Originally posted on 03/27/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
Moral of the story ... stop watching CNN. You are one of the few remaining that do.
You're entire approach to EVERYTHING is beyond terrible. Let's say... a person wanted to figure out the truth about God or Religion in general. What do you think would be the best approach to do this? Read one religious book and then decide that the very first book is correct and claim that anyone that doesn't believe that book is a fool? OR, do you think a better approach would be to read as many different books about various religions as you can... as well as books about Atheism... and then decide on your own which one makes the most sense to you?

I lived in the deep south for 15 years. I can tell you what the majority of the bible thumpers do down there. They just assume that the very first religion they were taught is the correct one. But what's worse is... they don't even read their own book. They just trust/assume what they were taught when they were young is true/correct. Their intellectual laziness and lack of curiosity in general is STAGGERING. These types of people... are Trump supporters. They're not smart enough and are too intellectually lazy to realize when they are being conned.

If a person is getting ALL of their information from a single source and there are SEVERAL other sources that contradict that original source... there's a pretty good chance that your original source is not correct. This is simple probability here. You don't have don't watch CNN... but if your only source is FOX... you are simply being brainwashed. That's all there is to it.

Btw... I listen to and watch FOX regularly. I feel sorry for many of their viewers because they're just not smart enough to know when they are being lied to.