Originally posted on 10/22/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by L8night View Post

This is probably the biggest reason Hillary lost the election.

I am not a Hillary fan(the wife is), but this is what our country has come to when you can accuse a political opponent of wrong doing all the while knowing the info is false, Donnie and his minions have now set their sites on Biden.

Pretty sad that we are letting this happen...
You mean like the Steele dossier?

How about the dozen women who all came out at once about a month before the election to falsely accuse Trump of sexual assault? Some were decades old (the so called "incident" not the women). Trump tried to hit on a chic on a plane and 30 years later she claims he assaulted her. LOL. One women admitted to her neighbor that she made it all up to get back at Trump because he didn't want to invest in her business idea.

What about the access Hollywood tape? A private conversation between 2 guys talking about girls. Happens all the time. They held on to it and released it right before the election hoping that it would damage Trump. It didn't work because smart women and men didn't care despite the media screaming how you should.

That was just before the election. Since then, they have made up dozens more to try and prevent his reelection. Washington Compost puts out a story on inauguration day (thereabouts) essentially saying "Now The Impeachment Begins". Mueller found no collusion after 2 years just as the 3 other investigations did. Schiff said he saw evidence of collusion with his own eyes. He lied. He made up what happened with the call to Ukraine and read it to congress. He said he never spoke to the whistle blower beforehand, he lied again. This is just another hoax. It's all just more dishonestly and made up shit to convince the weak to get Trump out. It's he has exposed them for what they are.

The FBI's Strzok said he should lose 100 million to 0 and if he wins, we have a back up plan. We have all witnessed it. Mueller, whistle blower, Leaking, Impeachment, spying on Trump, McCabe, Comey, Brennan and so many more.

The media is in on it also. The Charlottesville lie, The Japanese Koi pond lie, the MLK bust lie, the Walls lie, The Muslim ban lie, Kavanaugh lie, Russia lie, whistle blower lie, the Racist lie etc etc etc. The dumbest people on TV like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, BBC, GLOBAL, CBC, and others like Wapo, NY Times, Yahoo, Vox and so many more all showing the world how dishonest they are. How unhinged they are. How journalism has fallen. They will say just about anything in an attempt to discredit Trump. They must assume that there are enough dumb people out there who will keep watching no matter what they say. Just enough so they can keep the lights on. They may be right but the layoffs and declining viewership says they are losing.

Good for Trump for continuously exposing these dirtbags.