Originally posted on 10/21/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post

Pelosi's a genius. Timing is everything. She's going to get this "agreed to" (by Trump) and passed in the House, maybe end of this week or next week, but the Senate will take up after the election. R's will have to pass and Trump will have to sign this (basically what the Dems want) as a lame duck after he loses. And of course he only pushed for it because he thinks it helps him win. Once he doesn't, and he and/or Turdle backtrack, they will look like severe losers and liars. They will be pitted against each other. Now I know why Trump hates Pelosi so much; she's so much more clever than him.
Do you realize your political predictions are worse than brick landers sports betting?

Will you leave again when trump wins?