Originally posted on 01/31/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by ChuckyTheGoat View Post
It's all good, Steve. If u listen to Ingram on the Polk/Neg broadcast, he talks about playing the flop quite a bit. His sidekick Landon is a very bright guy, like a GTO whiz.

Flop-play and subsequent streets ties to how ranges hit the board. JJ is the 1st PREMIUM hand that "flops well" < 50% of the time. 12% sets + 33% over-pairs = 45%.

If u "flop well" w/ JJ, (I think) u have to play aggressively. Can't fear being behind, b/c there are only a few hands you're behind. Middling cards like T9 hit a lot of straight draws and combo-draws.

Much more likely to be up against a combo draw than 2pair+. Like Crush says, JJ is a great straight blocker. KQ would be drawing to fewer outs (8) than they'd think (10).

In general, opponents don't like to throw away draws, so charge them to stay in the hand. Gd Luck, steve!
Chucky with all due respect I don't listen to or care about heads up theory. I was never good at that or expected to be.
Tourneys I don't have time for because when I played full time live it was roughly 60 hours a week at roughly $15/hour. So I'm like, if I bust out, I just wasted how many hours times $15.

penetrate that, but much respect to people that find +roi doing that. I don't have the patience for it.
It took me a bit to realize it, but that's why I lost interest in what they've been up to in addition to work.

That being said, very cool read and some very good points, ty.