Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=28781650'>posted</a> on 07/24/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by GUMMO77 View Post
I'm curious what people that back Trump consider MSM. What news outlets do you or people you know that support Trump consider MSM?
It has nothing to do with who you back. The MSM has grown for sure but it's really the same few sources often carrying smaller outlets that fit the viewpoint.

The MSM is the wide reaching media that include the major Networks and had even branched into the Cable networks because of how big cable grew in broadcasting.

I think the big problem, and what gave the MSM the credibility to run the campaigns like they do, is that it it began as network programming wrapped around local and then national news broadcasts. ABC, CBS, NBC and were all centered around the evening and nightly news, with late night comedy also a competition grounds. Primetime entertainment was meant to keep the viewer there and also competitive.

But now, you can close your eyes and disguise the voices, and still be able to determine what news network you are listening to, just based on what's reported and said.

It's no longer news. It's editorializing, spin, whatever you want to call it.

But they still maintain that old credibility of being a "news outlet" even if they have more competition with cable channels. In big scheme of things, Fox came later and I believe files as entertainment, not news, like the others still do.

That filing by the main Networks, to be credible news, gives them false credibility in today's environment.

And what of the primetime programming? Again, cable has added so much in competition, but studios tend to be liberal, and have take up with the anti Trump agenda.

And what of the late night comedy? Well, that's even more popular, including the cable channels drawing even more viewers who now use those shows as their news and do I really need get into the agenda adopted by nearly every comedy show on television? It's turned far away from mocking, and become political.

That alone is indicative of being MSM. So, you see, the MSM has shifted but has it's roots in the old network news outlets that garnered so much influence and credibility over generations. It now has much more corporate backing.

Ratings, though, are showing a shift. The people aren't buying it like they used to, probably because it smells and tastes so bad anymore. CNN has gone too far and even many democrats realize it.

When it comes to the actual news given to us, it's another post altogether. But let me just start by emphasizing that there are very few actual news sources...AP, Reuters, Dow Jones, etc.

When a story is run, it gets picked up and repeated across the nation in MSM newsprint, internet sites, and of course the networks. True or not, this repeating and spreading gives it credibility. When people see multiple sources, it adds credibility, even though those multiple sources got it from the same single source. This is often exploited.

Finally, other news sources, more political and fringe on both sides, have been making there way into the mainstream thanks to the internet. But it is still the MSM and it's sites that carry those smaller outlets that make it happen. Think corporate partner websites promoting other websites (i.e. "Mainstream" Yahoo relaying Huffington Post viewpoints.)