Originally posted on 03/26/2022:

Wait, What?

Scientists in the 1970's said follow us. The earth is cooling at a rapid rate and we have to do something to stop the cooling. So what did the gullible followers at the time do? The followed

The year was 1978 and Thor was paying .59 cents a gallon to fill up his VW Rabbit, dante was having to supplement his teacher's income by tutoring adults in the art of long handed math and instead of watching Saturday cartoons, vit was cutting his teeth on Feist and Kelso's ProLine shows while trying to find out why Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.

Less than 50 years ago the hoax at the time was global cooling and it was in every major publication available at the time. Three Mile Island killed any thought of alternative energy sources. Hundreds of links to support the post but below is one. Don't you gullible cucks ever get tired of being led down the primrose path by people you idolize because of their perceived brilliance?

What 1970s science said about global cooling (skepticalscience.com)