Originally posted on 04/05/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by hehfest View Post
So, am I the one off the deep end or is it people like Bill Gates, Musk, Zuckerfukk, Bezos: yes, people (elite) want to mend/mesh humans with AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is ON RECORD. Maybe you should research THEIR plans a little bit for you. I never thought people like you could be so stupid and so naive................... This just in.......you walk around with that phone attached to your body all day and can call anyone from anywhere on the planet.....is this stuff I mentioned really far-fetched? Or, are you naive?
How 5G Greatly Advances the Covert Transhumanism Agenda

Musk says he wants to develop the technology in an environment where humans get to make the rules and retain some control of our long term destiny.

Whether you believe that is his true intention or not, it's a damn good and logical argument for doing it.

Arguing that we should put our head in the sand and refuse to accept the inevitable future is like trying to condemn your descendants to be little more than the fauna of the future. Fear and paranoia of the elite is not a logical argument against what Musk is doing IMHO.