Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=28911111'>posted</a> on 09/21/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by CWD View Post
Possible kvb sighting at 1:15

Yes, but it's a long story.

Remember the girl with deluxe Mickey D's? Turns out she can kick really hard, and high, to the head.

It also turns out that she was emptying the trunk to stuff me in it.

She wanted to know where I was hiding our money, and wanted to drive there. I wasn't about to tell her about the big bills so I just showed her my nutsack and the money hanging amongst it. Apparently it wasn't enough and in the trunk I went.

Next thing I know it's dark there's a crowd and the news is out there.

Not sure how I'm getting home or where I'm going to take my next shit. There's no infrastructure here.

By the way, I was in the trunk for hours so decided to rub one out.

Turns out you don't want to be having orgasms when it's your day to hold.

Just trust me on this one.

Thinking of going for it, they can't stop all of us...