1. #106
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    Bill Reilly would put him in his place right quick! It's obvious Maher is a socialist!

  2. #107
    Balco10's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Maher is tearing himself into a hole!

  3. #108
    Balco10's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    He is another knuckleheaed who only cares about far left liberlism, in which is socialism.

  4. #109
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    That's what you call a threat, you're a bigger pussy than I thought.
    Self control? What does discipline have to do with asking a guy that's talking shit on the Internet to have drinks or throw fists????

    Anything I say on here I'll back it up in real life, I don't hide behind a computer screen....
    3 squares a day sitting in a cell is probably a step-up from the life you currently lead. I don't mess around with CRAZY, LEFT-WING LUNATICS!!!

    Now go punch your hand through a wall!!!

  5. #110
    rickbo528's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igetp2s View Post
    Why would anyone care what Bill Maher says or thinks? Has he even gotten off the ground from worshiping the courage of the 9/11 terrorists yet? The sight of his face makes me want to puke.

    The sight of any liberal makes me want to do this.
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  6. #111
    King Mayan
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    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    3 squares a day sitting in a cell is probably a step-up from the life you currently lead. I don't mess around with CRAZY, LEFT-WING LUNATICS!!!

    Now go punch your hand through a wall!!!

    If I was a left wing lunatic I would throw paint on your fur.....

    If I was a right wing lunatic I would shoot you in the head.....

    Come on Andy, let's go have a drink, I can't hit you first, anyway...

  7. #112
    rkelly110's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Just tell him to shut up and squat (to pee like a girl). He would probably pee his pants anyway
    after seeing you.

  8. #113
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    RKelly, are you still unemployed or did you finally get a job? That 99 weeks has to be coming up pretty darn fast.
    If I was a right wing lunatic I would shoot you in the head.....
    I'm proud to say I'm a right-wing lunatic.
    Last edited by andywend; 07-15-11 at 09:00 AM.

  9. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    Provide a link from any neutral source which indicates the democratic party came out and publicly opposed any of the above. If you can't or won't, then your entire post is meaningless.

    Before the financial bubble burst, republicans including President Bush and John McCain warned over and over again about the problem while democrats including Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank countered back that there was no problem and that Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac were doing perfectly fine.

    I can easily provide proof of this.

    You have the nerve to pin something like this on the republicans?

    I still remember Jimmy Carter chirping about how everyone in America should be homeowners.

    neocons drafted those bills, introduced those bills and since they controlled congress rammed those bills through. but it's the democrats fault? you're psycho.

    "read my lips, no new taxes!"

    it seems like you don't know the difference between rhetoric and reality. the reality is bush & the neocons did nothing to stop the subprime disaster but instead contributed greatly to it. neocons controlled congress, white house, committees & dc and could have passed any laws they wanted, yet couldn't get 1 bill to stop the disaster introduced to the floor for a vote?????? yeah, because they were too busy pocketing donations from banking executives who loved the deregulations.

    jimmy carter signed a law giving downpayments to the poor to buy homes they have no business owning? no, that was bush. not surprising since his largest political donor just happened to own the largest subprime mortgage company at the time. would also explain why he removed anti-predatory lending laws.

  10. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    I'm proud to say I'm a right-wing nitwit.

    i agree 100%.

  11. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by crustyme View Post
    neocons drafted those bills, introduced those bills and since they controlled congress rammed those bills through. but it's the democrats fault? you're psycho.

    "read my lips, no new taxes!"

    it seems like you don't know the difference between rhetoric and reality. the reality is bush & the neocons did nothing to stop the subprime disaster but instead contributed greatly to it. neocons controlled congress, white house, committees & dc and could have passed any laws they wanted, yet couldn't get 1 bill to stop the disaster introduced to the floor for a vote?????? yeah, because they were too busy pocketing donations from banking executives who loved the deregulations.

    jimmy carter signed a law giving downpayments to the poor to buy homes they have no business owning? no, that was bush. not surprising since his largest political donor just happened to own the largest subprime mortgage company at the time. would also explain why he removed anti-predatory lending laws.

    lol bush did nothing to stop it huh?

    get your facts straight, that was bill clinton.

    Bush and your "neocons" (lol i love that word but love laughing at the people who use it even more) tried to stop it but were labeled a racist.

    Democrats were ok with 1 in 75 houses filing for bankruptcy in 2003, not the republicans. Again, if you can't figure out who the bigger threat to America is by now, just give up.
    Last edited by brooks85; 07-15-11 at 09:35 AM.

  12. #117
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    neocons drafted those bills, introduced those bills and since they controlled congress rammed those bills through. but it's the democrats fault?
    Nowhere did I say it was the democrats fault regarding those bills. However, you said it was solely the fault of the republicans and I asked you to provide any link which indicates the democrats opposed any of them and YOU DIDN'T DO IT. This can only mean the democrats supported these bills as well.

    As far as the subprime mess, it was the republicans like President Bush and McCain who continued to warn IN ADVANCE that it was going to be a major problem with Fannie and Freddie being in real trouble. However, the democrats including Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank said over and over again that there is no financial bubble and that Fannie and Freddie are doing just fine.

    Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown

    Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble?

    Liberals just like you control the government in Greece and they are in a state of financial ruin. If the democrats ever regain total power in the U.S., Greece is what awaits us.

    Crusty, as is the case with all liberal democrats, FAILURE SURROUNDS YOU.

  13. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    get your facts straight, that was bill clinton.
    The Community Reinvestment Act passed in 1977 under Carter......so get YOUR facts straight.

  14. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarvol View Post
    The Community Reinvestment Act passed in 1977 under Carter......so get YOUR facts straight.

    Read that bill kid, that was not the issue.

    The bill by clinton and gramm is what caused the problems. I give you sometime to look it up since you apparently dont have a clue.

  15. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    lol bush did nothing to stop it huh?

    get your facts straight, that was bill clinton.

    Bush and your "neocons" (lol i love that word but love laughing at the people who use it even more) tried to stop it but were labeled a racist.

    Democrats were ok with 1 in 75 houses filing for bankruptcy in 2003, not the republicans. Again, if you can't figure out who the bigger threat to America is by now, just give up.

    how did bush try to stop it, exactly?

    by signing in to the law the worst housing welfare law in history (american dream downpayment act of 2003)?

    by allowing sec in 2004 to remove restrictions allowing top 5 us investment banks to take on $4 trillion of subprime debt, which subsequently bankrupted them?

    by removing anti-predatory lending laws so his largest donor (who owned the largest subprime mortgage company) to avoid being sued?

    by not introducing a single bill to the floor that would have put a stop to all this?

    this isn't the rush limbaugh forum, you actually need to provide facts to convince people.

  16. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    Nowhere did I say it was the democrats fault regarding those bills. However, you said it was solely the fault of the republicans and I asked you to provide any link which indicates the democrats opposed any of them and YOU DIDN'T DO IT. This can only mean the democrats supported these bills as well.

    As far as the subprime mess, it was the republicans like President Bush and McCain who continued to warn IN ADVANCE that it was going to be a major problem with Fannie and Freddie being in real trouble. However, the democrats including Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank said over and over again that there is no financial bubble and that Fannie and Freddie are doing just fine.

    Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown

    Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble?

    Liberals just like you control the government in Greece and they are in a state of financial ruin. If the democrats ever regain total power in the U.S., Greece is what awaits us.

    Crusty, as is the case with all liberal democrats, FAILURE SURROUNDS YOU.

    neocons controlled congress when those bills were passed. how do you suppose the democrats would have stopped them?????

    again, rhetoric vs. facts.

    fact: bush signed in to law the worst welfare housing law in history when he gave downpayments to the poor with lousy credit to buy homes they couldn't afford.

    fact: bush allowed sec to remove restrictions which allowed top 5 us investment banks to take on $4 trillion in subprime debt which ultimately bankrupted them.

    fact: bush removed anti-predatory lending laws which helped his good buddy who owned the largest subprime mortgage company at the time.

    fact: bush & the neocons didn't introduce a single bill that would have put a stop to the meltdown because they were too busy pocketing donations from banking executives.

  17. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post

    Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown

    Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble?

    citing youtube clips as proof is the bastion of stupidity. especially a faux news clip.

    again, you clearly don't know the difference between rhetoric and fact. it's like you neocons saying bush sr was a great president because he proclaimed "read my lips, no new taxes!" and ignoring the fact that he raised taxes.

  18. #123
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    Oh what's the matter right wing republican tea party fanatics? Someone like Bill Maher who actually speaks the truth about the rich republican assholes who've done nothing except kill medical benefits and steal social security from the elderly and does it in a humorous fashion, pisses you douche bag idiots off doesn't it? I really can't believe the blind ignorance of our country. You actually think the rich give a shit about the working class, teachers, veterans, or unions of this country. The very people who built this great land and teach our children are the ones who can no longer afford the live in it. Way to go rich republican assholes, you've got all the money and the ignorance of a jackass! Can't wait to see this shit blow up in your fuk'in tea party faces.
    Last edited by mikejamm; 07-16-11 at 06:12 AM.

  19. #124
    jarvol's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
    Read that bill kid, that was not the issue.

    The bill by clinton and gramm is what caused the problems. I give you sometime to look it up since you apparently dont have a clue.
    Who is a kid?

    Having or repealing the Glass Steagall Act has little to do with the issue. Dumb people working in the finance industry were going to blow up whatever firm they worked for. Doesn't matter if they are a bank making bad quality loans which has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Glass Steagall or an investment firm leveraging themselves to the hilt or an insurance firm writing an amount of CD Swaps that they couldn't make whole. Whether these institutions were stand alone or combined into one company is irrelevant. The government should have let them fail and let the highest bidder buy them.

    Repubs and Democrats alike took a mess spilled on the floor and just spread it around and made it worse. Let the markets work. If that means foreigners buy up large US banks then so be it. The empire is going to crumble eventually.

  20. #125
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    President Bush was left a country in dire recession due to the internet tech bubble and also had to deal with the massive blow of the 9/11 tragedy. President Obama was also left one hell of a mess with the financial meltdown. Both President Bush and President Obama have done their best to overcome the difficult set of circumstances they were left from previous administrations.

    Lets take a look at the real numbers (all easily verifiable):

    On December 31, 2000 (3 weeks before the republicans gained full control of our government),

    U.S. Deficit = $5.67 Trillion
    Unemployment rate = 4.2%

    From 2001-2006, the republicans had full control of the White House and both houses of congress. On December 31, 2006 (3 weeks before our government was infected by liberal democrats):

    U.S. Deficit = $8.5 Trillion
    Unemployment rate = 4.4%

    Our country's deficit increased by about $2.8 Trillion during Bush's 6 years ($467 million annual average deficit increase) when he had a republican congress at his disposal. The unemployment rate ticked up from 4.2% to 4.4% during the 6 year period. As we all remember, democrats (along with fiscal conservatives) were FURIOUS with President Bush and the republicans and cries of bankrupting the nation were heard across all 50 states.

    In 2007 and 2008, Democrats controlled 2/3 of our government
    In 2009 and 2010, Democrats controlled 100%

    2007-2010, the democrats controlled over 83% (10 out of a possible 12 branches). On December 31, 2010:

    U.S. Deficit = $13.6 Trillion
    Unemployment rate = 9.4%

    During this 4 year period where democrats had full control of our country's purse strings, the deficit increased by a staggering $5.1 TRILLION (an average of $1.275 TRILLION annually) and almost 3X as much as what took place under Bush and the republican congress and yet the silence coming from liberal democrats about our country's deficit is deafening.

    To make matters worse, our nation's unemployment rate MORE THAN DOUBLED from 4.4% all the way to 9.4% even though Obama and congressional democrats threw over A TRILLION DOLLARS trying to create jobs.

    The democrats are an ABSOLUTE CANCER to the United States of America and with Greece staring at us right behind the eyes, I believe Americans will see through the liberal democratic charade once again with the democrats getting THRASHED in 2012 in the very same manner as 2010.

    Originally Posted by mikejamm
    Yeah, who needs a fuk'in poker roll over when you've got sbr feeding us bullshit sucker bets like this! Way to scam the masses sbr! What a fuk'in joke!
    Here was the prop that SBR offered that MikeJamm is complaining about:

    Will FuzzyD be eliminated on WSOP Day 3?

    2011 WSOP Main Event Day 3
    Thursday, July 14th, 2011

    Yes, Fuzzy will be eliminated on Day 3: -250

    No, Fuzzy will not be eliminated on Day 3: +220
    Max risk 250 betpoints
    I asked myself how someone could be so stupid as to say something like that but now I have my answer. Mikejamm is a liberal democrat.
    Last edited by andywend; 07-15-11 at 10:12 AM.

  21. #126
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    Liberals go through life pissed off and making excuses for one of the following reasons...

    -father cheated on the mom..
    -father left their mom..
    -father is nowhere to be found...
    -ashamed of father...
    -have two moms...

    Which one fits you??

  22. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    The democrats are an ABSOLUTE CANCER to the United States of America and with Greece staring at us right behind the eyes, I believe Americans will see through the liberal democratic charade once again with the democrats getting THRASHED in 2012 in the very same manner as 2010.
    Yeah right, whatever! Look what's happening in Wisconsin with the recall vote of elected ignorant fuk'in republicans in that state! Real Americans are realizing you fuk'in tea party zealots are insane and only care about your stupid religion, guns, and the 2% greedy rich fuk'ers who never want to pay their fair share! Obama will easily landslide to victory in 2012!

  23. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
    President Bush was left a country in dire recession due to the internet tech bubble and also had to deal with the massive blow of the 9/11 tragedy. President Obama was also left one hell of a mess with the financial meltdown. Both President Bush and President Obama have done their best to overcome the difficult set of circumstances they were left from previous administrations.

    Lets take a look at the real numbers (all easily verifiable):

    On December 31, 2000 (3 weeks before the republicans gained full control of our government),

    U.S. Deficit = $5.67 Trillion
    Unemployment rate = 4.2%

    From 2001-2006, the republicans had full control of the White House and both houses of congress. On December 31, 2006 (3 weeks before our government was infected by liberal democrats):

    U.S. Deficit = $8.5 Trillion
    Unemployment rate = 4.4%

    Our country's deficit increased by about $2.8 Trillion during Bush's 6 years ($467 million annual average deficit increase) when he had a republican congress at his disposal. The unemployment rate ticked up from 4.2% to 4.4% during the 6 year period. As we all remember, democrats (along with fiscal conservatives) were FURIOUS with President Bush and the republicans and cries of bankrupting the nation were heard across all 50 states.

    In 2007 and 2008, Democrats controlled 2/3 of our government
    In 2009 and 2010, Democrats controlled 100%

    2007-2010, the democrats controlled over 83% (10 out of a possible 12 branches). On December 31, 2010:

    U.S. Deficit = $13.6 Trillion
    Unemployment rate = 9.4%

    During this 4 year period where democrats had full control of our country's purse strings, the deficit increased by a staggering $5.1 TRILLION (an average of $1.275 TRILLION annually) and almost 3X as much as what took place under Bush and the republican congress and yet the silence coming from liberal democrats about our country's deficit is deafening.

    To make matters worse, our nation's unemployment rate MORE THAN DOUBLED from 4.4% all the way to 9.4% even though Obama and congressional democrats threw over A TRILLION DOLLARS trying to create jobs.

    The democrats are an ABSOLUTE CANCER to the United States of America and with Greece staring at us right behind the eyes, I believe Americans will see through the liberal democratic charade once again with the democrats getting THRASHED in 2012 in the very same manner as 2010.

    bush inherited a surplus and turned it in to the largest deficit in us history.

    bush ignored 9/11 warnings, even urgent presidential memos entitled "bin laden determined to attack within the us!" for 8 months.

    bush lost 4 million jobs from 2007-8.

    us dollar lost nearly 50% of its value during bush's reign of terror.

    gas prices rose to $5/gal under bush from $1/gal.

    bush caused the real estate market to crash with his awful deregulations and welfare laws such as the 'american dream downpayment act of 2003.'

    bush invaded an unarmed country and wasted $4 trillion and cost 5000 us soldiers their lives, not to mention hundreds of thousands of iraqi civilian lives.

    bush = hitler

  24. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikejamm View Post
    the 2% greedy rich fuk'ers who never want to pay their fair share!
    Wouldn't a "fair share" be a flat tax rate for all?

  25. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by crustyme View Post
    bush inherited a surplus and turned it in to the largest deficit in us history.
    Unless histroy ended in 2008....

  26. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by crustyme View Post
    gas prices rose to $5/gal under bush from $1/gal.
    Gas prices rose to over $4/gal under Obama from under $2/gal.

  27. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by crustyme View Post
    bush caused the real estate market to crash with his awful deregulations and welfare laws such as the 'american dream downpayment act of 2003.'
    Epic fail. You may want to learn how American government works. If one president like Bush gets all the blame for what happened from 2000-2008 then does Obama get blame for continuing most of Bush's practices in escalating wars around the globe, enlarging the deficits to historic highs, etc?

    Hypocrisy is amusing. Repubs and Dems have hand in hand supported an insane foreign policy for the past 60 years and created socialistic programs and spent much more than they should have and are walking America to the cliff. The funny yet sad part is that so many of you dumbfukks think it is one party or the other.
    Last edited by jarvol; 07-15-11 at 10:40 AM.
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  28. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by crustyme View Post
    bush inherited a surplus and turned it in to the largest deficit in us history. bush ignored 9/11 warnings, even urgent presidential memos entitled "bin laden determined to attack within the us!" for 8 months. bush lost 4 million jobs from 2007-8. us dollar lost nearly 50% of its value during bush's reign of terror. gas prices rose to $5/gal under bush from $1/gal. bush caused the real estate market to crash with his awful deregulations and welfare laws such as the 'american dream downpayment act of 2003.' bush invaded an unarmed country and wasted $4 trillion and cost 5000 us soldiers their lives, not to mention hundreds of thousands of iraqi civilian lives. bush = hitler
    Couldn't have said it better myself! Bush = Texas Hillbilly Hitler! "Watch me and 'ol boy Cheney fuk up the country, start two wars, cost thousands of Americans lives for some bullshit made up WMD story, line our pockets with Halliburton cash, dissolve environmental laws so they can go fracing and poison our water shed, and then leave this mess for the next guy to deal with." Ahh.. republican business success, paid for with the lives and blood of real Americans.
    Last edited by mikejamm; 07-15-11 at 10:35 AM.

  29. #134
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    Make sure to watch Bill tonight - Mark Cuban and Dan Savage

  30. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarvol View Post
    Gas prices rose to over $4/gal under Obama from under $2/gal.

    it was never under $2.

    plus bush showed opec that americans are willing to pay $5/gal which is why theyve been open about manipulating prices by cutting production.

    we will never see $1 gas again thanks to bush.

  31. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikejamm View Post
    Couldn't have said it better myself! Bush = Texas Hillbilly Hitler! "Watch me and 'ol boy Cheney fuk up the country, start two wars, cost thousands of Americans lives for some bullshit made up WMD story, line our pockets with Halliburton cash, dissolve environmental laws so they can go fracing and poison our water shed, and then leave this mess for the next guy to deal with." Ah republician business success, paid for with the lives and blood of real Americans.
    So why hasn't the Chicago Community Organizer ended the Texas Hillbilly Hitler's wars after 2.5 years? How did the largest oil spill in history happen on the watch of the environmental protecter Obama?
    Last edited by jarvol; 07-15-11 at 10:39 AM.

  32. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by crustyme View Post

    it was never under $2.

    plus bush showed opec that americans are willing to pay $5/gal which is why theyve been open about manipulating prices by cutting production.

    we will never see $1 gas again thanks to bush.
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  33. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarvol View Post
    Epic fail. You may want to learn how American government works. If one president like Bush gets all the blame for what happened from 2000-2008 then does Obama get blame for continuing most of Bush's practices in escalating wars around the globe, enlarging the deficits to historic highs, etc?

    Hypocrisy is amusing. Repubs and Dems have hand in hand supported an insane foreign policy for the past 60 years and created socialistic programs and spent much more than they should have and are walking America to the cliff. The funny yet sad part is that so many of you dumbfukks think it is one party of the other.

    why shouldnt he shoulder the blame? it was his idiotic policies that created this mess.

    i mean you neocons blame all this on obama even though he inherited the worst economy from bush since the great depression, which took over a decade to recover from.

  34. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarvol View Post
    first two years in office.

    bush didnt even invade iraq until after 2 years, which was the main cause of the spike to $5.

  35. #140
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    Oh so now complaining about a poker roll over equates with me being a liberal huh? See, that's where you fuk'in republican idiots just don't get it. I'm trying to bring awareness that we're all gett'in fuk by a poker rollover, and you're all for it. Hell, why not have to pay double and waste more time just to use points you've already won. Just give all your points to a betpoints bank, idiot! It will be easier for you that way.
    Last edited by mikejamm; 07-15-11 at 10:46 AM.

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