Originally posted on 09/20/2023:

Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
Oh yeah it's much better now. I just don't understand why people moved to the other site to hear the same annoying stuff they have been hearing for the last 15 years. Is the other site offering freebies like bitcoin, pizzas or free plays to them? They must be broke if they followed him there for that.
From my understanding it’s a safe zone. Not allowed to debate or discuss picks, threads, politics, etc... Trolling not allowed but they were the trolls. JJ the king of trolls.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, all the agitators and problems left for over there. The same people that tried to bury this place and made it a shit show the last 4-5 years are gone over there pointing the finger here. Good riddance.

More importantly- they were pissed about their betpoints and the store. Well- the people that sold you out are over there. It’s all pretty humorous really. People need to be led and are mostly followers so that’s why they are there. In the big picture of life, it doesn’t matter but some of those guys don’t really have a life beyond this.