Originally posted on 06/15/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
It's simply a fact that gov's are corrupt globally. They are NOT in power to help the common man.

Socialism will induce even more bribes and corruption as businesses try to cope with being smothered.

The more gov the more corruption. The secret is less gov, less redistribution and less gov red tape.
What would make business any less corrupt than government? At least with government we have oversite & get to vote. With business it would just be control, & don't give me no shit about a Free Market. Most of you guys don't even understand what a Free Market is.

Funny how you guys want less government accept when it comes to the military to protect your interest, cops to protect your property, when you want to tell a women what to do with here body, people to clean up the mess you make (oil spills, fires, toxic sludge, chemicals in the air & water) & the biggest one of all corporate welfare & bank bailouts for when you crash the economy.

You guys are just a bunch of hypocrites who want to privatize the gains & socialize what you lose.

Government is a necessary evil

Thomas Paine