Originally posted on 05/09/2022:

Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
after watching this, how can anyone still believe this election wasn't rigged?

Watch for yourself and decide.

First you would have to believe them.

They said the mules needed a picture of them putting ballets in box to get paid, out of the 10-12 video that they show 3 take pics and two of them had already but them in the box. I guess they didn't get paid or the others that had no pic!

Of those videos it s not clear on at least half that more than 1 ballot was put in box. You would have thought they would have showed more video of the mules!

At the drop box video of women with gloves they said she was from SC but show no evidence

They said many of the mules in Penn were from NJ again no evidence and I'm sure they use different ballots in NJ

I know in Georgia(3)and Arizona (2) Republicans did audits in both states and in Georgia one was a hand count not Democrats or far lefty's but Republicans. Are you saying they can not count or read a ballot

The 2000 mules was based on there data saying they went to 10 boxes at least, when they changed it to 5 it was 50,000 mules!
So 50,000 mules plus say 2000 at stash houses and be on the very low end and say 10,000 collectors for just 5 location all across the country so we assume many, many more

I am supposed to believe that 62000 people at a min. did this and not one is writing a book or calling pillow dumbass for some of them millions in money he was offering for evidence. Shit you cant find 10 people that loyal, most would sell their own mother out for way less than a million probably a $1000.00

Close to the 1 hour mark the faceless guy sad he watched drop boxes in Georgia and made recording and he showed people going up to the boxes. He said there was tags from Texas and Colorado wonder why he did not get the tags with his Camara odd don't you think.

They said with mail in ballots once the envelope was gone you could not tell who's it was, this is a lie or at least in my state, true my name is not on it, but there is a ballot number and it can be looked up to show it was given to me and is my ballot. They said phone data was only way to tell and thats BS

A waste of 1hr 25 min. I thought their was supposed to be something believable on there!!