Originally posted on 02/11/2020:

Top TDS sufferers. January 2020.

  1. Hareeba!: polluted the forum with hundreds of George Conway and Ana Navarro tweets as usual. His ability to find the dumbest people on Twitter and post their tweets on sbr is truly remarkable. While that is reason enough to earn the top spot, Hareeballs also stated to stop the name calling while immediately calling a poster a coward. Chances are he will not make through another Trump term.
  2. vitterd: AKA "snitch bitch", had another meltdown reporting posts claiming to be spam. Despite the mods publicly correctly explaining he is incorrect, this tard decided to make up his own meaning of the word. Lying to yourself is one of the biggest symptoms of TDS. He also claimed, more than once, that impeachment wasn't partisan. Which makes him the only person to ever do so.
  3. dante1: This permanent member of the club has recently stated when referring the the Trump collusion hoax, more than once, "russian collusion was proven", which we all know is a blatant lie. Other than that, just more of the usual name calling, lying and posting fake news stories from The Raw Story.
  4. chico: just more incoherent posts. Will someone, who he hasn't blocked, tell him to renew his meds!
  5. JohnGalt: The resident bad analogy story teller bragging how many sportbooks he plays at while suggesting an SBR mod contacts these books in order to verify how great of gambler he is. As if these books will provide this info to anyone. Just another example of how TDS affects people's ability to think logically.