Originally posted on 09/19/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by goduke View Post

it feels good to get to act like a democrat on this one......

reminds me of nadler railing against the impeachment of Clit-on back in the day, only to say the exact opposite when it was trump's sham impeachment.......

hypocrisy always runs deep in politics, but the bottom line is the people elected Trump, who has the job of nominating a jurist to feel the lowly judicial activist ginsburg's shoes, AND elected a republican majority in the senate, whose job it is to act on the nomination..... elections have consequences.....

assuming rgb actually made the ignorant comment from her death bed about not having trump name her replacement, she really has it wrong, which is absurd coming from a scotus justice.....

and, if the shoe were on the other foot, chucky would be jamming a nominee up the repubs ass........

full steam ahead!!!!!!!! fuk the left........