Originally posted on 03/22/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by dante1 View Post
the great part about this is soon it won't even matter. R are outnumbered by millions right now, soon probably before a generation, they will be outnumbered by tens of millions. I guarantee it my friends.
They were saying that exact thing during the Vietnam war, verbatim.

The age-old problem for Dems is everyone starts out a Dem. Even ole Roy loved Hubert Humphrey and loved Jimmy Carter for a while.

Then people mature and go to work. They discover taxes being taken out of their check and see tards in front of them in the grocery store buying steaks with food stamps. They begin to realize their opportunity to earn the American Dream is being taken from them and given to tards to buy their vote.

As long as people work they will vote for the American Dream/ Republican. Dems will always have guys like you(tard teachers) and the hicks/vitty types(folks who are not interested in careers) but the 100+ million that are chasing the American Dream? No sir...they didn't buy the snake oil 50 years ago and they still ain't buyers.