Originally posted on 03/23/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by Big Bear View Post
So first of all will software sales companies drug test?

Okay if they do which I guess is likely should I

A.) Get wizinator and hand warmer and use synthetic urine

B.) Get wizinator and use a friends piss?

Anybody ever tried this?

Here is what I’m up against lost my job in January but I am attempting to say I still work there. Going to say no you may not contact my “current” employer

But then I could give a reference of my former boss and say please and I think he would might be cool with lying for me

Why not just stop smoking weed? Bc I get irritable when I do and I’m just grumpy and in a bad mood and depressed and cant sleep

Weed makes me happy
correct for me too. I told my boss one time....listen I don't wake and bake. I don't smoke on lunch break, I smoke at night for those above reasons you mentioned.

What's the difference b/t me smoking and any other employee that goes out and gets drunk and then is hungover the next day at work. You are saying that is ok, but smoking weed isn't.

I'll make you a deal, if I'm ever high at work, you can fire me on the spot, but I'm not taking a drug test. If you drug test me, drug test the entire dealership and 75% of employees will be fired

That actually worked for me