1. #211
    Derek Jeter, the best shortstop ever.
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    GoBlue77 is Reggie Rose. Too many people on this forum would bow down and suck D-Rose's dick right now if he asked them too. SMDH, bruh. Why don't people support real athletes who help their team and who would die out on the field if need be...athletes like Derek Jeter, Peyton Manning, Adrian Peterson, etc? Instead a multi-millionaire who is riding the bench months after being medically cleared is being blown by some of the people on here. Get a f.u.c.k.i.n.g. clue. If a player has been cleared for months and he still is saying he "is not mentally 110%" then that means you need to quit being a professional athlete and go get a regular job, you damn pussy. Hey Rose, go talk to Adrian Peterson about how to be a man and come back on time and DO YOUR DAMN JOB. And yes for all the Rose dick riders, Rose is paid to play basketball so that is his JOB. Go tell your boss that you are not mentally ready to come in to work that day. Scratch that, tell him you are not mentally ready to come in to work for like two months straight and let's see how long you keep your JOB. Derrick Rose needs to stop acting like such a pussy and a Jason Collins. Man the f.u.c.k. up and will the real Derrick Rose please stand up?


  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by onlooker View Post
    post #126

  3. #213
    OhMyEli's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by I/O View Post
    You couldn't be more wrong

    He's getting TORCHED in Chicago!!


    Exactly, I find it funny these dudes probably in some far far out mini suburb are talking like they have an accurate grip of the fanbase. GTFO here. People roast Jay Cutler and actually gets hurt with nothing he can do about it. Derrick Rose is a gigantic pussy, nothing bulls fans here can say otherwise.

  4. #214
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    Rose has been medically cleared to play for MONTHS Now. There's no reason why he can't go out and play for five minutes- Nothing hardcore, just make some spot up jump shots.

    At 40 years old J Kidd reinvented his game by becoming a spot up shooter & facilitator when he realized he was getting older, slowing down and more prone to injury. It's ridiculous for D Rose to sit on the bench and not contribute to his team in anyway whatsoever when he CAN play with pretty much zero risk.

  5. #215
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    As if we needed to talk about this more....


  6. #216
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    Quality job by a web site on the net to get some pub. Let's do a milk toast story about the hottest topic of the day.

    The sun "might" explode tomorrow.

  7. #217
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    Not this thread again

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smoke View Post
    Not this thread again
    Just pretend Jjgold made a post in it. Seems to be the popular thing bumping dead guys in this site.

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by I/O View Post
    Just pretend Jjgold made a post in it. Seems to be the popular thing bumping dead guys in this site.
    Ok I'll pretend

  10. #220
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    So... more hype!!! Rose... come back you baby bitch.

  11. #221
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    This is all Stern's doing! Conspiracy I tell you.

  12. #222
    Darkside Magick
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    Ratings will be off the charts if he play game 3

  13. #223
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    Are Miami's hard fouls and flagrants a message so that Rose doesn't come back?

  14. #224
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    Last edited by zsr; 05-08-13 at 11:31 PM.

  15. #225
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    Same thing I've been saying for a while now

    This is no longer about Derrick Rose's knee. It's not about his heart or his head, either. Not anymore. The Derrick Rose Watch, pretty much the leading storyline of the 2013 NBA playoffs, is about his eyes.

    As in, how can he look at his teammates?
    Seriously, how can he do it? Only Rose knows how he can look at Nate Robinson, puking into trashcans during timeouts, wiping his mouth and returning to the floor.

    Only Rose knows how he can look at Joakim Noah, playing on a sore foot, an affliction called plantar fasciitis, the kind of thing that sounds manageable until you've actually had it, and then you know the only way to heal it is to stay off it. Noah stays off it a good 12 minutes per game. The other 36? He's playing.

    Only Rose knows how he can look at Taj Gibson and Luol Deng, who had been playing with flu-like conditions. Turns out Deng was suffering from a lot worse than that. He was sent to the hospital with symptoms so bad -- symptoms that had doctors wondering about meningitis -- that he had to have a spinal tap.
    Know what that is? They stick a needle, not a small one, into your spine and draw out fluid. And in Deng's case the spinal tap didn't go well, the puncture leading to massive headaches that sidelined him for several more days, even though the spinal tap ruled out meningitis. From his hospital bed in Chicago, Deng was tweeting to Bulls fans that he would be on a plane to Miami to play against the Heat if the doctors would clear him. Which they did not.
    How Derrick Rose can look at Luol Deng, I have no idea.
    At some point, pride has to take over. Or humiliation. Whatever it takes to get Rose to acknowledge that what is happening around him -- what is happening to him -- is the erosion of a reputation. Rose has always been one of the more likeable players in the NBA, star or otherwise, but this is different. This isn't about him being humble or gracious. This is about him still not playing, a year after surgery on a torn ACL and months after doctors cleared him, even as all hell breaks loose on the Chicago Bulls' roster.
    Two months ago I wrote about Rose, and two months ago I defended him. Two months ago I chided Bulls fans for doing to Rose what they had done in recent years to Chicago athletes Jay Cutler and Jake Peavy, harshly judging those guys for not returning quickly enough to action.
    Two months ago, I told Chicago fans to shut up.
    Notice the phrase I keep repeating: two months ago. A lot has changed in two months. For one, we now know just how long, and how well, Rose has been scrimmaging full-court with his teammates. As it happens, Rose has been playing five-on-five basketball since February, more than 2½ months ago. It has been reported that Rose has been the best player on the court. Nobody has disputed those reports, by the way, not even Rose's mouthy, media-friendly brother.

    Derrick Rose has been playing full-court basketball for almost three months, and he has been playing so well of late that he's the best player -- the word "dominating" has been used -- and still he's not playing in playoff games?
    Even as Taj Gibson is sick and Nate Robinson is puking and Joakim Noah is limping and Luol Deng is tweeting from a hospital bed that he sure does want to play?
    How can Derrick Rose look at those guys? How can he look in the mirror?
    Seriously, does the guy have no pride? Does he have no shame?
    He does have a lot at stake, I'll give him that. He's 24 years old, which means he has another decade to play. This is a Hall of Fame career he's having, and there are hundreds of millions of dollars to be earned.
    But there are hundreds of millions of dollars already earned. Rose's $95 million contract with the Bulls, good through 2017, is guaranteed. If he blows out his knee Friday night in Game 3, the money is his. Every penny. How much money is enough for a lifetime, and even the lifetime of family members born and unborn? No idea, but $95 million sounds like enough.

    And Rose has earned more than that. He has a $260 million lifetime contract with Adidas, and while I have no idea if that contract is guaranteed, the word "lifetime" makes me think that it is. I mean, Adidas doesn't expect Rose to play in the NBA for the rest of his life, does it? Of course not.
    A fascinating story at SBNation raised the possibility that Rose could be balking at returning because he doesn't trust the Bulls' doctors, who have said for months that the knee is ready. The story lists the travails of Deng, Omer Asik, Kirk Hinrich and Rose himself, and it does a fabulous job poking holes in the reputation of the Bulls' medical staff.
    Thing is, Rose has been scrimmaging for almost three months. Full court. And dominating. Doesn't matter what the doctors are telling him, not anymore. What matters now is what he has seen from himself -- and what his teammates have seen. And they've seen Derrick Rose kicking their rear end in practice, and then sitting on the bench in a suit while they're puking and limping and scrapping their way through the playoffs.

    How can Derrick Rose look at his teammates?

    And how can they look at Derrick Rose?


  16. #226
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    I/O why bump this thread

    Just let it go

  17. #227
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    Exact same topic keeps popping up Smoke, either in other threads or brand new one's started by forum attention whores. Don't know if you watched the game last night, but TNT spent half of their broadcast (when game was down) talking about this very subject. It's as fresh as it was weeks ago.

    Might as well keep it all in one place


    I enjoyed being ahead of the right side of this story from the get go.

  18. #228
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    While I'm at it......

    People forget when dennis Rodman INTENTIONALLY played to hurt other players! (Hakeem and Pippen)

    People forget when Barkley was a bigger asshole than he is now! The leagues biggest jerk and loved it.

    People forget when Noah was a fukin misfit his first three years in the league! "I won 2 championships and I don't need anybody telling me what to do!" The only player in the league ever PUNISHED BY HIS OWN TEAM MATES! LOL

    The world, especially forum across the net, is loaded with followers. Weak people always looking for a hero (in the wrong places) or old guys wanting to feel young. All setting aside what really is and was and redoing history. Everyone wants to be part of something bigger.


  19. #229
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    blast from the past

    Seems the same people have a clue today. And the same don't. Some things don't change.


  20. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by I/O View Post
    While I'm at it......

    People forget when dennis Rodman INTENTIONALLY played to hurt other players! (Hakeem and Pippen)

    People forget when Barkley was a bigger asshole than he is now! The leagues biggest jerk and loved it.

    People forget when Noah was a fukin misfit his first three years in the league! "I won 2 championships and I don't need anybody telling me what to do!" The only player in the league ever PUNISHED BY HIS OWN TEAM MATES! LOL

    The world, especially forum across the net, is loaded with followers. Weak people always looking for a hero (in the wrong places) or old guys wanting to feel young. All setting aside what really is and was and redoing history. Everyone wants to be part of something bigger.

    Noah was an immature rookie Big deal. He's unquestionably a great leader now.

  21. #231
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    Next year he'll come back, dominate like he has in the past, and all of chicago will love him again.

  22. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    Noah was an immature rookie Big deal. He's unquestionably a great leader now.
    Sure he's gotten better. But a leopard doesn't change his spots. Don't know if you've caught it, he's had a few of the exact same stretches this year. Just had a massive one a month or so back.

    And he's a perfect fit to play with Rose. A big man that runs and plays team D. He still has NO go to shot. He still can't block shots. He still is a very big unknown on the free throw line. He's been in the league some time now and is the same player he was day one.

  23. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by I/O View Post
    Sure he's gotten better. But a leopard doesn't change his spots. Don't know if you've caught it, he's had a few of the exact same stretches this year. Just had a massive one a month or so back.

    And he's a perfect fit to play with Rose. A big man that runs and plays team D. He still has NO go to shot. He still can't block shots. He still is a very big unknown on the free throw line. He's been in the league some time now and is the same player he was day one.
    He is not the same player. He is WAY better now and was 6th in blocks in the NBA. He changes plenty of shots too. And mid 70's at the line the past 4 years. He's certainly not a traditional post center though, obviously. He creates more at the top and off the dribble.

  24. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    He is not the same player. He is WAY better now and was 6th in blocks in the NBA. He changes plenty of shots too. And mid 70's at the line the past 4 years. He's certainly not a traditional post center though, obviously. He creates more at the top and off the dribble.
    6th year in the league. 11.3 million a year, and this is the best he will ever be? Think they could have done much better. Glad it's not my money.

  25. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by I/O View Post
    6th year in the league. 11.3 million a year, and this is the best he will ever be? Think they could have done much better. Glad it's not my money.
    Yes, and he's the best defensive big man in the league. If he hadn't been hurt, he probably would have won DPOY. Volume scoring is not the only way a player can help his team win games.

  26. #236
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    write it down..said it all year around here in chtitown and everyone thinks i'm crazy....THE BULLS WILL NOT WIN WITH ROSE....TRADE HIM

  27. #237
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    pussy rose would not even play if bulls lost all starters. guy should be nuked

  28. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by I/O View Post
    Sure he's gotten better. But a leopard doesn't change his spots. Don't know if you've caught it, he's had a few of the exact same stretches this year. Just had a massive one a month or so back.

    And he's a perfect fit to play with Rose. A big man that runs and plays team D. He still has NO go to shot. He still can't block shots. He still is a very big unknown on the free throw line. He's been in the league some time now and is the same player he was day one.
    thats why noah is a star and not a superstar
    he gives 100% all the time and not some1 i can criticize

  29. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenMAN View Post
    write it down..said it all year around here in chtitown and everyone thinks i'm crazy....THE BULLS WILL NOT WIN WITH ROSE....TRADE HIM
    You're crazy. There, I said it.

  30. #240
    Big Bear
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    waka flaka flame said on his twitter account that Rose told him he is playing in game 3.

    how waka flaka figured out how to get on the internet is beyond me...

  31. #241
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    push him out there, make him fukkin play, who cares what he wants, he's stealing money.

  32. #242
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    Cheapskate Reinsdorf is not paying his salary.

  33. #243
    LT Profits
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    Hoopsworld is reporting that sources in Chicago are suggesting that Derrick Rose "may suit up for Game 3 in Chicago," which doesn't mean he would play, even if he does dress. However, if Rose is in uniform it's possible he could get into the game on Friday, even if it's on an emergency basis. We're still of the belief that Rose is a long shot to play anytime soon, but this is just another teasing reminder that it remains a possibility. Stay tuned. - Rotoworld

  34. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by LT Profits View Post
    Hoopsworld is reporting that sources in Chicago are suggesting that Derrick Rose "may suit up for Game 3 in Chicago," which doesn't mean he would play, even if he does dress. However, if Rose is in uniform it's possible he could get into the game on Friday, even if it's on an emergency basis. We're still of the belief that Rose is a long shot to play anytime soon, but this is just another teasing reminder that it remains a possibility. Stay tuned. - Rotoworld
    OLD NEWS. He's just been ruled OUT tonight. End of story.

  35. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjb7223 View Post

    Cheapskate Reinsdorf is not paying his salary.
    What are you talking about???

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