Originally posted on 05/07/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
I don't care what color, what sex, religion, what junk you carry in your trunk. BUT I know how you Trump cult members feel. You don't like anyone that is not like you. You already made fun of Jenner before but now that he/she might be running for governor, you're about to change your tune. Hypocrites to the core. It's actually very comical to see you backtrack.
More Libtard stupidity. ^

Libtards: "You already made fun of Jenner before but now that he/she might be running for governor, you're about to change your tune. Hypocrites to the core."
Conservatives: "Bruce Jenner makes some really great points in his Hannity interview. Finally some common sense coming out of California. Sounds like she would be a pretty good governor, just so long as he doesn't get behind the wheel LOL! Takes a lot of balls to do what she's doing. LOL."
Libtards: "Transphobe. Bigot."

Libtards: "Black Lives Matter!"
Conservatives: "All lives matter!"
Libtards: "Racist!"
Conservatives: "LOL"
Libtards: "Oh so you think its funny huh? White privileges racist fukk! Apologize for being White!"
Conservatives: "So all lives don't matter? How is that racist? What about all the Black on Black violence? What about calling for the death of Cops? What about the BLM co-founder buying 4 homes?"
Libtards: "Racist fuckk!"

"I am offended! You need to be shut you down and I demand you get fired."
Conservatives: "why do you think you being offended is more important than my right to speak?"
Libtards: "You shouldn't be able to say the kind of things you say. Its not right."
Conservatives: "Why not? Who should decide?"
Libtards: "racist!"

Libtards: "There is nothing wrong with what Griffin holding up a bloody head of Trump or Snoop Dog shooting him in the head in his video. Madonna wanting to blow up the WH and Johnny Depp suggesting someone hang Trump is freedom of speech! There is nothing wrong with it. Freedom of speech in a constitutional right of every person."
Conservatives: "Trump was banned by big tech for asking his supporters to peacefully protest. Doesn't the leader if Iran have twitter account while calling for the destruction of Israel and death to America?"
Libtards: "Trump is a racist and a Nazi."

Libtards: "Having children in cages is embarrassing to the world. Trump is evil!"
AOC fake crying at the border parking lot. Time magazine showing a picture of Trump starring at a crying child. MSM saying Trump is inhumane.
Conservatives: "You mean the cages built by Obama?"
Libtards: "Xenophobe!"
Conservatives: "Trump built a wall and signed a deal with Mexico to help with securing the border."
Libtards: MSM largely ignores the border crisis and the thousands of children. No Time cover of Biden and a crying child. No AOC photo op.
Libtards: "walls don't work!"
Conservatives: "then why do they exist?"
Libtards: "racist!"
Libtards: "Let's impeach Trump. We have no evidence or facts but we do have the media and big tech on our side. Also, lets fill the trial with only hearsay "witnesses". Yes, the only actual witness will say that Trump wanted nothing in return but the media will spin the hell out of that."
Conservatives: "Hey look, here's an actual video of Biden doing a textbook quid pro quo. Why isn't this a story on MSM?"

Libtards: "I don't care what color, what sex, religion, what junk you carry in your trunk! There should be more Blacks and women in Washington."
Biden: "My next VP will be a woman and will NOT be white." The federal government will help Black farmers with money. Sorry White farmers.
Conservatives: "Isn't that the definition of racism? what does color or sex have anything to do with it?"

Libtards: Trump banning travel from China is xenophobic! He's a racist and a bigot!
Conservatives: How is that xenophobic?
Libtards: "it just is.: (thinking to himself: I saw the racist Black lady on CNN say so.)
Conservatives: "LOL oh ok then. What about Biden banning travel from India?"
Libtards: "Not the same thing."
Conservatives: "How so?"
Libtards: "You are a racist and so is Trump. Stocks hit a new record again"

Libtards: "Trump cult! Trump cult! Trump cult! Trump cult! Trump cult! Trump cult! Trump cult! Trump cult! Trump cult! Trump cult!"
Conservatives: "cuck"

We make fun of you all the time but we don't want to cancel you because we beat you up with facts, where all you have is name calling and fake news.

If you ever say anything smart, most of us would agree with you. Bruce Jenner being ESPN's woman-of-the-year which was hilarious. We make fun of Trump's orange skin.

We don't care about people's skin color. Liberals do.

Libtards have 2 talking points whenever they are confronted with facts. Climate change and racism.
The dishonest Left: Whatever they are accusing you of doing, they are doing themselves.