Originally posted on 01/19/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
You just watched a video of it, yet still cant believe it

Theres a video somewhere on here of a russian kgb agent in 1984 explaining kgb tactics. His first point wasthat if you demoralize a generation of people, they wont know what to believe. He says specifically “you can tell them of russian concntration camps, show them pics, even bring them to a camp, yet they still wont believe its true”

He was talking about you. He was talking about the people in this video.

He said that almost 40 years ago and described you to a T
Or maybe he was talking about you...It seems more likely (and harrowing) than people committing the unforgivable sin of failing to properly condemn some lunatics (or pissed off folks, or people that got caught up in the moment), that he might be talking about us demoralized citizenry who can't see the all the rights govt has been taking away, the totalitarian manner of those in real power who lash and abuse if someone dares question them...Big media, Big tech, Big Corp, oppressive/ultra sensitive politicians, Communist China -- this just may be your team. Yet, some are so committed to the 'victim' narrative that they would have you believe these nuts with no power are the ones we should be afraid of, that we are missing... It's laughable. It's sad.... I am pretty sure your KGB friend would not misdiagnose this.