderator. I got tired of seeing that non pro moniker.

  34. #489
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    Do you have enough intelligence to understand that your a menace to society? Your dad molested you. We worry about your potential recidivism. Do you report to the authorities? Do you live close to a school? Are you on an ankle monitor? Do they know at the school you mop about your background?
    awesome non-response to the fact you're a liberal and hilarious how you went from immigrants to travel ban. A true example of how a liberal tries to debate when they are panicked.

    you support illegals, dangerous refugees and the political class; you're a liberal.

  35. #490
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    no where did I mention travel ban you moron. Learn to read, get some post-it notes you liberal clown

    illegal immigrant =/= legal immigrant

    kasich = liberal

    supporting illegals = liberal

    bringing in dangerous refugees = liberal

    chico = liberal

    do you have enough intelligence to understand you're a liberal? It's obvious to anyone looking.

    wrong again brooks. Are you ever right?

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