Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=30616948'>posted</a> on 10/28/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by stevenash View Post
This is my final take on the vax issue.
Get the shot, don't get the shot, I don't give a fuk anymore.
I'll do what I want to do, and live the way I want to live.

Get the shot or not, I don't care.
It's not even about that though. It's fine to disagree on what do, etc etc.

But every poster in there posts misinformation, fakes science, fake stories, all debunked shit form long ago even, all to fit their owne narrative, agenda, and even argument.

They don't realize the info they are clinging to is not real in nearly every case. Every stat is ether fabricated or manipulated to fit an agenda.

They think they are free thinking but are complete slaves to an agenda and it perpetuates their ignorance.

I'm not trying to be insulting, it's just the truth. You got guys that lack a jr high science education watching videos most sites won't even allow up, for good reason, but they get paranoid and think it's information control.

They do no fact checking and when they do they simply check the fact in another video or article from the same bogus website.

At one point the agenda based arguments are so ingrained that it goes back to political poster style where they lie and call each other liars all day long.

They are literally on the desolation row of current event discussion.