Originally posted on 03/23/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by Plaza23 View Post
I repeat...this is a FLU. Since when has any flu season had a 60% infection rate of the public?

Why don’t you prove how this is more contagious than the flu as well?
The data says the RO is at least double of the flu, and that's with a denominator that is way low. Yes, it is at least 2-3x more contagious and at least 5-10x more deadly. That multiplication is huge. Plus, no vaccine and it's novel so the body can't fight like the flu.

Thus, if we did nothing, the 20,000 to 40,000 flu deaths would be at least 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 deaths, perhaps more. If you're cool with that, then just say it. It would wipe out nursing homes. The flu doesn't do that.

And again, it isn't just the deaths. It's the sudden influx of hospitalizations that would overwhelm all hospitals.

After everything, I find it amazing that some still can't grasp it.