Originally posted on 08/19/2020:

so, this descendant of slave owners who f'd her way to the top by screwing a disgusting black piece of shit cali politician (willie brown) thirty-forty years her senior is going to give a f'n speech tonight, and pundits favoring the left are saying she needs to reintroduce herself to the public, and "let them know who she really is....."

hmmm, really?

let us know she was nothin' until she started fukkin' Willie, a married womanizing fukstick older than her dad?

let us know she directly descends from slave owners (guess she better open her wallet come reparation time)?

let us know up until her sorry ass was chosen as a vp running mate, she considered Creepy Corrupt Joe a "racist segregationist?"

let us know she believes Creepy Joe's accuser, who he finger-banged/raped in the halls of the Senate, right up until she was chosen as his potential vp?

let us know she locked up low level offenders, mostly black, for smokin' weed?

what exactly in this pathetic whore's past would anyone voting democratic want us to know?

she's the type of sorry whore that can call a creep like creepy joe both a racist and a rapist, then accept the nod for being his running mate a few months later...... no true convictions, no true anything -- just a pathetic lust for power and a willingness to do anything to achieve it........

a sorrier whore was never created, perhaps aside from hiLIARy...........

may this whore rot in hell......