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    maersksealand's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Biden calls TEa Party "'terrorists"

    Biden: Tea partiers like 'terrorists'

    'They have acted like terrorists,' Biden said, according to several sources in the room. | AP Photo Close

    By JONATHAN ALLEN & JOHN BRESNAHAN | 8/1/11 4:07 PM EDT Updated: 8/1/11 4:31 PM EDT

    Vice President Joe Biden joined House Democrats in lashing tea party Republicans Monday, accusing them of having “acted like terrorists” in the fight over raising the nation’s debt limit.
    Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.
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    “We have negotiated with terrorists,” an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.”
    Biden, driven by his Democratic allies’ misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: “They have acted like terrorists,” according to several sources in the room.
    Biden’s office declined to comment about what the vice president said inside the closed-door session.
    Earlier in the day, Biden told Senate Democrats that Republican leaders have “guns to their heads” in trying to negotiate deals.
    The vice president’s hot rhetoric about tea party Republicans underscored the tense moment on Capitol Hill as four party leaders in both chambers work to round up the needed votes in an abbreviated time frame. The bill would raise the debt limit by as much as $2.4 trillion through the end of next year and reduce the deficit by an equal amount over the next decade.
    The deal was consummated Sunday night, the text of the bill was posted in the wee hours of Monday morning, and the House was expected to vote first on it Monday afternoon or evening. But there are still plenty of concerns in both parties and in both chambers.
    Liberal Democrats have had the most averse reaction to the plan, which ensures between $2.1 trillion and $2.4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade without requiring any of it to come from tax increases.
    Biden told Democratic lawmakers that the deal would take away the tea party’s “weapon of mass destruction” — the threat of a default on U.S. debt obligations.
    “They have no compunction about blowing up the economy to get what they want,” Doyle told POLITICO after the meeting.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60421.html#ixzz1ToN1UeCB

  2. #2
    King Mayan
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    They are terrorists, if you want to cut the deficit, spending must be cut and taxes must go up.. It's been done before to balance the books. The koch brothers are pushing their agenda and the old farts are eating it because a black dude is president.

  3. #3
    The Bet Master
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    He is kinda right.

  4. #4
    Extra Innings
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    SBR_John's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    They terrorize guys who want to tax and spend.

  6. #6
    I don't believe you ... please continue
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    face's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    terrorists. what a pussy

  8. #8
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR PRO
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    He is right. You can cut the deficit in 5 years if you combine less spending with higher taxes. If you want to do it in 10 years you only cut spending. But with the 5 extra years you paid interest which results in the deficit crawling back again.

    It's like when you want to become a bodybuilder fast. You take steroids and you work out the same time. If you do only one of the two it will take longer.

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    weren't they trying to send the country into default? it could be economic terrorism, i guess.

  10. #10
    Emily_Haines's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    terrorists no

    but definitely racists

  11. #11
    Am i serious? Are you serious?
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    He is right. You can cut the deficit in 5 years if you combine less spending with higher taxes. If you want to do it in 10 years you only cut spending. But with the 5 extra years you paid interest which results in the deficit crawling back again. It's like when you want to become a bodybuilder fast. You take steroids and you work out the same time. If you do only one of the two it will take longer.
    Was gonna say the same thing...Short to medium term pain for long term gain...

  12. #12
    Co Power Poster 2011
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    Joe Biden is pretty damn sharp.

  13. #13
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Biden is an idiot
    most politicians are

    Bottom line is usa is fukked down the road period

    Not a good idea to even consider raising a family anymore

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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Biden is an idiot
    most politicians are

    Bottom line is usa is fukked down the road period

    Not a good idea to even consider raising a family anymore

    So says you.

  15. #15
    jw's Avatar SBR PRO
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    The Tea Party were absolutely 100% against this debt resolution ... they were resolute in their beliefs and spoke out strongly against the measure and against the vast majority of congress .. and they were on the opposite side of the debate than an overwhelming amount of the American population ....

    therefore .... in his own words ...

  16. #16
    jarvol's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Well I guess “this small group of terrorists who have made it impossible to spend any money” is better than the large group of terrorists who have robbed taxpayers for decades in order to create, fund, and grow uneeded government bureacracies.

  17. #17
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    From the tea party's website. these are not the brightest people and should not be running are country.

    1. Illegal Aliens Are Here Illegally.

    Well duh shit. Wonder if the illegal part gave it away.

  18. #18
    I/O's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    the Tea Party has played a very needed and useful role

    I thank them for their service!

  19. #19
    Am i serious? Are you serious?
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    How in the fukk were these conservatives turds given any kind of influence to begin with

  20. #20
    Glitch's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    where are you from cooch

  21. #21
    Am i serious? Are you serious?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glitch View Post
    where are you from cooch
    Vegemite land...Just an outsiders perspective looking in is all...Nice job in the SBR poker tournament earlier today glitchy Where u at?

  22. #22
    nasaki's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Biden is spot on ! He shouldn't have never back tracked

  23. #23
    Albert Pujols
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    The nerve of those people. Trying to force the government to spend less than it takes in.
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    agharah1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    It is a movement built on folk wisdom and superstition, committed to ruling this country or seeing it burned to ashes. Some real Mommar Qaddafi's that lot.

  25. #25
    wtf's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Pujols View Post
    The nerve of those people. Trying to force the government to spend less than it takes in.
    yup and they are racist terrorist for doing so

    the mud slinging starts when the lazy louts think for a mili second their free handouts might end

  26. #26
    andywend's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    The only thing the Tea Party is insisting on is that the federal government spending be strictly limited to what it takes in via revenue.

    There is nothing extreme about their agenda.

    The federal government under both republicans and democrats have continued to spend WAY MORE than they are taking in (though the problem is obviously much worse under the democrats) and the Tea Party is trying to put a stop to it via a Balanced Budget Amendment.

    Even though liberal democrats strongly oppose a Balanced Budget Amendment because it would restrict the amount of money the federal government can spend, the idea of a BBA is far from crazy or extreme.

    It just shows what IDIOTS all liberal democrats are including President Obama, Vice president Biden and all the left-wing lunatics in this forum.
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    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    There is nothing extreme about their agenda.
    That depends who you ask .. "they" are a very small part of US politics ... their beliefs are not shared by a majority .. in fact they are not even shared by a small minority .. given that their views are not "mainstream" and are supported by a very small sample of the US population .. I would say that you can comfortably call their agenda "Extreme" ...

    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    The federal government have continued to spend WAY MORE than they are taking in and the Tea Party is trying to put a stop to it via a Balanced Budget Amendment.
    Not really - would you be in favor of the balanced budget amendment if the party was also in favor of raising taxes on "the rich" ? This is not about stopping the government spending .. when it is coupled with their unwavering belief that nobody should ever pay higher taxes ... it in fact turns out to be a way of strangling social welfare funding under the guise of reducing the debt ..

    Its a simple bait and switch and anyone with half a brain can see right through the brown colored stuff that they are shouting out to anyone that will give them 30 seconds or more of airtime.
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    andywend's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Your entire response is incorrect from start to finish:

    The Tea Party might have started out as small but they have already had a huge impact including the THRASHING of the democratic party in the most recent mid-term election as well as this debt ceiling fiasco. Without the Tea Party, the debt ceiling would have been raised and the continued massive waste in Washington would have continued as is.

    Due to the Tea Party, a whole slew of spending cuts have been FORCED on the liberal democrats and our country has taken the first small step towards fiscal sanity.

    The Tea Party's beliefs are shared by an overwhelming majority of Americans as their entire platform centers around stopping the federal government from spending more than what it takes in. Their views are mainstream which is what scares the living hell out of the democratic party. The only extremist group in politics is the democrats.
    Not really - would you be in favor of the balanced budget amendment if the party was also in favor of raising taxes on "the rich" ? This is not about stopping the government spending .. when it is coupled with their unwavering belief that nobody should ever pay higher taxes ... it in fact turns out to be a way of strangling social welfare funding under the guise of reducing the debt ..
    Your blind loyalty to the democratic party is clouding whatever limited intelligence you might happen to possess. You will believe ANYTHING the democratic party tells you to believe because you are a follower. The members of the Tea Party are leaders.

    Once all of the waste in Washington is cut and the economy improves, if tax hikes are necessary to balance the books, the Tea Party will support them. However, it is high time that all the pork in Washington be eliminated FIRST.

    JW, you pay no taxes and never have in your entire 10 year stint in the U.S. so I can understand your rage against the Tea Party. However, unlike yourself, hard-working Americans are seeing a greater and greater percentage of their paychecks disappearing and going to Uncle Sam and they are outraged.

    Hard-working, middle-class, tax-paying Americans are whats important here as opposed to someone like yourself who produces NOTHING, PAYS NO TAXES and consumes so much.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by doublej95 View Post
    From the tea party's website. these are not the brightest people and should not be running are country.

    1. Illegal Aliens Are Here Illegally.

    Well duh shit. Wonder if the illegal part gave it away.
    Tell that to California

  30. #30
    King Mayan
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    Quote Originally Posted by rsnnh12 View Post
    Tell that to California
    illegals leaving by the droves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by King Mayan View Post
    illegals leaving by the droves.
    Source? I know a lot of people with legitimate jobs are leaving, haven't heard the same about illegals

  32. #32
    Albert Pujols
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    Quote Originally Posted by jw View Post
    That depends who you ask .. "they" are a very small part of US politics ... their beliefs are not shared by a majority .. in fact they are not even shared by a small minority .. given that their views are not "mainstream" and are supported by a very small sample of the US population .. I would say that you can comfortably call their agenda "Extreme" ...

    Not really - would you be in favor of the balanced budget amendment if the party was also in favor of raising taxes on "the rich" ? This is not about stopping the government spending .. when it is coupled with their unwavering belief that nobody should ever pay higher taxes ... it in fact turns out to be a way of strangling social welfare funding under the guise of reducing the debt ..

    Its a simple bait and switch and anyone with half a brain can see right through the brown colored stuff that they are shouting out to anyone that will give them 30 seconds or more of airtime.
    Incorrect on both of your points. Try again.

  33. #33
    dynamite140's Avatar SBR PRO
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    ther are terrorests everywhere probably

  34. #34
    jw's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post

    The Tea Party
    1st - lets start this off by saying - the "Tea Party" does not exist .. what you in fact have are hardcore - right wing - Republicans .. when they decide to break off and actually form their own party .. then they can have their own name ...


    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    ... they have already had a huge impact including the THRASHING of the democratic party in the most recent mid-term election as well as this debt ceiling fiasco.
    Indeed they did .. and right after the first bit of business that they did (extend tax cuts for the rich) .. you posted your opinion of these very people that you now champion right here on this forum

    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    I hate to say this but now is the time for all fiscal conservatives to abandon the republican party.

    Its barely been a month since the mid-term elections where the voters blasted the democratic party and sent almost 100 liberal democratic politicans home for good due to their deficit busting ways.

    These liberal democrats were replaced with what the voters thought were fiscally conservative republicans. ......
    ..... the republicans are supposed to be the party safeguarding our country's treasure chest and it appears they don't give a damn about the deficit either.

    Extending the Bush tax cuts for all income earners will add to the deficit.

    It might come as a surprise to many in this forum to read what I am about to say:

    The republican party can go **** themselves!!!!
    Well said sir .. well said ...

    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    Without the Tea Party, the debt ceiling would have been raised and the continued massive waste in Washington would have continued as is.
    It was .. and it will be ... you really should get back on the medication.

    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    Due to the Tea Party, a whole slew of spending cuts have been FORCED on the liberal democrats and our country has taken the first small step towards fiscal sanity.
    I wouldn't exactly call $900 billion in cuts over the next 10 years "A whole slew of spending cuts" and it has hardly been "forced on them" heck .. the Democrats themselves wanted to cut more than this (the Biden plan) ... however the insistence from your beloved Tea Party on "no new taxes for the rich" resulted in them "Forcing" the Democrats to actually accept a "Whole Slew" ($1 Trillion or so) less in "cuts" than they were going to pass in the first place ... way to force those cuts through guys

    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    The Tea Party's beliefs are shared by an overwhelming majority of Americans
    Really ? Makes you wonder why they don't just split off from the Republicans and take over the world doesn't it ? Oh yeah - that's right .. because they wouldn't stand a cat in hell's chance of realistically getting one single member of congress if they didn't have that big old (R) next to their name .. you know, I know it .. and more importantly .. they know it ...

    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    The only extremist group in politics is the democrats.
    Ahh yes .. because most extremist groups have the backing of the majority of the population in Andyland don't they ?

    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    JW, you pay no taxes and never have in your entire 10 year stint in the U.S. so I can understand your rage against the Tea Party.
    Excellent - i'll be sure to let the government know that when I cash my first social security checks when I reach the age of retirement. The problem with you Mr Flip-flop is that you hate to see anyone doing well for himself/herself .. anyone that has been able to build up enough money to be able to pretty much retire (though as I have explained to you on more than one occasion ... I still do take the occasional ad-hoc job from old clients and friends) anyone that can live off his or her savings in a modest yet comfortable way .. anyone that is able to take early retirement should be stoned to death in Andyland ... because being successful is bad .. its wrong .. and they should be forced to produce .. like lab rats ... until the day they drop dead from exhaustion (or by way of a vote from a Democratic death panel whichever comes first.)

    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    However, unlike yourself, hard-working Americans are seeing a greater and greater percentage of their paychecks disappearing and going to Uncle Sam and they are outraged.
    I'm sure that hard working Americans are outraged to see more of their money going to support you and your family ... i'm sure that your tax burden has gone down over the past few years has it not Mr Wend ?

    .... and what would you - "The Rich" have those hard working Americans do ... ? Why you would have them work for less and less in order to pay for your "Rich Man's tax cuts" (which you benefit from of course) and in return for all of their hard work ... you would then take back voting rights a number of generations and ensure that you would lose the right to vote if you are black, a woman or not a landowner ... if we are talking extremism Mr Wend .. you sir are the perfect example of an extremist.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Pujols View Post
    Incorrect on both of your points. Try again.
    Well .. can't argue with that logic .. well done you ...

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