1. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Odom View Post
    wanna bet ?

    Libs will begin to worry and complain about an exploding debt crises in 3 months
    What is good for the goose is good for the gander. But nice to see the repubs moved the cap 9 trillion at 2 a.m. this morning

  2. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
    Eliminate corp tax. Global businesses would swarm to the US.
    You do know that Corporations DO NOT pay tax. Not federal tax, nor state tax...

    It is the suppliers, shareholders, workers, especially the executives, and customers that pay taxes. If you were the CEO of Coca Cola, would you rather pay US taxes or 12.5% tax in Ireland???

    You could totally eliminate taxes and Global business would not swarm to the US. There's much more to companies and where they domicile than that.

  3. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepgotwool View Post
    End all Hb1 and Hb2 visas . Have these people who overstay their visas on a tracking program. Phuckers need to be tracked. End all immigration for the next 4 years. These are some principles that need to be put in place immediately.
    Just like we have thousands of Mexicans coming into the US to do manual labor jobs that our own kids don't want to do, we also have very high paying jobs that take a very high level skill set that Americans are NOT qualified to do either. Our kids are no longer going for Master's and doctorate degrees. They think they are entitled to top jobs without being fully educated. So what do I do? I have to higher foreign nationals that can do the work. Sponsor them into the US and pay them more than our own people. It's a fukkin shame but what can you do? Our young people refuse to put in the sweat equity. Our older people refuse to go back and get a trade or to upgrade their skills. Africans, Indians and Asians are all moving ahead of our kids in our own country... but sure, blame Obama.

  4. #39
    chico2663's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Republicans are going to repeal Obamacare and basically replace it with the same thing. They would not try to work with him while he was in office because it would make him look good so they did everything to undercut him. So now, instead of just tweaking ACA, they will replace it with basically the same shit.
    When i had a stroke these doctors did walk bys. I got a bill from a gastro doctor. I refused to pay it because I had a stroke which is a brain (my friends said that was impossible lol)
    Healthcare cost have been getting out of hand the last 20 years. Most people cannot afford a medical event. Get a heart attack, cancer, baby born 4 months early, etc., and you will do what most people have been doing for over a decade including Trump... file bankruptcy. They healthcare system in the US is a sham. Too many people are getting paid and the patient (Americans) have no idea what the real cost is. Most people don't even care the cost because their insurance will pay for it. I had a 20 minute back surgery that cost $120,000. I had a baby that cost $27,000. I had an ankle surgery that cost $48,000. Fukkin ridiculous. I didn't pay a dime but I wanted to know the cost. In each case, it took an act of congress to find out the total cost. They gave me the run around to find out what cost what. Most common answer, you have good insurance, they will take care of it so why do you care what it cost. We all end up paying with this stupid mindset.

    A friend of mine who had no insurance had a baby born preemie in the NICU, got a $600k bill. He laughed as the bills kept piling in. Filed bankruptcy and never looked back. I knew a girl that came over here from Europe just to have her baby born here. Baby is a US citizen and she never paid the doctor bill. Who ends up paying for that? We all do. The health system is a huge crisis and there is no easy solution. The Republicans aren't going to improve it anymore than Obama did. It takes a lot of smart people making tough decisions without an agenda.
    I had a stroke. But got a bill from a gastr. Refused to pay it and informed insurance company not to pay. They put it on my credit. This was before obama care and being diabetic cost me a fortune. I paid my end in one payment. But refuse to pay this so they put on credit. Thank god I was a saver but sucked waiting 6 months for long term insurance policy to kick in. If you have any money before obama then you couldn't get any help.

  5. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    I had a stroke. But got a bill from a gastr. Refused to pay it and informed insurance company not to pay. They put it on my credit. This was before obama care and being diabetic cost me a fortune. I paid my end in one payment. But refuse to pay this so they put on credit. Thank god I was a saver but sucked waiting 6 months for long term insurance policy to kick in. If you have any money before obama then you couldn't get any help.
    Yep... Imagine how many people have gone through similar experience.

    All the people complaining about ACA just haven't been sick yet.

  6. #41
    Vegas Baby!
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    Or theyre wealthy and don't give a shit that millions have healthcare who once didn't.

  7. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
    Hire sanders supporters to clean the streets they littered

    after....have them plant a tree or 2 in the desert in Arizona then declare that land given to mexico
    We tried to give Tucson back to Mexico but they wouldn't take it

  8. #43
    grease lightnin
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    Infrastructure improvements.

    Corporate tax incentives.

    Renegotiating trade agreements would probably create jobs, but raise prices to the point where it wouldn't be a net positive.

  9. #44
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    Who pays for the infrastructure improvements? Are republicans going to reduce the debt??? There's always 2 ways of looking at spending money. On one hand it creates jobs to improve roads, buildings, etc. but on the other hand we have to rob peter to pay paul. It is very hard to come up with iron clad solutions and there's too many people at odds of trying anything so they stall everything. Dems in office, so Republicans don't want society to succeed. Republicans get in office and now the Dems don't want them to be successful. The 2 party system is very flawed.

    We need to stop saying corporate tax incentives and call it for what it really is... Cut high paying executives taxes. It is not the corporation that is paying taxes, it's the CEO. Reduce their personal taxes and they will flock to the US as a tax haven in droves.
    Last edited by Mac4Lyfe; 01-13-17 at 07:59 AM.

  10. #45
    rkelly110's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Republicans are going to repeal Obamacare and basically replace it with the same thing. They would not try to work with him while he was in office because it would make him look good so they did everything to undercut him. So now, instead of just tweaking ACA, they will replace it with basically the same shit.

    Healthcare cost have been getting out of hand the last 20 years. Most people cannot afford a medical event. Get a heart attack, cancer, baby born 4 months early, etc., and you will do what most people have been doing for over a decade including Trump... file bankruptcy. They healthcare system in the US is a sham. Too many people are getting paid and the patient (Americans) have no idea what the real cost is. Most people don't even care the cost because their insurance will pay for it. I had a 20 minute back surgery that cost $120,000. I had a baby that cost $27,000. I had an ankle surgery that cost $48,000. Fukkin ridiculous. I didn't pay a dime but I wanted to know the cost. In each case, it took an act of congress to find out the total cost. They gave me the run around to find out what cost what. Most common answer, you have good insurance, they will take care of it so why do you care what it cost. We all end up paying with this stupid mindset.

    A friend of mine who had no insurance had a baby born preemie in the NICU, got a $600k bill. He laughed as the bills kept piling in. Filed bankruptcy and never looked back. I knew a girl that came over here from Europe just to have her baby born here. Baby is a US citizen and she never paid the doctor bill. Who ends up paying for that? We all do. The health system is a huge crisis and there is no easy solution. The Republicans aren't going to improve it anymore than Obama did. It takes a lot of smart people making tough decisions without an agenda.
    Somewhere before 2000, hospitals and doctors got together with insurance companies to screw the American people
    for money. Before that we had employer sponsored health care in the form of major medical. Doctor visits were low,
    some hospital procedures were low, etc.

    Our congress shit the bed on foreseeing or stopping them from taking our and our employers money. Might've been
    involved, IDK.

    The new insurance was the single most economic buster of all time and contributed "bigly" to the '08 recession.
    From paying nothing for health insurance to paying $500 a month with no raise to compensate hurt many.

    I have not heard one politician talk about this.

  11. #46
    grease lightnin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Who pays for the infrastructure improvements? Are republicans going to reduce the debt??? There's always 2 ways of looking at spending money. On one hand it creates jobs to improve roads, buildings, etc. but on the other hand we have to rob peter to pay paul. It is very hard to come up with iron clad solutions and there's too many people at odds of trying anything so they stall everything. Dems in office, so Republicans don't want society to succeed. Republicans get in office and now the Dems don't want them to be successful. The 2 party system is very flawed.

    We need to stop saying corporate tax incentives and call it for what it really is... Cut high paying executives taxes. It is not the corporation that is paying taxes, it's the CEO. Reduce their personal taxes and they will flock to the US as a tax haven in droves.

    If they cut taxes and implement infrastructure improvements, then yes, this would likely increase the deficit. I have wondered if Congress and the GOP in general would approve of this. But Paul Ryan said on 60 minutes that they would.

    Corporate taxes in the US are over 30%. One of the highest rates in the world. C corps (which represent the vast majority of businesses) are taxed at the corporate level and then shareholders and employees are taxed on their income from the business as well.

    It is often that corporations put operations in a given state because of the tax incentives that the state offers them. And this creates jobs. Corporate tax incentives do, in fact, create jobs.

    And Mac... you know I didn't vote for Trump, right?

  12. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by grease lightnin View Post
    If they cut taxes and implement infrastructure improvements, then yes, this would likely increase the deficit. I have wondered if Congress and the GOP in general would approve of this. But Paul Ryan said on 60 minutes that they would.
    Corporate taxes in the US are over 30%. One of the highest rates in the world. C corps (which represent the vast majority of businesses) are taxed at the corporate level and then shareholders and employees are taxed on their income from the business as well.
    It is often that corporations put operations in a given state because of the tax incentives that the state offers them. And this creates jobs. Corporate tax incentives do, in fact, create jobs.
    And Mac... you know I didn't vote for Trump, right?
    Greaser - I know you didn't vote for Trump.

    It's just not so easy to say cut taxes or give incentives and that will create jobs. Companies hire people to do work not because their taxes are lower. Plus cuts may create jobs initially but then loss of tax revenue may actually cause other jobs to suffer.

    History does not always show that cutting taxes equals more jobs. Look at the 2004 Tax Holiday which temporarily lowered the corporate tax rate to 5%. The top 15 companies that benefited the most from these lower taxes laid off 20,000 of their workers. Plus, unemployment has historically been it's lowest when the tax rate was its highest.
    Our world is a contained ecosystem. Middle class workers get pissed if you give thousands of able bodied people money for welfare. But the money paid out actually goes to the local grocer that gets distributed in the community. More money in the community equals more jobs which means less people on welfare. If you spend billions on road and rail improvements, that will create thousands of new jobs... but someone has to pay for it? Middle class. The deficit goes up but there's more jobs created. Cut corporate taxes, more companies come to the US which should mean more jobs. But less tax revenue could also mean many public sector cuts, less infrastructure improvements, etc. It's all cyclical.

    I don't have the answers. They are not as easy as both parties try to convince us. It's very difficult to decide how to invest in the US' future. Who really knows what will and won't work. Which is why I'm glad I'm not in politics.

  13. #48
    Dan Bilzerian's gunsmith
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post
    Energy industry. Oil and natural gas.

  14. #49
    Dan Bilzerian's gunsmith
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    Until you guys get over the "we don't want people to make money off of people" ideology then nothing will happen. Doesn't matter the level either....if someone wants to put a Mexican restaurant or a McDonald's franchise in a small town he'll only do it if he earns money from it....so what! Yes the owner earns a profit but at same time he's paying property and sales taxes into they area....he's giving jobs to people that wouldn't otherwise have one....and it's a bonus for the customers. But you guys cry but but but he's not gonna pay the person $15/hr so he is not allowed to make money.
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  15. #50
    Sam Odom
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    Lockheed CEO tells Trump - Company will add 1,800 F-35 jobs in Fort Worth

  16. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    You do know that Corporations DO NOT pay tax. Not federal tax, nor state tax...

    It is the suppliers, shareholders, workers, especially the executives, and customers that pay taxes. If you were the CEO of Coca Cola, would you rather pay US taxes or 12.5% tax in Ireland???

    You could totally eliminate taxes and Global business would not swarm to the US. There's much more to companies and where they domicile than that.
    Starting to believe you're a paid troll

    Never seen such a clueless poster have so much to say

  17. #52
    RoyBacon's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Just like we have thousands of Mexicans coming into the US to do manual labor jobs that our own kids don't want to do, we also have very high paying jobs that take a very high level skill set that Americans are NOT qualified to do either. Our kids are no longer going for Master's and doctorate degrees. They think they are entitled to top jobs without being fully educated. So what do I do? I have to higher foreign nationals that can do the work. Sponsor them into the US and pay them more than our own people. It's a fukkin shame but what can you do? Our young people refuse to put in the sweat equity. Our older people refuse to go back and get a trade or to upgrade their skills. Africans, Indians and Asians are all moving ahead of our kids in our own country... but sure, blame Obama.
    Your typing hands are lying to you.

    High taxes, as I proved to you before are the highest in the world, are driving our companies away. And taking huge amounts of cash and jobs with it. The company I worked for moved and took 70 jobs. It saved millions in taxes. The millions it saved it reinvested in its new country because it could not take the funds home. It's a lose lose proposition and a killer to the American worker.

  18. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Starting to believe you're a paid trollNever seen such a clueless poster have so much to say
    Fuk Off... Never fukkin heard of you pal.

  19. #54
    chico2663's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
    Your typing hands are lying to you.

    High taxes, as I proved to you before are the highest in the world, are driving our companies away. And taking huge amounts of cash and jobs with it. The company I worked for moved and took 70 jobs. It saved millions in taxes. The millions it saved it reinvested in its new country because it could not take the funds home. It's a lose lose proposition and a killer to the American worker.
    The difference in this country we allow our companies to have write offs. These same companies that threaten to leave won't tell you that the write down business where they are paying 12-12%. But people that have never owned a business or been responsible in the upper echelon of business fall for the line. Check g.e. they never paid a tax couple years ago but got a refund. The middle class was the one who paid for the roads and power lines the corps. are using.
    Back to the a.c.a. one thing it did was keep scrips on medicine down. They just voted today and every repub +corey booker voted against capping the price of scrips. The v.a. gets bulk rates. The charge 4.00 for an lantus. I was told that they still make money off this scrip. Now this same script cost me 255 dollars if not bought thru them. The number 1 cause in the usa of bankruptcy is medical expenses. Until you have an emergency then you will never know. The number 1 way to lose wealth in usa is by medicals. Have fun why your young. Make sure you save for a rainy day. Also those insurance premiums after the a.c.a is gone will lead to more people being un insured
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  20. #55
    Mac4Lyfe's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
    Your typing hands are lying to you.
    High taxes, as I proved to you before are the highest in the world, are driving our companies away. And taking huge amounts of cash and jobs with it. The company I worked for moved and took 70 jobs. It saved millions in taxes. The millions it saved it reinvested in its new country because it could not take the funds home. It's a lose lose proposition and a killer to the American worker.
    It is not that simple. Corporate inversions certainly makes sense in a lot of cases but that is not always the reason for losing jobs.

    What company did you work for? Where did they move? More than likely the tax savings was not the driving force. Companies are leaving the US because US workers are way overpaid even though they are under skilled. This entitlement mentality has forced companies to give US workers the finger because they can find smarter, more loyal employees in places like India, Malaysia, Mexico, etc. How many companies want to deal with unions? Do you know that you can hire 10 Indian workers for the cost of 1 US worker. Cutting taxes are not going to solve our kids that don't want to work nor get educated but still demand high wages.

  21. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    The difference in this country we allow our companies to have write offs. These same companies that threaten to leave won't tell you that the write down business where they are paying 12-12%. But people that have never owned a business or been responsible in the upper echelon of business fall for the line. Check g.e. they never paid a tax couple years ago but got a refund. The middle class was the one who paid for the roads and power lines the corps. are using.
    Back to the a.c.a. one thing it did was keep scrips on medicine down. They just voted today and every repub +corey booker voted against capping the price of scrips. The v.a. gets bulk rates. The charge 4.00 for an lantus. I was told that they still make money off this scrip. Now this same script cost me 255 dollars if not bought thru them. The number 1 cause in the usa of bankruptcy is medical expenses. Until you have an emergency then you will never know. The number 1 way to lose wealth in usa is by medicals. Have fun why your young. Make sure you save for a rainy day. Also those insurance premiums after the a.c.a is gone will lead to more people being un insured
    Chico - you are dropping too much knowledge on these fools. Corporate taxes... haha

    Top 20% of US companies paid NO TAX.


    Plus, when a company uses inversion strategies, they do not move their operations in most cases. So there's no loss of jobs here in the US. They are just using a loophole to lower their taxes. Companies move people when it is cheaper to pay them elsewhere...

  22. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Fuk Off... Never fukkin heard of you pal.
    Has zero to do with all your verbal vomit

    You're that kid in class who wants to be different and get attention by saying you don't think 1+1=2, and then will proceed with any and all verbal gymnastics to keep that circus going
    Last edited by dlowilly; 01-13-17 at 09:28 PM.

  23. #58
    Leave of absence until March Madness
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    Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
    Hire sanders supporters to clean the streets they littered

    after....have them plant a tree or 2 in the desert in Arizona then declare that land given to mexico
    weird, I wonder why I wanted them to plant a tree in the desert

    im not sure if I was going for a joke or what but it sucked

  24. #59
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    You said Top 20% paid NO TAXES. In my best Donald J Trump voice: WRONG!

    ...and the CNN(cough cough) article did not say that either. But by your same warped argument, and if most companies don't pay taxes anyway, then you should have no problem cutting the corp tax rate??

  25. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Has zero to do with all your verbal vomit
    You're that kid in class who wants to be different and get attention by saying you don't think 1+1=2, and then will proceed will any and all verbal gymnastics to keep that circus going
    Dude, you just got here a few weeks ago and you call me a fukkin troll? Know your place first. Now run the fukk along as I won't be responding to you anymore. Just ignore my posts as I will be certainly ignoring yours.

  26. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
    You said Top 20% paid NO TAXES. In my best Donald J Trump voice: WRONG!
    ...and the CNN(cough cough) article did not say that either. But by your same warped argument, and if most companies don't pay taxes anyway, then you should have no problem cutting the corp tax rate??
    The same Donald Trump who hasn't paid taxes in 20 years...

    I never said I had a problem in them cutting the corp tax rate. Cut away. I hate taxes... any tax.
    but I'm not gullible enough to think that that will solve our problems or create more jobs. History has shown the exact opposite. But sure, give it a try.

  27. #62
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    One thing everyone has ignored is that in other countries there is less chance of female employees hiding razor blades in their hands and attacking you, right Mac?

  28. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Dude, you just got here a few weeks ago and you call me a fukkin troll? Know your place first. Now run the fukk along as I won't be responding to you anymore. Just ignore my posts as I will be certainly ignoring yours.
    For right now, my place is calling out people who lie and say whatever they have to trying to win an argument. "She could have had razor blades in her hands" defending Mixon knocking out a girl and "Corporations DO NOT pay tax. Not federal tax, nor state tax" were a couple of real winners.

  29. #64
    Dan Bilzerian's gunsmith
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    The difference in this country we allow our companies to have write offs. These same companies that threaten to leave won't tell you that the write down business where they are paying 12-12%. But people that have never owned a business or been responsible in the upper echelon of business fall for the line. Check g.e. they never paid a tax couple years ago but got a refund. The middle class was the one who paid for the roads and power lines the corps. are using.
    Back to the a.c.a. one thing it did was keep scrips on medicine down. They just voted today and every repub +corey booker voted against capping the price of scrips. The v.a. gets bulk rates. The charge 4.00 for an lantus. I was told that they still make money off this scrip. Now this same script cost me 255 dollars if not bought thru them. The number 1 cause in the usa of bankruptcy is medical expenses. Until you have an emergency then you will never know. The number 1 way to lose wealth in usa is by medicals. Have fun why your young. Make sure you save for a rainy day. Also those insurance premiums after the a.c.a is gone will lead to more people being un insured
    I think the new plan will work better....Trumpcare by wherever option they decide among the ones floating around that were vetoed by Obama or stashed away until now with the power to pass. First off "20 million people" will NOT lose coverage this year as it's being said on the left especially if you get it through work.

    Premiums will probably go down for most with new access if they get cross state line competition and I like the proposed 100% write off option instead if the portion of gross income level crap. The "tax subsidies" are shitt for majority since we all end up paying for it for the ones who can't afford it and like I've said all along....carve out a program for those low income people who can't afford it but make too much to use Medicaid and then leave rest of us alone. Let us pick and choose policy based on needs and not what Govt thinks we need.

  30. #65
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    In george w years of presidency he passed a tax cut for corps. The explicit design of the purpose was that these corps were supposed to use this money to hire new employees. carly firioni used the money to buy back stock and laid off workers. She and top ceo's made 5 million a piece so please don't tell me how trickle down or giving more money about this.
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    [QUOTE=itchypickle;26704096]I think the new plan will work better....Trumpcare by wherever option they decide among the ones floating around that were vetoed by Obama or stashed away until now with the power to pass. First off "20 million people" will NOT lose coverage this year as it's being said on the left especially if you get it through work.

    What you fail to realize is that before the poor had NO SKIN in the Game.They were going for free. If your rates went up that is your company screwing you and blaming it on obama care. To get obama care you had to go thru the exchange. One of my cousins who has money was bitching about the cost of obama care. She told me her rates. I called my brother who works for Humana. he said that she couldn't have obama care because they were charging 800 more than the max obama care rate. I ask her if she got the insurance thru the exchange. Low and behold her broker lied to her.
    As far as the state lines that is a joke. Reagan allowed monopoly laws. Their are very few health companies now and they are having fewer every day. There are 2 reason that premiums are going up. Look at ceo's pay before and after obama care. Those guys are making anywhere between 4 mill and 15 mill.Number 2 is the price on drugs. There was a bill that would of capped it but the repubs and corey booker voted against it. Fla is suing because they are trying to buy in bulk which would bring the price of drugs down. I think the drug companies are suing. Donald Trump has said he would bring the costs of drugs down. I am hoping he will do what he said.

  32. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    For right now, my place is calling out people who lie and say whatever they have to trying to win an argument. "She could have had razor blades in her hands" defending Mixon knocking out a girl and "Corporations DO NOT pay tax. Not federal tax, nor state tax" were a couple of real winners.
    It's ok to call someone out, but you better have facts in hand. Just to willy nilly say they are lying means they own you.

  33. #68
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    And this folks, is why I do not discuss politics on sports forums. Too many un informed people.

  34. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by itchypickle View Post
    I think the new plan will work better....Trumpcare by wherever option they decide among the ones floating around that were vetoed by Obama or stashed away until now with the power to pass. First off "20 million people" will NOT lose coverage this year as it's being said on the left especially if you get it through work.

    What you fail to realize is that before the poor had NO SKIN in the Game.They were going for free. If your rates went up that is your company screwing you and blaming it on obama care. To get obama care you had to go thru the exchange. One of my cousins who has money was bitching about the cost of obama care. She told me her rates. I called my brother who works for Humana. he said that she couldn't have obama care because they were charging 800 more than the max obama care rate. I ask her if she got the insurance thru the exchange. Low and behold her broker lied to her.
    As far as the state lines that is a joke. Reagan allowed monopoly laws. Their are very few health companies now and they are having fewer every day. There are 2 reason that premiums are going up. Look at ceo's pay before and after obama care. Those guys are making anywhere between 4 mill and 15 mill.Number 2 is the price on drugs. There was a bill that would of capped it but the repubs and corey booker voted against it. Fla is suing because they are trying to buy in bulk which would bring the price of drugs down. I think the drug companies are suing. Donald Trump has said he would bring the costs of drugs down. I am hoping he will do what he said.
    On the prescription drug piece...to lower costs at least by allowing Canadian drugs in....the vote was two days ago and both sides including 12 surprise Dems voted against it- they each received quarter of million dollars each through drug lobby so I'm guessing that has something to do with it...Trump already advised to do it again so I'm sure it will be revisited.

    On the costs of policy....it's confusing as hell to try and get a straight answer on a plan....from both the ACA reps and private insurance ....we go in Tues to update our family plan and other insurance work and from the quotes I got to look over already from the agent I just tossed it to my wife she said you handle it. I use VA bennies for some stuff and pay for use outside for the rest and you know how hard it is to deal with Tricare and their shitt...other market getting just as bad.

    Big reason on premium rates though has a lot to do with what state you live in...lesser populated ones pay higher vs bigger areas with higher pool of payers. I don't even try to act like I've got all the answers but at end of the day my rates have jumped last couple years and I've seen network of Drs shrink and more out of pocket. I don't care if a CEO is making more $$....long as I get my care when I pay in and get what I pay for no hidden ifs on a policy and get less out of pocket and more to write off on taxes later.

  35. #70
    grease lightnin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Greaser - I know you didn't vote for Trump.

    It's just not so easy to say cut taxes or give incentives and that will create jobs. Companies hire people to do work not because their taxes are lower. Plus cuts may create jobs initially but then loss of tax revenue may actually cause other jobs to suffer.

    History does not always show that cutting taxes equals more jobs. Look at the 2004 Tax Holiday which temporarily lowered the corporate tax rate to 5%. The top 15 companies that benefited the most from these lower taxes laid off 20,000 of their workers. Plus, unemployment has historically been it's lowest when the tax rate was its highest.
    Our world is a contained ecosystem. Middle class workers get pissed if you give thousands of able bodied people money for welfare. But the money paid out actually goes to the local grocer that gets distributed in the community. More money in the community equals more jobs which means less people on welfare. If you spend billions on road and rail improvements, that will create thousands of new jobs... but someone has to pay for it? Middle class. The deficit goes up but there's more jobs created. Cut corporate taxes, more companies come to the US which should mean more jobs. But less tax revenue could also mean many public sector cuts, less infrastructure improvements, etc. It's all cyclical.

    I don't have the answers. They are not as easy as both parties try to convince us. It's very difficult to decide how to invest in the US' future. Who really knows what will and won't work. Which is why I'm glad I'm not in politics.

    I don't feel like writing a book about it corporate tax incentives do create jobs. https://www.google.com/amp/www.forbe...science-is-in/

    And infrastructure improvements will create jobs as well. Look at all The New Deal programs and what they did.

    Of course there are consequences, there always are, in any policy decision. But the thread title was not "What could Trump do to create jobs and what would the consequences of these policies be?"

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