Originally posted on 04/09/2023:

The “pro-life” party stands in full support of: unfettered access to assault weapons; war; domestic terrorism; preventable mass death via pandemic disinformation; and stands fundanentally against all social support programs; universal healthcare; and expansion of Medicaid.

The party of “protect the children” won’t ban assault weapons

The party of “anti-indoctrination” wants the Bible taught in schools

The party of “anti-groomers” is forcing the inspection of children’s genitals

The party of “law and order” is trying to pardon convicted murderers

The party of “anti-cancel culture/censorship” is banning books and subject matter in classrooms

The party of “family values” supports a thrice-married serial sexual predator who was just arrested for illegally using campaign funds to silence a porn star he had an affair with

The party of “freedom” and “limited government” is outlawing women from making their own reproductive choices, and attempting to ban contraception and criminalize miscarriage

The party of “support our troops” tried to cut funding for veterans suffering from cancer

The party of “back the blue” is trying to defund the FBI, DOJ, and helped incite a terrorist attack on our Capitol that resulted in the deaths of three police officers and the injuries of 140+ more

The party of “uphold the constitution” violates it ubiquitously on a daily basis

The party of “election integrity” has passed laws in 49 states to restrict access to the ballot box that specifically target young voters and people of color; and literally helped an aspiring autocrat stage a coup and voted to overturn the election after it failed.

The party of “fiscal conservatism” blew up the deficit by $8 trillion under Trump

The party of “personal responsibility” has refused to acknowledge much less change its positions in ways to mitigate the devastating impact its policies have had on nearly every aspect of society

The party of “protect our borders” has consistently voted against measures to actually improve our ability to better regulate ports of entry and stands against reforming our immigration system to facilitate pathways to citizenship for DREAMers or those who legally seek asylum.