Originally posted on 11/12/2020:

Are you dumbf**ks still bitching about the election? Bottom Line. You guys are all a bunch of broke peons. You do not have a pot to pee in. You are a bunch of powerless people begging for attention anyplace you can get it. People like myself, who have plenty of money, have already figured out how to get around any tax hike that the F**ked up Liberals try to pass...Trump had some great ideas, but was a complete mental case who thought that the US could be run like a company. It cannot. Real Republicans are glad that he lost because it marks the beginning of the end of the Liberal Progressive wing of the Democratic Party. The Libocrats will lose the Senate and LOST seats in the House. They have to either find a way to get rid of Biden in his first term, or run Harris on a 4 year record of what is guaranteed to be lower prosperity for most Americans. If Biden leaves, the biggest fraud on the American people will come to light. The Socialist Liberal Democrats plan to get a woman of color (She is NOT Black) into the White House without having to hold an election for her. You idiots should get a life.