1. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    Proxies, U.S. aided both sides.
    Yeah us did that to let them kill each other off. To weaken both sides.

  2. #37
    Mr KLC
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    Quote Originally Posted by ByeShea View Post
    I don't know what's more pinheaded - your post or the clowns awarding you points for it.

    You clearly have never heard of the Iran-Iraq War, which the Iranian mullahs started in 1980 about a year or so after the Iranian revolution in 1979.

    It lasted through the 80s and millions killed. Both Iran and Iraq had no qualms using poison gas to kill soldiers and civilians and if they had nukes? FORGET ABOUT IT.

    Go back to your al-jazeera, you dumb fuk.
    That's the whole problem. A lot of these kids think that if we talk rationally with these guys, they'll play along, and everything will be OK. These are not rational people. They continue to chant death to America and Israel. It's going to take a major casualty attack on our shores for some of these kids to finally wake up and see what we are truly against. Unfortunately, it's already happened to us once 14 years ago, and too many people just don't or will ever get it.

  3. #38
    lakerboy's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post
    That's the whole problem. A lot of these kids think that if we talk rationally with these guys, they'll play along, and everything will be OK. These are not rational people. They continue to chant death to America and Israel. It's going to take a major casualty attack on our shores for some of these kids to finally wake up and see what we are truly against. Unfortunately, it's already happened to us once 14 years ago, and too many people just don't or will ever get it.
    The west will never take out their influence in those nations. They will never stop with the terrorism. It's a never ending cycle.

    What we must remember is that the usa built up and kept hussein in power. When they had no need for him they moved in.

    The world needs these strongmen dictatorships.

  4. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    Just ramblings of disgust. I still hear the drumbeats of war, they are still looking to shake up stuff regardless of the "deal". Eyeing Syria still and Sudan I think, I expect then to start with their NATO backed charges of humanitarian rights abuses against North Korea soon, just ready for these guys to take an L somehow, something has to change.
    Pretty good ramble. Yeah their fuking the shit out of the ME. Not sure they will mess with NK, they have a bomb. US don't mess with countries that have the bomb. Which is why Iran wants one. But you never know.

  5. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Pretty good ramble. Yeah their fuking the shit out of the ME. Not sure they will mess with NK, they have a bomb. US don't mess with countries that have the bomb. Which is why Iran wants one. But you never know.
    Sure they will, its already begun.

  6. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post
    That's the whole problem. A lot of these kids think that if we talk rationally with these guys, they'll play along, and everything will be OK. These are not rational people. They continue to chant death to America and Israel. It's going to take a major casualty attack on our shores for some of these kids to finally wake up and see what we are truly against. Unfortunately, it's already happened to us once 14 years ago, and too many people just don't or will ever get it.
    Let it go bro, nothing happened 14 years ago.

  7. #42
    paco's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Isis is a product of Mossad & Netanyahu. Isis is funded by the West. They are not Muslims. Sheep in wolfs clothing. Wake up people

    isis bombs a mosque on Friday during Jummah prayer but never even mentions a threat towards Israel, yea they are Muslims

  8. #43
    Buffalo Nickle
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post
    That's the whole problem. A lot of these kids think that if we talk rationally with these guys, they'll play along, and everything will be OK. These are not rational people. They continue to chant death to America and Israel. It's going to take a major casualty attack on our shores for some of these kids to finally wake up and see what we are truly against. Unfortunately, it's already happened to us once 14 years ago, and too many people just don't or will ever get it.
    No, the problem is that too many guys like you are terrified. You get all worked up by their political propaganda and are always wanting another war. Iran has not had anything to do with attacking us. We have only dealt misery on Iran.

    That all came from Saudi Arabia which both provided and funded the attack. The links were so direct it was redacted from the US report on 911.

    But if we keep Fing with these young unemployed Muslims, they are going to going to let us have it. Constantly inflaming young unemployed Arabs is not a good idea.

  9. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalo Nickle View Post
    Constantly inflaming young unemployed Arabs is not a good idea.
    True. Infidel cartoonists better be looking over their shoulders - here come some pissed off unemployed Arabs!

  10. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by paco View Post
    Isis is a product of Mossad & Netanyahu. Isis is funded by the West. They are not Muslims. Sheep in wolfs clothing. Wake up people

    isis bombs a mosque on Friday during Jummah prayer but never even mentions a threat towards Israel, yea they are Muslims
    Yea and they just admitted firing rockets into Israel the other day

  11. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by ByeShea View Post
    I don't know what's more pinheaded - your post or the clowns awarding you points for it.

    You clearly have never heard of the Iran-Iraq War, which the Iranian mullahs started in 1980 about a year or so after the Iranian revolution in 1979.

    The Iran–Iraq War began when Iraq invaded Iran via air and land on 22 September 1980.

  12. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakerboy View Post
    Last time I checked isis came up under obama.
    Yes it did, but is it his fault?

    Iraq was prime for the taking because Iraq didn't want any troops from the USA.

    Imagine arming the so called moderates who I believe is ISIS. Assad was kicking their asses and moved into Iraq
    because of the easy pickings. Rebels from around the world formed to fight against Assad.

    Assad is the culprit for ISIS.

  13. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by paco View Post
    Isis is a product of Mossad & Netanyahu. Isis is funded by the West. They are not Muslims. Sheep in wolfs clothing. Wake up people

    isis bombs a mosque on Friday during Jummah prayer but never even mentions a threat towards Israel, yea they are Muslims
    Silly Muslims and their conspiracy theories about the Jews. Yawn.

  14. #49
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  16. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post
    I remember all the hostages we took in 1979, and held for over a year. That wasn't us? OK. I look at our jails, and see all of the Christians, or former Muslims that have denounced their first faith....oh, hold on....wrong country. OK, how about all of the homosexuals we put to death...oh, wrong country again. Sorry.
    They probably look at the prisoners kept in Gitmo without being charged as if they're hostages.

  17. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by paco View Post
    Isis is a product of Mossad & Netanyahu. Isis is funded by the West. They are not Muslims. Sheep in wolfs clothing. Wake up people
    isis bombs a mosque on Friday during Jummah prayer but never even mentions a threat towards Israel, yea they are Muslims
    Sadly this "conspiracy" theory is probably true. General Wesley Clark already said that after the 9/11 bombings the administration developed a plan for the middle east. Nobody will ever know who developed it (bush admin/cia/rumsfeld etc.) but he says the basics were to take out Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan with the final goal of conquering Iran. Some can argue Iran is the target because of of their nuclear program but you can also argue that Israel and their lobby in washington would benefit the most from this course action because of their policy against/in retaliation to Iran.

    ISIL was likely developed as catalyst for this plan and there's lots of historical evidence of CIA funding radical groups as a means of political destablization in countries (see south/central america/contra/afghanastan)

    I mean there's even evidence that al baghdadi is a CIA/MOSSAD plant. Yes that's john McCain canoodling with the mastermind himself. It's all very disconcerning when all the crazy stuff makes more sense that the propaganda that you see on CNN/FOX/BBC etc. Who are the bad guys when the whole system is corrupted?

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  18. #53
    khicks26's Avatar SBR PRO
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    The Reagan administration in the 1980s was buffeted by two policy drives toward Iran. On the one hand, Reagan ally Saudi Arabia supported Iraq, which illegally launched a war on the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1980 in order to steal its oil-rich Khuzistan Province. Reagan in 1983 sent Donald Rumsfeld, then CEO of Searle pharmaceuticals, to make friends with Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
    From the other side, a section of the Israeli security establishment wanted Reagan to side with Iran against Iraq and to provide Iran weaponry. Before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran had been a major supplier of petroleum to Israel, which was boycotted by the Arab League (Iran is not an Arab country). Israel feared Iraq more than it did non-Arab Iran in that decade. After the 1979 revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini began denouncing Israel and saying he hoped it would vanish from the arena of time. But Iran was at war with Iraq and had mainly American weapons systems, for which it needed spare parts. The US was boycotting Iran, but Israel had reverse-engineered US spare parts and was manufacturing them, and was happy to trade them to Iran in return for petroleum. The Ayatollahs quietly made the deal, since without spare parts their tanks and armored vehicles and F-14s were so much junk.
    While these two points of view were duking it out in Washington, Reagan had two other problems in the 1980s. One was that the Israelis militarily occupied southern Lebanon from 1982. This occupation gradually angered the Lebanese Shiite Muslims who predominate in the south and east of the country and in the urban district of east Beirut. They formed radical guerrilla groups to fight the occupation. As part of this pushback against Israeli grabbiness, the radical Shiites began taking Americans in Beirut captive. The captured Americans, who came on US screens in video clips begging for their lives,

    The other problem was that Reagan wanted to roll back leftist movements in Nicaragua and El Salvador. In Nicaragua the Sandinista leftists came to power. Reagan wanted to support right wing death squads known as contras. In 1982, however, the Congress enacted the Boland Amendment, which forbade Reagan to spend US government money on right wing militias in Central America.
    Reagan and the people around him, possibly including George H. W. Bush, the vice president, came up with a clever but completely illegal and unconstitutional joint solution to all these problems.
    Reagan offered Iraq some naval and other support in its war on Iran, and ran interference for Baghdad at the UN Security Council when there was a danger that the UNSC might condemn Iraq for using chemical weapons on Iranian troops at the front.
    At the same time, to prolong the war and make sure no regional power obtained an absolute victory, Reagan shared satellite photos of Iraqi positions with Iran. On the advice of Israeli official David Kimche, he sent his national security adviser Bud McFarlane to try to establish relations with Khomenei and with then Speaker of Parliament Akbar Rafsanjani. McFarlane brought a Bible and a cake in the shape of a key to symbolize Reagan’s hope of opening Iran.
    Then Reagan had his people steal hundreds of T.O.W. anti-tank missiles from the Pentagon warehouses and illegally ship them to Khomeini’s Iran, then on the US terrorist watch-list.
    Let me just underline this. Reagan was prevented by law from selling US weaponry to Iran, and certainly without notifying Congress under the Arms Export Act. There was no aboveboard, legitimate way to do this. So he just had his people pilfer expensive weaponry and ship it to Iran. A notorious Israeli arms dealer was the intermediary.
    Note, too, just for the annals of perfidy, that Reagan was at the same time militarily supporting Iraq, and had told Baghdad they were his allies.
    Reagan, being a fiscal conservative, made Khomeini pay for the weaponry. Reagan then put that money in secret Swiss bank accounts and gradually sent it to the Nicaragua right wing death squads. That was how he got around the Boland Amendment. He didn’t use US government money for this purpose. It was Khomeini’s money.
    In return for the American weapons, Iran agreed to pressure the Lebanese Shiites to let US hostages go, solving a PR problem for the US Republican Party.
    This complicated set of unconstitutional dealings came out in 1986. Reagan denied knowing or remembering much about it. At the time I thought he was lying, but we now know he had Alzheimers. Maybe he really didn’t remember it all and it was mainly the work of those around him. George H. W. Bush skated. A few lower level officials like Oliver North were hung out to dry. North was later given his own television show in Fox by Rupert Murdoch as a reward, I suppose, for arming Khomeini. Eliot Abrams, who was involved in Iran-Contra, was castigated by Congress for lying to it. Years later W. put him in the National Security Council, where he torpedoed US policy in support of a Palestinian state. He should be in jail.
    A lot of documents for the scandal are available at the National Security Archive at GWU.
    The Democrats decided it would be bad politics to impeach Reagan over having shredded the constitution into confetti. They were rewarded by the Republicans less than a decade latter with the Clinton impeachment, over matters of rather less moment than Reagan had been guilty of.
    Ever after, we have had to hear Republicans preach to us how great Reagan, one of the most criminal presidents to hold office, was.
    The deal reached by President Obama and the rest of the permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany in Vienna appears to remove after 5 years a conventional arms embargo imposed on Iran in 2007. We will hear a lot of squawking from Reagan-worshiping Republicans about this provision. We won’t hear that Reagan illegally soldKhomeini weapons. Wouldn’t that be worse than negotiating a legal end to an international arms embargo?
    There was never any accountability for the constitutional coup conducted by Reagan and his people. Most continued to be powerful in Washington. In the period 2003-2008 when non-political appointees in the US government in Washington or think tanks wanted to bring me in for my expertise and advise on how to get out of the al-Qaeda and Iraq messes, Bob McFarlane and Eliot Abrams had me blackballed where they could.
    So, we may conclude that Reagan tried to open Iran, but did it all wrong, not to mention unconstitutionally. President Obama will get credit for that opening in history. And ignoramuses on the Hill will shout at him that he should be more like Reagan.

  19. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by ByeShea View Post
    I don't know what's more pinheaded - your post or the clowns awarding you points for it.

    You clearly have never heard of the Iran-Iraq War, which the Iranian mullahs started in 1980 about a year or so after the Iranian revolution in 1979.

    It lasted through the 80s and millions killed. Both Iran and Iraq had no qualms using poison gas to kill soldiers and civilians and if they had nukes? FORGET ABOUT IT.

    Go back to your al-jazeera, you dumb fuk.
    You are so ignorant you don't even know the facts.

    1. Iraq attacked Iran with the help of US providing them satellite imagery of Iranian defenses and the Iranians still kicked Saddam's ass..
    2. Iran never used chemical weapons. Iraq used tear gas and mustard gas against Iran troops and Kurds in north Iraq.

    Now you go back to Fox News to get some wrong facts.
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  20. #55
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    Obama loves Aliens also

  21. #56
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    I remember Sadaam claimed Iran was stealing his oil and that's why he attacked, don't remember how true it was. Wonder why the article stopped short of the coke dealings.

  22. #57
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    Oops he accused Kuwait, wrong war.

  23. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Obama loves Aliens also

  24. #59
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    Iran is weak now before they have a nuke. You do not make agreements with a terrorist regime. Do you know who negotiated it? The same left wing radical democrat lady who "negotiated" the deal with North Korea. How did that work out?

    Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map

    That Obama speech reminds me of Chamberlins saying there won't be a war with the Germans before ww2

  25. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post
    If Levin and Hannity are against it, sane people should be for it, and vice versa. If you stick to that in most things Politics, you'll come out way ahead.
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  27. #62
    actiondan's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Yes the fact that anyone takes Hannity seriously is scary

  28. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGuesser View Post
    If Levin and Hannity are against it, sane people should be for it, and vice versa. If you stick to that in most things Politics, you'll come out way ahead.

    "You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war."

    Winston Churchill to UK Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain after Chamberlain caved to Hitler's negotiation bluffs.

    Obama and Sec. State Kerry were negotiating with a guy who was leads 'Death to USA' chants at political rallies.

  29. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by ByeShea View Post

    "You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war."

    Winston Churchill to UK Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain after Chamberlain caved to Hitler's negotiation bluffs.

    Obama and Sec. State Kerry were negotiating with a guy who was leads 'Death to USA' chants at political rallies.
    It's just words, this isn't neighborhood beef, its nations, those chants mean nothing, yet blown our of proportion, no countries ever cause us any harm or threat first ever, yet Washington goes around the globe causing mayhem, daily. Imagine how much better the world would be if they didn't behave like they do.

  30. #65
    I don't believe you ... please continue
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGuesser View Post
    If Levin and Hannity are against it, sane people should be for it, and vice versa. If you stick to that in most things Politics, you'll come out way ahead.
    attacking the messenger rather than the message doesn't do any good. They are to the right as Young Turks and Bill Maher are to the left.

    If you listen to either, no matter what side you are on, chances are you'll get something out of it. At least you'll understand what they are thinking. Hannity and Levin are at least more honest than people like Maher and the Turks.

  31. #66
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    Iran is an ally to North Korea - what really is there left to say after that?

    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    yet Washington goes around the globe causing mayhem, daily.
    This sentiment is like oxygen for losers weaned on a steady diet of conspiracy theory - and this thread attracts such losers like a shithouse does flies.

  32. #67
    jtoler's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by ByeShea View Post
    Iran is an ally to North Korea - what really is there left to say after that?

    This sentiment is like oxygen for losers weaned on a steady diet of conspiracy theory - and this thread attracts such losers like a shithouse does flies.
    Unreal. Waste of time, but prove me wrong. U.S. intelligence has said numerous times themselves that Iran's military system isn't one built on attack, but to deter and counter. Name one nation Iran has attacked in the last 200 years, yet Washington had repeatedly used language against Iran in violation of the UN charter's prohibition against such language. I'm guessing you really think this is all about nuclear weapons, that's sad. You've been a wreck ever since Shea left you bro.
    Last edited by jtoler; 07-15-15 at 12:25 PM.

  33. #68
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    Once you start invading other countries in the name of preventing future terrorist attacks you're setting yourself up for downfall.

  34. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    Unreal. Waste of time, but prove me wrong. U.S. intelligence has said numerous times themselves that Iran's military system isn't one built on attack, but to deter and counter. Name one nation Iran has attacked in the last 200 years, yet Washington had repeatedly used language against Iran in violation of the UN charter's prohibition against such language. I'm guessing you really think this is all about nuclear weapons, that's sad. You've been a wreck ever since Shea left you bro.
    Ever heard of a proxy war, pal? Solid shilling for the mullahs though, very solid.

  35. #70
    rkelly110's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Kills me our elected officials and Israel can bash Iran, but as soon as Iran does it, ooooo! look what they said about us!

    It's ok for me, but not for you mentality going on up in here.

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