1. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
    There are very few working white folks that voted for Hilary, The Makers. There are very few non whites and non working folks that voted for Trump. The Takers.

    The Makers have been taking back the country for the past 6 years. Kraken and other Takers would like to believe the aforementioned is not true. But sadly for them this trend is firmly entrenched. And Dems defend over half of their senate seats in 23 months and half of those are in states Trump won. The liberal pain is far from over.
    Nobody is a bigger taker than Trump. Built his empire on the backs of the little people, lining the pockets of politicians, stiffing small businesses, and avoiding paying taxes.

    I am a white and a business owner and I know plenty more like me that would never have voted for that whiny little bitch.

  2. #72
    astro61200's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    So many Trumptard snowflakes in here.

    Lots are nonpro too.

    Should have voted for Bernie, he would have taken my money to pay for your pro membership. Broke snowflakes. Sad.

  3. #73
    NrmlCurvSurfr's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Lol on to the whole broke dik non pro bs...desperate

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by NrmlCurvSurfr View Post
    Lol on to the whole broke dik non pro bs...desperate
    Tweet about it, snowflake. Twitter is free!

  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by astro61200 View Post
    Tweet about it, snowflake. Twitter is free!
    So is SBR...possibly a grown man calling people out on a forum because they are not pro...what a life

  6. #76
    wikkidinsane's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
    There are very few working white folks that voted for Hilary, The Makers. There are very few non whites and non working folks that voted for Trump. The Takers.

    The Makers have been taking back the country for the past 6 years. Kraken and other Takers would like to believe the aforementioned is not true. But sadly for them this trend is firmly entrenched. And Dems defend over half of their senate seats in 23 months and half of those are in states Trump won. The liberal pain is far from over.
    wrong . deadwrong. wanna see some stats? Non working whites went for trump

  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by ByeShea View Post

    Liberals are afraid of Trump because he'll have done more by his first Monday morning of work than Obama did in 8 years.

    America managed to elect a phenomenally competent man with good intentions to the highest office. At a not too distant point the winning will be undeniable.

    lets see where ur 401k (if u even have one) gas prices, interest rates, and unemployment are when 4 years are up. Im willing to bet that all of these great markers will be on the minus side from where Obama left it. Let me ask u something i know Fox News controls most of your idiots pathetic minds . Do they flash fake gas signs on air and u think u are paying over 4 dollars a gallon like when Republicans had control last? Will the auto industry now be in trouble? The same industry Obama saved?

  8. #78
    sweethook's Avatar SBR PRO
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    no biggy . now days its all lipstick

  9. #79
    RoyBacon's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by wikkidinsane View Post
    wrong . deadwrong. wanna see some stats? Non working whites went for trump
    Those are just the facts and it's translated into Dems losing 1000+ elected seats including The House, Senate and now POTUS.

    It's not by some voodo.

    It's real and still growing. Working whites have rejected liberalism.

  10. #80
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Roy nailed it

  11. #81
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by NrmlCurvSurfr View Post
    I hope Kraken and his buddies are out cleaning the streets today what a mess...lazy asses just going to let the citizens pay for it I suppose...hope they had fun, btw and I'm sure it's not a coincidence but the few people I know who participated, I consider square and out of touch with reality...not too shocking
    You remind me of that guy that thinks they're really smart but never adds anything substantial to the conversation, just An uninformed opinion and weak insults as if they're supposed to sting.

    You should be worrying less about tax payers being on the hook for cleaning up after yesterdays march, and more about how the GOP is about to sell your retirement plan to the highest bidder and watch the piranas strip it down to nothing but bones.

    But Im sure because Trump is president, you'll gladly hand over your future security to him because you're a mindless sheep

  12. #82
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Roy nailed it
    Stop before I embarrass you again, Glen

  13. #83
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    It's all good kraken..I don't count on anyone else to pay for my retirement. I have what I need for now and have enough assets to support myself when I retire, I already count my SS as good as gone, if I end up getting something back in 30 years it will be a pleasant surprise...politics has me jaded, nothing shocks me anymore..

  14. #84
    I don't believe you ... please continue
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    You remind me of that guy that thinks they're really smart but never adds anything substantial to the conversation, just An uninformed opinion and weak insults as if they're supposed to sting.

    You should be worrying less about tax payers being on the hook for cleaning up after yesterdays march, and more about how the GOP is about to sell your retirement plan to the highest bidder and watch the piranas strip it down to nothing but bones.

    But Im sure because Trump is president, you'll gladly hand over your future security to him because you're a mindless sheep

  15. #85
    eidolon's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    They are scared because of 3 reasons:
    1) He is not a Democrat, so they think that anything he does can't be good (this goes for both sides); and that if he changes anything Obama did it is a horrible offense, because Obama was like a god to them.
    2) Trump is a bumbling idiot; he continues to have diarrhea coming out of his mouth.
    3) The majority of TV news stations are far left and treated Obama with kid's gloves, but will go back to UFC ground-n-pound on Republican candidates, using reason #2 to fuel reason #1.

  16. #86
    chico2663's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Anyone that thinks obama was bad must of lived in their parents basement. Or lived high off on charging things instead of on a budget. Their life sucks and since they were never accountable then it must be someone else's fault. I would say participation trophy but that would of meant they would of got out of the house.

  17. #87
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    Chico your post makes no sense. So if we think Obama is bad, which is why we elected Trump, we must live in our parents basement?

    And if we voted for Trump we are dumb?

    Did you and your lib friends even realize that we want working voices heard? Have you ever even considered that white working people are losing ground? Does the 1000+ elected seats you've lost tell you anything???

  18. #88
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
    Chico your post makes no sense. So if we think Obama is bad, which is why we elected Trump, we must live in our parents basement?

    And if we voted for Trump we are dumb?

    Did you and your lib friends even realize that we want working voices heard? Have you ever even considered that white working people are losing ground? Does the 1000+ elected seats you've lost tell you anything???
    Tells me the gop fleeced a bunch of undereducated, naive individuals into thinking they were actually the party that would listen to them and benefit them

    Instead there will be a one way money highwat going from the middle class to the .01%'ers

    Those middle class whites now face having their social security privatized and pilfered, these same people that average less than $10,000 in savings

    Jobs will leave America at the same rate they always have, only jobs being added are for ai robots

    i could go on but you'll argue your point just to argue
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  19. #89
    marcoloco's Avatar SBR PRO
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    you guys are all winners

  20. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    Canadian. You lose 5 points for this post. Try again.

  21. #91
    chico2663's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
    Chico your post makes no sense. So if we think Obama is bad, which is why we elected Trump, we must live in our parents basement?

    And if we voted for Trump we are dumb?

    Did you and your lib friends even realize that we want working voices heard? Have you ever even considered that white working people are losing ground? Does the 1000+ elected seats you've lost tell you anything???
    Fear of being left behind. My stocks did just fine under Obama. I can't say the same under Bush. But I have bad news for your candidate. Msn is saying that he is being sued because of the emoluments clause come tomorrow. But the thing you have going for him is they have to show where he is hurting them. They have NO RIGHT, If the hotels get involved then it is game over. Also I heard Melania is advertising her jewelry on the white house web site. What is sad Roy that your not realizing that it is the policies of the right that is causing you to lose.

  22. #92
    chico2663's Avatar SBR PRO
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    I hate when someone doesn't know the definition of liberal. Seems to be standard practice on this site. Since most peds are in the ultra right should people that are liberal start calling you guys pedos?

  23. #93
    It aint easy being greasy.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuse0323 View Post
    No clue. They should be happy. He's not nearly as conservative as Rubio, or Cruz. Will actually work with the Dems. But, he's a billionaire who has never been in politics, and doesn't speak PC stereotypical jargon so he's a terrible guy.
    No, it has less to do with where he is on the political spectrum and more to do with the facts that he is literally a terrible, horrible, narcissistic, economical, racist, sexist, fascist, dbag of a person. And you can't even make a factual argument that he isn't all of those things. He just happened to have the fortune to run against someone that was a terrible candidate with a ton of undeserved baggage and a ton and a half of deserved baggage, while an largely ignorant electorate was voting.

  24. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    I hate when someone doesn't know the definition of liberal. Seems to be standard practice on this site. Since most peds are in the ultra right should people that are liberal start calling you guys pedos?
    Call them snowflakes, like the biggest snowflake they voted for. What did he cry about on Twitter today? Did someone look at him wrong and hurt his poor little feelings?

  25. #95
    It aint easy being greasy.
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    Quote Originally Posted by eidolon View Post
    They are scared because of 3 reasons:
    1) He is not a Democrat, so they think that anything he does can't be good (this goes for both sides); and that if he changes anything Obama did it is a horrible offense, because Obama was like a god to them.
    2) Trump is a bumbling idiot; he continues to have diarrhea coming out of his mouth.
    3) The majority of TV news stations are far left and treated Obama with kid's gloves, but will go back to UFC ground-n-pound on Republican candidates, using reason #2 to fuel reason #1.
    You didn't even couch the fact that Trump is a bumbling idiot with "diarreha coming out of his mouth" with the usual, "liberals think/the media says" BS. So you admit he is an idiot? As for your other points, it's just lame and typical partisan simplification, just what you are accusing others of.

  26. #96
    RoyBacon's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    Tells me the gop fleeced a bunch of undereducated, naive individuals into thinking they were actually the party that would listen to them and benefit them

    Instead there will be a one way money highwat going from the middle class to the .01%'ers

    Those middle class whites now face having their social security privatized and pilfered, these same people that average less than $10,000 in savings

    Jobs will leave America at the same rate they always have, only jobs being added are for ai robots

    i could go on but you'll argue your point just to argue

    Krack you act no smarter than chico. So your party lost 1000+ elected seats because the "gop fleeced a bunch of undereducated naive individuals(white people)"???

    So that's it? The liberal electorate which includes 85% of the African Americans is just soo smart but the white hard working people are idiots.

    If you ever wonder why your party had been destroyed all you have to do is read your own writings. The left ignored working America. With every loss they blame those same folks as being stupid. 1,000+ lost elected seats and counting and you and the left are reduced to crying with your heads buried. Liberals will continue to be whitelashed until they learn that working folks want their country made great again.

  27. #97
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    Tells me the gop fleeced a bunch of undereducated, naive individuals into thinking they were actually the party that would listen to them and benefit them

    Instead there will be a one way money highwat going from the middle class to the .01%'ers

    Those middle class whites now face having their social security privatized and pilfered, these same people that average less than $10,000 in savings

    Jobs will leave America at the same rate they always have, only jobs being added are for ai robots

    i could go on but you'll argue your point just to argue

    Most of them just don't get it my friend?

    And I don't really believe that these guys are all stupid, some are no doubt. But, many have witnessed great change and they reached out for anything possible. I get that, globalization and technology has produced many winners but also losers. The irony of this entire deal is many of the losers are white, male and USA citizens. That is simply the truth, many poor countries have seen great strides but blue collar workers have not. No president ever can change those facts. Trump claims he can, he cannot. But, place yourself in their shoes. They have seen nothing but disasters these past 8 years. Not any single person is to blame, it is simply what is happening in the world today but especially in the USA. These people have seen incomes dive, jobs disappear, and economically they are hurting. Along comes a populist promising promises that cannot be delivered and deep down they know this. But, what would you do? What would I do? Probably the same as them. Vote for what they hope for. They reached out hoping beyond hope that some miracle can happen. They will be disappointed. And it is really sad.

  28. #98
    At The Spectrum
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    Trump is all about the ca$h. At all costs to others. A leopard does not change his spots. Focused on lieing cheating stealing for profit for 45 years. But now his is going to fight for the middle class? Filled his cabinet with other billionaires and promised a lot of poor people change. Read this article


  29. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by odog11 View Post
    No, it has less to do with where he is on the political spectrum and more to do with the facts that he is literally a terrible, horrible, narcissistic, economical, racist, sexist, fascist, dbag of a person. And you can't even make a factual argument that he isn't all of those things. He just happened to have the fortune to run against someone that was a terrible candidate with a ton of undeserved baggage and a ton and a half of deserved baggage, while an largely ignorant electorate was voting.
    You're right on one thing. I can't make a factual argument on him not being all those things. Because, it's your opinion. My opinion is that he's none of those, and there's plenty of evidence to support my opinion. But, factual, sure. You win. I can't provide facts, I guess because those are subjective terms.

  30. #100
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by DABOOK View Post
    Trump is all about the ca$h. At all costs to others. A leopard does not change his spots. Focused on lieing cheating stealing for profit for 45 years. But now his is going to fight for the middle class? Filled his cabinet with other billionaires and promised a lot of poor people change. Read this article


    great post

  31. #101
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Only weak people terrified

  32. #102
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Only weak people terrified

    Well I am very concerned about a nuclear exchange. If that makes me weak, sign me up.

  33. #103
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    No wars


    Laugh of night

  34. #104
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Alternative Snowflake Spicer (aka ASS) whines that negative coverage is demoralizing.


  35. #105
    At The Spectrum
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    His hats made in Vietnam.
    His Steel made in China.
    His ties made in Bangladesh.


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