Originally posted on 04/19/2022:

Quote Originally Posted by Greget View Post
People make their own decisions, and as long as you are giving addicts and criminals a free pass by blaming Biden and Mexicans for the poor decision of mostly white people, you are part of the problem.

Drugs will flow in no matter who is president, but if you want to talk about specific policies lets have at it.
Trump's policies actually increased drug traficking.. LMFAO
5 ways Trump's policies against cartels and drug traffickers backfired

I don’t care who is in office I don’t care if the drug dealers are brown or white or Asian …..things are only going to keep getting worse if you don’t stem the border and start prosecuting the organizations and the repeat offenders at the street level. You’re right, addicts make a decision and I’ve stated before I’m for letting them stay unconscious if they OD vs free Narcan and wasting first responder resources. Point still remains ….stop it from coming in…stop criminals and others who come the wrong way. I have nothing against anyone who immigrates the correct way and contributes. Black or brown or white but you can’t just say let everyone come and bring what they want because of racism.