Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=30060030'>posted</a> on 01/26/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by MinnesotaFats View Post
Wait a second....

The government unilaterally cancelling a private company's right to construct a pre approved pipeline to transport commodities from point a to point b, for which they've hired 10,000 skilled workers that now must relocate, re-train and re apply for a new vocation, that's your definition of capitalism?

Private companies don't have a right to take people's land.. None of this is possible without government intervention. New administrations have every right to carry out the will of the peope who elected them including climate action.

This is about making rich people richer, it has nothing to do with workers, the previous administration spent 4 years tearing down workers and stripping away labor rights. Get a grip.